Australian PM Gillard stops the elderly from retiring O/seas
From the Editor:
I'm from Australia, and myself and many others here feel exactly the same. We can't stand living in our own country. We can't stand the never ending agenda to take away our rights and freedom, step by step, week after week, until we have nothing.
Wicked evil former Australian Puppet Prime Minister Juila Gillard, the worst Labor Party Prime Minister in Australia's history. Pushed though a new law to stop giving the old age pension to any Australian who retires Overseas. This is an incredibly mean spirited nasty move that only a hormone imbalanced eunuch could do to her own people. She has taken this move in response to the unprecedented mass exodus of Australians leaving Australia forever. Over 2 million Australians (almost 10 percent of the total population) live permanently Overseas and it's growing fast.
The old age pension has been the right of all Australians for over 100 years. It was a progressive law to take care of the elderly, seeing as they worked, paid tax, and contributed to the country's growth for all of their lives.
In recent years, with rising costs due to usa owned Corporations now out of control and raping resources and stealing all of Australia's wealth. The old age pension now barely pays for the most meager living expenses. Indeed Australia's aged live in poverty. So more and more were moving to 3rd world country's like Thailand, The Philippines, South America and even Europe. With the cost of living only a fraction of Western Countrys, their monthly pension was enough to let them live in some degree of comfort.
The argument the Gillard Government used to push though this heartless new law was She claimed Australia cannot afford to pay "dead money" that would no longer circulate in our country, BUT THIS IS NOT TRUE! In fact it's cheaper for Australia to allow it's aged to live overseas and keep giving them the pension because they are no longer a drain on our overburdened Health Care System.
So the truth is this is just another cozy relationship between the Puppet Australian Government and the usa Corporations, this time the legal drug company's who make over 3 Trillion dollars globally, every year. Australian Health Care has degenerated into a charade, heavily relying on usa "Big Pharma", an industry that poisons people for profit. The Australian Government heavily subsidies all medications prescribed by doctors, and provides free visits and all surgical operations, hospital care, etc. that are deemed "necessary". While on one hand free health care should be provided to all people on earth, modern medicine is outrageously over-expensive and often ineffective and the Australian taxpayers foot the bill.
The average Australian old age pensioner clocks up an enormous bill with medications and surgical operations etc., all paid for by Australian Tax payers. It is in fact cheaper for the country to pay the pension to the elderly to live overseas, because then they are responsible for their own health care, which is usually a fraction of the cost, very affordable and far better in the third world anyway, especially in places like Thailand.
PLUS there is other concessions taxpayers give the old age pensioners, free travel on public transport, discounts on their phone and power bills etc. If we allow the elderly to live overseas we don't have to pay these services as well.
ALSO paying the elderly the old age pension if they choose to live overseas is the most ethical way to go, with our elderly enjoying a much better quality of life.
In conclusion, Stopping the old age pension for Australian's who retire overseas will effectively force millions of the elderly to remain in Australia and cost taxpayers Billions of dollars. These Billions of dollars will virtually go straight from taxpayers hands and into the hands of usa Corporations and then get siphoned out of Australia.
For me, personally, my life has now been fucked by the Australian Government yet again. I've been working for 7 years to retire overseas, having that option has kept me more happy in this shit country, full of fat, bossy, moody, bitchy sterilised women all messed up from artificial hormone imbalances, who are incapable of living with a man (The fate of most mid-aged and elderly westerner men). This wonderful dream of mine to retire in the 3rd World and find a loving partner is now crushed. I won't give up, I will continue working for the next few years to make this happen but the odds are now drastically against me and most other Australians also