Book Review, 2 of MANTAK CHIA'S books; SUPERSEX • View topic - Book Review, 2 of MANTAK CHIA'S books; SUPERSEX

Book Review, 2 of MANTAK CHIA'S books; SUPERSEX

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Book Review, 2 of MANTAK CHIA'S books; SUPERSEX

Postby admin_pornrev » Sat Apr 25, 2009 7:53 am

Probably 1 of the most profound books I have ever read. MANTAK CHIA "TAOIST SECRETS OF LOVE, CULTIVATING MALE SEXUAL ENERGY" ( their is also a "CULTIVATING FEMALE SEXUAL ENERGY" but I haven't read it ) and to a lesser extent the far more "westerner friendly" SEXUAL REFLEXOLOGY, ACTIVATING THE TAOIST POINTS OF LOVE".

First I must apologise, because I'm really not qualified to give a review on such amazing work's of literature, but I will try, and possibly I can describe a few parts of these books to the average man or woman on the street. Get these books and study them, parts of them should be taught in school "sex education" classes. The "Internal Orgasm", or full body orgasm, is 10 times more intense than a normal orgasm, and very easy to learn, for young people that is, the older we get and the more set in our habit patterns though, the harder it is to learn.

The Tao according to Mantak Chia, could be described as a kind of "Asian Tantra" indeed the 'Internal Orgasm" is a lot like Kundalini Yoga. Mantak take's sex to its highest levels, the spiritual side of sex, a path to enlightenment even. A man's sperm is amazing stuff, after all it makes baby's. Massive amounts of energy go into making sperm. Usually after orgasm a man feels very low on energy, as men get older, they often fall asleep after orgasm. The fact is sperm is for making baby's, by learning the internal orgasm, not only is it much more intense, and for-filling, their is no energy loss, indeed an energy gain. Powerful 'Chi" energy can be drawn up into the body, to heal sickness and bring about supreme health.

As i said the books are profound, they contain so much wisdom, and I'm just not qualified to give a fitting review. All i can do is recommend them as the most life changing, enlightening books I have ever read. And I feel they are enormously important for the correct development of our society. The "Internal Orgasm" part, which possibly is the most important fundamental part of the books, can be learnt by anyone and will greatly improve quality of life, and along with other philosophy"s promotes responsible breeding, and eliminates the need for women to take the very dangerous and harmful birth control pill.

The Taoists say that when a fool or a young man 1st hears of the Tao (really it's "Dow", Tao is just another westerner term) they will usually laugh (I did), when a man reaches middle age he knows their is much truth in it, no less. And when a man is old he knows it to be true, but it is too late to practice the art, as he has already expended all of his Chi energy.

Another term for it is "Sexual Kung Fu" and it has very close ties to Tai Chi, Qi Gong (Chi Kung) and various forms of Chinese Martial Arts, and Chinese healing.

I would recommend the westerner friendly "Sexual Reflexology" as a good starting point, as it offers a lot of invaluable exercises, and fast rewards from those exercises, for men and women, for example, penis enlargement, the safe way, they say the penis is the easiest part of the mans body to enlarge, muscle takes time, a big penis is easy in comparison. Reducing period problems, pain, excessive bleeding etc. Multiple Orgasm's for men, easy to learn, rock hard erections, how to stop premature ejaculating, easily explained and achieved. How to cum on cue, like Ron Jermeny, possibly one of porn's greatest stars, ( how to suck your own dick like Ron Jermeny? ha ha, I dont know, keep practising that yoga, ha ha )

Many thing's most people would think impossible, how to climb to sexual "plateaus", linger awhile, and then climb to even greater heights of sexual (and spiritual) ecstasy .
Actually its a shame that I am trying to encompass this subject with a few words in an amateur review, the whole subject would take 5 lifetimes to fully understand and master, that's something else I really like about it, it's put sex on a whole new level for me, something I can practice all my life and always improve on, and enjoy more and more with every passing day.

They even talk about celibacy, and the correct way to be celebrant, Unfortunately many westerner men, have celibacy forced upon them, as such, with no available partner, I was celebrant for 9 years, hardly spilling a drop of sperm. During that time, I had almost superhuman strength and energy, but I know man is not meant to live alone, man and woman are meant to be together. The Taoists mention of the alarmingly high rate of prostrate cancer in Catholic priests, because they are unaware of various exercises that keep the energy flowing in their sex organs. Indeed if you find celibacy thrust upon you and you realise that excessive masturbation, even when not spilling seed is upsetting your "Yin Yang" balance, the Taoist way of celibacy is the preferred way.

It talks of knowing when "your mind is trying to cash cheque's your body can't deliver", that is, pushing oneself too far sexually, being so "addicted' to sex that one starts to damage their body and then starts to get old. Example, when a mans testicles are warm or worse hot and damp, they are being pushed too hard, and a few weeks celibacy is usually all that is required to regain full health. Our testicles are meant to be very cool. But hey don't worry, once one has learned Internal Orgasms, to reach a state of physical exhaustion is almost impossible. It's possible to fuck all day long. Great Kings of the ancient world knew these arts in order to satisfy many hundreds of wives. Wow, they must have had a life huh?

The Tao has a very open attitude to sex, group sex is not taboo, but essentially it is all about getting out their, enjoying relationships, and finding your ideal partner, their is more than 4 billion different dick's and pussy's out their, and some are more suited to others, also of course their is many more factors to finding the perfect partner. They talk of simple thing's even, like, how you and you partner walk together, do you both walk in step? Or do you both get out of step with each other when walking. I've had little tiny Asian partners, that walk perfectly with me, even though our stride is different, and I've had partners were myself (and them) just want to scream, because walking together is so difficult.

The Tao is all about different sexual positions, most animals fuck in 1 position only. but we are much more than the animals, and many different positions fortify this fact. And raise us above the level of the animals. Also different positions, assist different parts and organs of the body. Sex can be used to heal all types of sickness.

Sex is a YIN Yang exchange of Female Male energy, it is crucial to good health. Once upon a time, in legend, apparently immortals cultivated this energy and it went directly to the heavens, were the Gods feed upon it. But now apparently we have lost the path to immortality, although, in essence it could still be attained today. And it's vaguely possible some recluses in the remote regions of the world have, and are, "virtually" immortal, they have transcended the barriers of our belief systems.

The Tao teaches of how to "draw" energy from nature, indeed most of us feel better when surrounded by a natural paradise, the powerful "life' force rubs off on us without doing anything. But Mantak talks of ways to "draw" energy from the earth, the sky, the sun, the air, water, etc.

The highest forms of Tao, that all people can definitely attain, is visualising a caldron's in the stomach and lighting the caldron's and steaming the Chi energy, and feeding off that steam. Also "packing" the "sterile cavity's' and bone marrows with Chi energy. a level I hope to reach in this life. I guess I've always been just a dabbler, not a fanatic with anything, and just the most basic principles of the Tao have keep me pleasantly occupied for the last 20 years, but yes, i must go further.

Well maybe that's enough for now, any questions are most welcome, but dont expect a qualified answer, ah sorry. Get the books and learn yourself. In the meantime I will dwell upon what else I can say about the subject, It is one of my favourite subjects, I'm just no expert, city life has taken me a little away from this path over the last 10 years. Very few people I know practice it.

Mantak’s official website is

Cheers love and peace :)
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Re: Book Review, 2 of Mantac Chia's books;

Postby admin_pornrev » Sat Apr 25, 2009 7:55 am

Hello pornrevolution,

Wow man !

I don't know what to say.

Other than very bloody interesting.

Supersex ?

Ok, I will try to look into it.

A good read,

I'm telling my friends about this site, it's beginning to look like it's going to be different.

Please hurry up and complete. And for Fuck's sake, don't go broke. The 1st 2 years of a business are always the hardest.

The people need something different and positive.

I'm behind you all the way, lets face it, membership is as "cheep as chips".

Best of luck,

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Re: Book Review, 2 of Mantac Chia's books;

Postby Blefgligoli » Mon Apr 27, 2009 10:47 am

Hello Pornrevolution,

Excellent !

To think a porn site would start talking about "Mantak Chia !"

I've read a bit of his stuff.

He's absolutely brilliant !

He's got the answers to creating a sane and sensible world.

That birth control pill is a massive cover up, it has ruined our beautiful women in the last 40 years, and turned them into Bitches.

Sexless clever Eunuchs! And they don't even know it.

That's why their is a sex tourism BOOM. That's why many MILLIONS of mid aged men are flocking overseas to find Love, Sex and Happiness.

Sex tourism is a cover up, also. Just look how hard it is to find any info about it. Only criticism.

And yet, with advertising from word of mouth alone, many many MILLIONS of men are heading to the Party Capital's of the world.

Most women of the west take the pill, that's why, bless their sexless souls, they have become a pain in the fucken ass!

Most women in Asia, and some of the 3rd World country's, DON'T take the pill. That's why they are fertile super sexy 'LBFM's" that is "Little Brown Fucking Machines".

Once you have been to Asia you will never take a white girl seriously again. And the white women who have discovered this phenomena is happening, just hate it.

Because they KNOW they have lost their power over men.

Bless their souls they were "tricked' into taking the pill, it's not their fault, don't get angry with them. GET ANGRY WITH THE DRUG COMPANY'S !

They have ruined our women. The women can't "stand by their man" any more, they think we are ALL bastard's. Sex makes them want to PUKE. We have become "the land of broken family's". And it's ALWAYS the fault of the man.

100% ALL the fault of the man, just listen to them talk, they tried so hard, yea right ! And the kids grow up without a Father, and think to themselves, my Dad was such a bastard, because Mum told me. What a tragedy!

Like really, what has changed with men in the last 40 years ? Men have always abused drugs since the dawn of time, the worst of the men even "smacked em around" yet still the woman stood by us.
NO, only one thing has changed, women took that bloody PILL, and now men are ALL bastard's.

The fact is men are trying harder than they ever tried before, men are on their hands and knee's saying "baby please don't leave me". But whatever we do it's never good enough.

Forget Terrorism, this will be the death of us, as a society, we will implode !

Really, what use has a woman for a man, if her body is "unreceptive to sperm" for 90% of her fertile life?
If we can't give them riches, their is NOTHING they need from us !

Just don't let white women get you down, and go to Asia.

Mantak Chia has the "real" answers to birth control, and responsible breeding. INTERNAL ORGASM'S, sure it's not as simple as just going to a Doctor and getting a prescription. We can be lazy "fat assed" westerners, or we can make a tiny bit of an effort to read and learn Mantak's 'sexcersises" and enjoy the good health and for-filling, totally satisfaction of "supersex".

But one thing I'm not sure of is how popular, will a porn movie be without the "cum shot"?

If we just see the man go "AHHHH" and wriggle and quiver, with no cum gushing out, as "most' women do when they cum.

Like I even prefer women who squirt, you get to see the climax in all it's glory, and I'm SURE squirter's have better orgasms than non-squirter's.

But for men, yes I have to agree, INTERNAL "FULL BODY" ORGASM'S, are easy to learn and the orgasm is ten times more intense and mind blowing. And no energy loss, I'm not tired after, it leaves me charged up like the "Energiser Bunny". I could never go back to the old way of cuming again.

Some of the women I meet, don't understand it. And I'm forever going through the big rave to explain, "like yes darling I promise you I had a fantastic orgasm, no I'm not sterile". That's the only drawback, otherwise i love it, I can "rip my dick off" all day long if i want to. Ha ha ha :lol:

And no woman can "entrap" me. I CHOOSE WHEN AND WHO I MAKE BABY'S WITH. Not them. MY CHOICE.

Good luck to you Pornrevolution,

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Re: Book Review, 2 of Mantac Chia's books;

Postby admin_pornrev » Thu May 07, 2009 7:28 pm

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