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I'm stunned by her bravery and FAITH. This happened in the Philippines in 2013. So you can be sure she has a deep faith; she KNEW there is MORE to life on this planet than any of us will ever understand. This woman's body was found two days later. RIP Miss we will never forget you. MAN I can't stop crying. WHEN are the Governments of the world going to get serious about climate change??? Oil? It's gotta go! Coal has got to go, forget pumping carbon into the ground, such insanity. Nuclear has got to go! Vast forests have to be planted. We now have Hydrogen power technology, that's just plain old water, even salt water can be used, and it leaves ZERO pollution, and in fact the only emissions is moist air, which will improve our climate. Electric engines are a help but still need battery's and will leave toxic waist. A petrol motor can be converted to hydrogen for a very affordable price. There is not even any loss in power to the engine, in fact hydrogen power makes engines HIGH PERFORMANCE engines! Huge Power Plants can be run on Hydrogen. We need to give the these big company's peddling death to this good Earth, 10 years to reinvest in alternate energy technology and that's it, shut down the bullshit and switch over! The death of the world averted. In 20 years we will look back and all say "WHEW!!! We nearly blew it that time!"