College, Student, Students, Dorm, University, Group Sex, Doggy Style, Exhibitionist, Pussy Fucking, Blow Job...... Terrible cam work, but a FUN bunch of Teens...... Someone knocks on the door near the end of this video, and you can nearly chew on the fear in the air...... Hahaha..... They all freaked out...... Worried that a teacher had caught them :-) ........... All this teenage group sex is certainly a lot better than what my generation did as teens...... We all took drugs...... The girls were all on the Birth Control Pill at 13 years of age, so by 18 they had very little interest in sex...... To make up for the severe lack of sex in our lives, everybody consumed huge quantiys of drugs to have a good time, and avoid wanting to punch each others heads in, out of frustration............ Pity, what a waist of youth :-/ ............ I really do think that the Governments at the time, thought that drugs would be the answer to the lack of sex in our lives from the Birth Control Pill............ Secret Government Agency "GOONS" followed and spied on us, but rarely ever busted the drug dealers that unwittingly distributed Government, Mafia and CIA drugs............ I would like to hope the Government learned from this failed experment............ But NO, "safe", "enlightening" herbs like Marijuana are still illegal because it keeps so many pot smokers scared, suppressed and hiding in their homes, and the regular fines from pot busts has funded the building of great immaculate CASTLES of Court Houses in almost every town in Australia ............ Meanwhile our teens are now blowing their minds, and losing their sanity on NEW drugs, the WEIRDEST mix of dangerous chemical substances, the names of which, most of us oldies have never even heard of............ So I guess the social experiment continues :-/ |