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This is a disgraceful example of how fucked up my country has become. I feel sooo sorry for Lil Lupe, they must be paying her a fortune to do this, it's so degrading for her and it's clearly bad for her head too... she's totally creeped out by the old fart. The old fart tells the audience how "head stuff" has ruined his sex drive yet he and the entire studio have no respect for her boundary's. If she doesn't want to have an orgasm with the old fart hanging on to her, dominating her and giving her stupid commands to satisfy his and the studios weird fetishes, then leave her the fuck alone. The whole lot of them, Howard Stern included look like a bunch of retarded ass monkeys. She didn't orgasm, they're all fooling themselves. Everyone of them, Howard Stern included, are lying to their audience and looking like assholes. To me this is not much different to paying people to eat fresh shit straight out of somebody's asshole and turning into tv entertainment. The only person who carried herself though that show with any form of dignity is Lil Lupe, and I'd like to ask all of the others on that show to do something few Americans can ever do... => SELF REFLECT <= about their thought processes and behavior, and I think shows like this is a good reason for all Americans to do the same. The behavior in this show is just one of thousands of reasons why the whole world hates us.
I dunno. I guess we'd have to know exactly what Lupe agreed to do on the show. Like she was obviously paid to appear on this show and for all we know she might have agreed to do a lot more. There's two sides to every story guys.
The thing these assholes don't understand is Lil Lupe is a top ranking professional porn star, not a whore. Whores fuck anyone for cash, although even they have a choice. Porn stars get to choose who they fuck on camera and usually they only fuck hot men, not decrepit old men.
I always hear yankee TV talking about Howard Stern like he is some kind of rock star. Now I've seen him for the first time, and now I know he's just another asshole from usa
Yes she has a right to say no and have her personal space protected. Respect for old people is one thing but he doesn't respect her, his hands are all over her like a octopus, against her will. What an asshole.