A must see...... We had a 1 hour 40 minutes version on the site for a few years but unfortunatly our supplier deleted it...... Hardcore, Kissing, Fingering, Squirting, Asian, 69, Pussyfucking, Orgy...... Absolutely Fantastic! Ha ha ha...... When I was a young Peace Activist (and got into ALL sorts of trouble) Someone once told me "Boy, Fighting for Peace is like Fucking for Virginity"...... Well I thought about this statement for a long time, 20 years even. Then I had a BRIGHT idea. WHY NOT FUCK FOR PEACE???...... By then, of course, I had completely REJECTED the opinions getting RAMMED down my throat by sterilised, sexless, angry, nasty, bitchy, Birth Control Pill taking women of the western world, and the wimpy dickhead men who regurgitated their dribble...... I had already tried for 30 years to obey them and make em happy, before I realised that no matter what I tried to do for them, they will NEVER be happy anyway...... So now I concentrate on what is RIGHT, and also my OWN happiness...... Yea FUCK FOR PEACE!!! Instead of obeying crazy politicians and going overseas to wage war, to invade and kill people... Just FUCK instead!...... Really! It's the ULTIMATE protest!...... Thank God for the Japanese. Lets take this further, 1,000 people fucking together, 10,000 people fucking together, 100,000 people fucking together! A MILLION people fucking together!!!... Who cares what some religious nuts and stupid bloody prudes say and think!... I respect them, now it's time they respect me, and how I want to live... FUCK FOR PEACE!!! FUCK DON'T FIGHT!!! MAKE LOVE NOT WAR!!!...... Dear prudes, stop "correcting" me about what you think is right or wrong. This is what I think! And what I think, is just as important as what you think!... I respect religious nuts and anti-porn/sex nuts, now it's time they respect this nut, (me), as well. Cheers ;-)........... P.S. Of course not ALL women of the Western World are bitches. I've meet a few that are ok... But lets look at it like this.... 70% of Western women don't watch porn, right? Now of those 70%, how many are viciously opposed to porn? And of those viciously opposed to porn, how many live alone with a dog or a cat? And if any have a Husband, how many wouldn't suck his dick in a million years, no matter how much he washed it?... And you SIR, if you also live alone with a dog or a cat, well you know why, it is because they do and now you have no other choice because they prefer a dog or a cat to you...... These are the LOUD, pushy, opinionated, angry, overconfident, sexless one's guys... These are the one's changing Government policy, to YOUR disadvantage, and also to the disadvantage of the 30% of nice, quiet, loving, kind, REAL women...... We may well be at war because of these Bitchy women...... Like I keep saying, it's not their fault, they have a hormone imbalance from taking Estrogen, from taking Birth Control... BUT it's up too YOU, Joe Blow, to have some BALLS, and GENTLY but FIRMLY, stand up to them, or they will continue to ruin your world. |