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We are building a large collection of sex-related stuff. Anyone can have us publish their stuff, for free

Postby admin_pornrev » Sun Jul 26, 2009 5:14 am

This dentist is a GREAT man, and because he has a brain to think in his own head, instead of swallowing all the crap we are told is reality, he also speaks truths the people need to hear... He has the GUTS to stand up a speak... And no different to he can't get a website up and running... has spent 10 months trying to get online and every time we get close, ignorant people who serve the New World Order, whether they know it or not, cos most serve them though ignorance.... Keep hacking us and trashing our work.

Renegade Dentist is under construction ... available shortly. extract from

Please check back with us for the latest developments.

In the meantime, I've included an interesting note about CFLs.
Let me know what you think.
Do you think this is as absurd as I do?


CFLs also known as Compact Fluorescent Light Bulbs

What’s this got to do with dentistry?
Hang on, I’ll get there.

Our efforts to reduce fossil fuel use has lead to legislation that requires CFLs be the standard for use in any fixture. I don’t know about you but I find the light a little harsh. Sorry Thomas Edison your incandescent bulb has been replaced with a “better” one.

They will last forever. Wrong! They will have to be replaced when they are damaged or wear out. EPA say’s, “Fluorescent bulbs are also more cost effective because they last up to 10 times longer than incandescent bulbs.” Not in my experience.

There is also suppose to be energy savings of $47 per bulb. They take longer to switch on. CFLs won't work with dimmer switches or track light and can cause fires if used in them. They can interfere with radios, cordless phones, and remote controls.

The Real problems start when you want to dispose of them correctly. That’s OK since you are REQUIRED to recycle them and not dump them in your trash.

Whoops, they also contain MERCURY, that’s of concern in light of how dangerous that substance is. Now the amount contained in each bulb is “pretty small”, about 4 or 5 milligrams, which volume-wise is about the size of the period at the end of a sentence.

Here we go full circle back to dentistry again. Just one of your “silver” fillings has the same amount of MERCURY as 250+ CFL bulbs.

What makes it safe in your mouth? You’ve got 250 times as much mercury in ONE filling as a SINGLE broken light bulb.

You my friend, are a disposal problem, and should be recycled when worn out.

According to the EPA you will contaminate the ground if buried in a landfill dump and you can’t be safely incinerated without contaminating our air.

But...the mercury containing "silver" fillings are SAFE in your mouth?

Don’t you just love the wisdom of the federal government?
Makes you want to go hummmm?

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