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Former head of Fukushima nuclear plant dies of cancer

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Former head of Fukushima nuclear plant dies of cancer

Postby admin_pornrev » Sat Jan 17, 2015 5:35 am

Former head of Fukushima nuclear plant dies of cancer
FROM: ... ancer.html

Friday, July 12, 2013 by: Ethan A. Huff, staff writer
Tags: Fukushima, nuclear power, cancer

(NaturalNews) In an ironic twist of fate, the former head of the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power facility in eastern Japan has died, according to new reports. After battling a bout of throat cancer that emerged just months after the stricken plant was overrun by a historic tsunami and subsequent earthquake, 58-year-old Masao Yoshida died at a Tokyo hospital from a condition that many others will likely also develop in the years to come as a result of Fukushima radiation poisoning.

The Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO), which owns the facility where at least three nuclear reactors either partially or fully melted down, insists that Yoshida's cancer and eventual death were not the result of radiation poisoning from the plant. It would take at least five years, the company has claimed, for radiation from the plant to develop into full-fledged cancer.

But the circumstances surrounding the timing of Yoshida's cancer diagnosis and his work at the plant following the disaster seem to tell a different story. Unlike many other TEPCO officials, Yoshida remained onsite at the failed plant in the days and weeks following the disaster, putting himself at serious risk of developing chronic illness. According to the U.K.'s Telegraph, Yoshida led efforts to get the Fukushima plant under control following the disaster, even though aftershocks and a cascade of plant failures threatened to its undoing.

In November 2011, however, just eight months after the initial disaster occurred, Yoshida was admitted to the hospital and diagnosed with esophageal cancer. Not long after, he underwent surgery for this cancer, and subsequently developed a brain hemorrhage, which resulted in him having to have another operation nearly one year later. And less than one year after this second surgery, Yoshida died.

"Yoshida is believed to have prevented the world's worst atomic accident in 25 years after the Chernobyl catastrophe in 1986," reads an piece about Yoshida's work at the plant. "It was Yoshida's own decision to disobey HQ orders to stop using seawater to cool the reactors. Instead, he continued to do so and saved the active zones from overheating and exploding. Had he obeyed the order, the whole of north eastern Japan would possibly have been uninhabitable for decades, if not centuries."
Fukushima radiation levels high enough to have triggered Yoshida's throat cancer
In its arbitrary pronouncement that Yoshida's cancer was unrelated to Fukushima radiation, TEPCO failed to acknowledge a key aspect of the disaster -- radiation levels were unusually high as a result of all the meltdowns, melt-throughs, and explosions. Of course, TEPCO has long denied the severity of all this, so it is to be expected that the company would also deny that radiation from the plant could have been a cause of Yoshida's cancer.

But it does not take a rocket scientist to connect the dots. Being in insanely close proximity to untold levels of ionizing radiation for all those months was sure to have had an accelerated effect on Yoshida's health, not to mention the health of other onsite workers. This would explain why adults and especially children living in nearby areas of Japan are also developing cancers and other health problems at a much higher rate than normal.

"Even 70 millisieverts is 70 times the yearly dose considered 'safe' for humans," wrote one commenter on an article, referring to TEPCO's downplaying of the radiation dose received by Yoshida in the aftermath of the disaster. "This was not even a whole year. And generally TEPCO's estimates can be multiplied by 10. He was 'nuked' for sure."

Sources for this article include:
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• CSHJ • 19 minutes ago
He was told not to use "sea water" but did. I'm not going to be eating anything out of the Pacific ocean for a very long time. I've switched from my very favorite Pacific Salmon to Atlantic Salmon. He saved the north end of Japan and doomed the rest of us. Just think about it!
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LoveMiketheHealthRanger • 5 hours ago
To reply to another comment: Yes, that's ironic... The same radiation they use to "cure" you, is the same radiation (or some form of) that will kill you; and people are losing the shirts off of their backs in order to try to save themselves, when natural, sensible cures are being suppressed. How emotionally devastating to know!
It's unimaginable as to how may others are suffering now, and will soon die as a result of radiation poisoning, and the stupidity of nuclear reactor bandwagon. It's also a conspiracy that they would build them in a quake zone.
To build a nuclear reactor and not know what to do with the waste is just too hard for the brain to comprehend...
May God bless us all!!!
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Anne Dakan • 8 hours ago
Building ANY kind of Nuclear reactor and accompanying spent fuel rod storage towers in a seismic zone was monumentally stupid. Japan's topography is perfect for wind generated power. They need to de-commission those plants and start using windmills and putting Solar panels on the roofs of large buildings and get rid of nuclear power, entirely! If a Windmill topples in an earthquake or a solar panel falls over, it does a lot less damage than a nuclear meltdown! DUH!
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wiwille • 20 hours ago
"In an ironic twist of fate, the former head of the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power facility in eastern Japan has died"
How is that ironic? It's a terrible tragedy for goodness sake.
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Guest • 20 hours ago
"In an ironic twist of fate, the former head of the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power facility in eastern Japan has died"
How in the hell is that ironic? It's a terrible tragedy for goodness sake.
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leroy beetenoff • a day ago
yeah radiation treatments for breast cancer! good idea? NOT
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Robert12Disqus • a day ago
it's unfortunate they're ignoring safety while trying to convince everyone that everything is ok when it is anything but.
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Nora • a day ago
The nuclear meltdown at Fukishima was one of the cards in the Illuminati card game--it was no accident.
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chad • a day ago
Yoshida should be a hero in Japan. In the news the last few days this plant is still dumping radiation into the Pacific. They will get their Godzilla eventually.
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Robert12Disqus chad • a day ago

the part about godzilla made me chuckl...

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usaok59 • a day ago
It's not an "ironic twist of fate" it was predicable. It's not nice to fool Mother Nature, and we are doing it all the time. We'll pay the price sooner or later.
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Major Disappointment usaok59 • 9 hours ago

We have achieved the stabilization of the ozone layer. . .
at one third of its previous capability.
We still have plenty of time. . .
to suffer!

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OneWeirdTrick • a day ago
It's a shame that there is no link between esophageal cancer (which this man hand) and the slightly increased level of radiation experienced at a nuclear power plant, or this could have been an interesting story.
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Sarah J Barendse OneWeirdTrick • a day ago

SLIGHTLY increased levels? LMAO - ummmm..... and cancer of any kind at those OUTRAGEOUSLY HIGH Levels, could very well have caused it.

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osteopath1c Sarah J Barendse • 12 hours ago

he probably says slightly because a normal reacting power plant does have slightly higher levels of ambient radiation than that provided from say, standing in the sun.
Therefore, he is probably one of the countless droves of ignorant people (trying to act smart by claiming he knows about the radiation at a power plant) that never even heard of the Fukushima meltdown. They certainly didn't report it for very long... and the populace of the world certainly lacks information if not intelligence.

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Leon Sager • a day ago
I care nothing for Nuclear Power and consider it dangerous for all, but I feel this Yoshida was a good man, who knowingly put himself in harms way to prevent a total disaster for his people and perhaps for the world.
I hope the people of Japan give him the recogniton he deserves.
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CSHJ Leon Sager • 13 minutes ago

Yes and he can be recognized to put nuclear waste into the Pacific Ocean where it cannot be contained. Keep eating fish out of the Pacific and then report back to us in a few years with what kind of cancer you have.

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Warrior4Spirit Leon Sager • 17 hours ago

Germany says all of its nuclear power plants will be shut by 2022. The government invested in alternative energy that proved its merit. This is an example the U.S. could choose to follow, but it is not happening yet.

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Leon Sager Warrior4Spirit • 7 hours ago

Like Gangsters, the powers in the USA put money first and foremost over anything else and they are profiting big time with their Dirty Energy. They will do all they can to prevent Clean Energy to ever gain hold in this country until all their Dirty Energy has been sold and is no longer attainable and/or profitable.
However, if a way could be found for them to profit even more with Clean Energy, then you would see them stumble all over in order to provide that for the American people, because their first and foremost criteria has been met.

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Sally Neish • a day ago
He worked in a nuclear power station. Casr closed!
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