WARNING: HACKERS ATTACK pornrevolution, for controversial Pornrevolution.net • View topic - WARNING: HACKERS ATTACK pornrevolution, for controversial

WARNING: HACKERS ATTACK pornrevolution, for controversial

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WARNING: HACKERS ATTACK pornrevolution, for controversial

Postby admin_pornrev » Tue May 19, 2009 11:26 am

WARNING HACKERS ATTACK ! ! ! For making controversial statements, for the sake of a good life for all people.


Yes very sorry to say, but we are being attacked by professional paid HACKERS, because of our controversial comments about the western multinational owned Media, and of course our statement against the Birth Control Pill and how it is destroying the western world from the inside out, turning the west into the "land of broken family's".

Like REALLY, what ever happened to freedom of the press ? ? ?

Many experts will tell us freedom of the press disappeared a long time ago !

Like I really LOVE the saying " I may not agree with you, but I defend to the death, your right to say it"

This is the only way to have a fair and just society. Buy allowing "Freedom of speech"

If people get persecuted for speaking their mind, what sort of a society are we living in ? ? ?

But the fact is Dick has been persecuted ALL his life for speaking his mind.

Its different here to the Russia of old, if someone said something the Russian Government didn't like, back in those "old" times; "apparently", well so we are told in the west, off to Siberia you went, to work in the salt mines.

Well here in the west, we claim to be free, but if say something wrong, our whole life's just "mysteriously" fall's apart. There is no announcement that someone has stepped over the line as in the Russia of old, and intentions to ship us to a place of persecution. No in the good old west, the "dirty trick's gang" start working in the way they are most proficient, they secretly destroy peoples life's.

A powerful organisation of "dirty fighters" who are killing the world, AND giving the west Bad Karma for it.

And that is why we are falling, and the rest of the world is fast catching up and passing us.

I hear Russia is enjoying a very good economy now, and while there is still peasants there. Many Russians are getting rich and enjoying excellent quality of life. Indeed 100,000's of them now travel the world for their holidays and live in luxury.

Well, hell Dick has been a farming peasant all is life in the western world, if you saw how poor Dick had to live for over 25 years, you would be horrified, its a disgrace to the so called advanced west to see how Dick had to live as a farmer. While all his teeth dropped out, Dick could only stick a "Panadol" in the holes of his teeth to "try" to stop the pain, until they dropped out, he could NEVER afford a dentist...Dick could only afford to live in self built "humpy's" for over 25 years, Just a wire frame woven between trees and a sheet of plastic pulled over it, no walls, no sink, shower, furniture, ( 1 chair and a bed ) and a plank to prepare food on ) no fridge, no stove no toilet, he washed from a bucket and shit in a hole in the ground. And No TV, that's why he hasn't been brainwashed like all the others, Dick is a truly "free thinker" and what he thinks could save the west if they only listened, instead of fucking him up all the time.

Anyway don't worry, we have some very good computer experts on our side and every time they destroy this site, we will be back.

Yours sincerely,

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