2015-05-16 09:09:44
Going to be really interesting to so how this pans out. I think odds are against Elon. The corporatocracy WILL kill him for this. I can just imagine how this would fly in my country. All Australian Governments, no matter what political party, work for the american corporations, from the top of Government right down to small local councils. Could any other Aussies see how they would feel about the population living "off grid" in the burbs? Totally self sufficient in the Citys with solar panels and this amazing battery. It's gonna be tough to push this though. Corporations and their slave Governments are robbing us blind in every way they can, they won't let us have free power without a BIG fight.
2015-05-09 06:30:35
This is very good. Elon Musk has declared war on the fossil fuel cartels. Hope he succeeds and is not killed or sent bankrupt.