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US govt struck deal with Mexican drug cartel in exchange for info - report

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US govt struck deal with Mexican drug cartel in exchange for info - report

Postby admin_pornrev » Mon Feb 16, 2015 12:51 pm

US govt struck deal with Mexican drug cartel in exchange for info - report

Published time: January 14, 2014 01:20
Edited time: January 15, 2014 10:45

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Reuters / Susana Vera
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Arms, Crime, Drugs, Mexico, USA, Violence

Between 2000 and 2012, the US government had a deal with Mexican drug cartel Sinaloa that allowed the group to smuggle billion of dollars of drugs in return for information on its rival cartels, according to court documents published by El Universal.

Written statements made by a Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) agent and a US Department of Justice official in US District Court of Chicago following the 2009 arrest of Jesus Vicente Zambada-Niebla - son of a Sinaloa leader Ismael “El Mayo” Zambada and the organization’s alleged “logistics coordinator" - indicate that DEA agents met with top Sinaloa officials over 50 times beginning in 2000.

"The DEA agents met with members of the cartel in Mexico to obtain information about their rivals and simultaneously built a network of informants who sign drug cooperation agreements, subject to results, to enable them to obtain future benefits, including cancellation of charges in the US," El Universal reported.

DEA agent Manuel Castanon told the court, "On March 17, 2009, I met for approximately 30 minutes in a hotel room in Mexico City with Vincente Zambada-Niebla and two other individuals — DEA agent David Herrod and a cooperating source [Sinaloa lawyer Loya Castro] with whom I had worked since 2005. ... I did all of the talking on behalf of [the] DEA."

Hours later, Mexican Marines arrested Zambada-Niebla - known as “El Vicentillo” - for trafficking billions of dollars of cocaine and heroin. Castanon and other DEA agents later visited Zambada-Niebla in prison, where he “reiterated his desire to cooperate.”

Patrick Hearn, a Justice Department prosecutor at the time, told the US District Court that, according to DEA special agent Steve Fraga, Sinaloa lawyer Castro offered information leading to a 23-ton cocaine seizure, other seizures related to "various drug trafficking organizations," and that “El Mayo” Zambada requested his son cooperate with US officials.

Zambada-Niebla’s attorney told the court that Castro negotiated a deal with US agents in the late 1990s that ensured Sinaloa would filter information on rival drug trafficking operations if the US would dismiss its case against the Sinaloa lawyer and withhold interference in Sinaloa’s trafficking actions or stop actively prosecuting Sinaloa’s top officials.

"The agents stated that this arrangement had been approved by high-ranking officials and federal prosecutors," Zambada-Niebla lawyer wrote to the court.
Upon extradition to Chicago in early 2010, Zambada-Niebla claimed he was "immune from arrest or prosecution" given his cooperation with US federal law enforcement.

El Universal, of Mexico, is the first news outlet to publish the documents. Its investigation included interviews with over 100 active and retired police officers, in addition to prisoners and experts. The DEA did not comment for the story.

The news daily reported that the US-Sinaloa relationship peaked between 2006 and 2012, as multiple cartels tightened their grip in Mexico. El Universal says it is unclear if any similar deals exist today.

The revelations follow years of allegations that Joaquin “El Chapo” Guzman, leader of Sinaloa and considered one of the world’s most powerful drug traffickers, had coordinated with US authorities.

Sinaloa has a formidable presence in the US. For example, the DEA has said the cartel supplies 80 percent of the heroin, cocaine, marijuana and methamphetamine - worth US$3 billion - that enters the Chicago area per year.

Zambada-Niebla has also alleged that Operation Fast and Furious was an agreement with the US to finance and arm Sinaloa in return for information on rivals. The gun-walking scandal, dubbed Operation Fast and Furious, involved the US Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives deliberately allowing licensed firearms dealers to sell weapons to illegal buyers. The ATF allegedly planned to track the guns to Mexican drug cartels for later arrest.

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Comments (40)

R 17.01.2014 02:24
Who brakes more laws the Gov or the people Hmm.

Ian Beddowes 16.01.2014 09:57
The CIA has long been involved in heroin trafficking fom Afghanistan, the money being used to fund its war there.

Asclepius 16.01.2014 04:17
Prohibition is a racket; anyone who disagrees is a fool, or worse.

And if you can't control your kids, then you shouldn't have had them.

Ernest Garroson 15.01.2014 15:24
This country is a Mary Franklin

Ernest Garroson 15.01.2014 15:13
Shouldn't everybody that's in prison on drug charges in the US be freed?

Nick J 15.01.2014 09:38
A similiar strategy of US Federal agencies such as the FBI, has been extremely effective in taking down the Italian Mafia. They recruited criminals such as Whitey Bulger, but...the Italian Mafia was ultimately taken down.
Their second strategy of offering criminals, murders even, a choice when caught of over 200 years in federal prison vs Immunity for cooperation and testimony has taken down whole organizations.
Not the least bit moral, but very effective. (Not speaking of alleged CIA involvement in the drug trade or opium production in Afghanistan)

Dillan Martinez 14.01.2014 18:31
Its quite ironic how corporate media makes a big deal about illegal immigration, but we're the ones making countries like Mexico a more dangerous place to live by helping the cartels. First by starting the war on drugs, thus giving the cartels a profitable business ( a business where disputes are almost always handled violently). Then we decide to help the cartels, by give them automatic weapons, and making them immune to prosecution.

amere-brush-hand 14.01.2014 17:22
HSBC bank was caught laundering about 9 billion for Mexican drug cartels. It also did business with terrorist groups. Not one bank official was arrested and jailed. Not one. Can you believe this?

Meanwhile, the fake war on drugs carries on where US prisons are stuffed with non violent drug offenders. Hundreds of thousands rot in prison for life and double life.

The 'war' is mainly targeted on poor black and Latino people who turn to drugs because there is no other way to survive. All the jobs have been outsourced, devastating the community. Horrible world.

Guy Moyssen 14.01.2014 15:47
Everybody knows in Mexico that the Sinaloa cartel is the favorite drug-trafficking mafia of DEA, CIA, DHS, FBI and their corrupt lackeys of the PRI-PAN regime... business as usual, just like the Iran-Contras scandal and the colombian cocaine exports to the US.

miguel villanueva 14.01.2014 14:50
one guy here got it right! he stated cartels started in america that is true! but the British started the drug business read the book dope incorporated its has the names of the families some are Jews which are the real gangsters!!! he he he everyone been watching to many good fellas movies or BS stories of el chapo De Sinaloa is the drug king lol! or that Arabs in Afghan caves are master minds that infiltrated the U.S defense? lol! Do any you know who started the real mafia oh its not Italians! the Jews invented mafia! the british invented the dope business! but don't take my word READ it's on the internet!!!

j.innes 14.01.2014 14:40
The DEA and all those task forces are involved in buying and selling drugs and busting the competition. They use buy money to blow up cases and wait until they are big and have cash and cars and property. They also give protection to their informants and let them sell with no harassment. The whole DEA is a racket and that is why the war on drugs is worse than lost. I imagine the NSA watches over them. If America spent more time building people up rather than destroying them then we would have it at least a bit better. Another national disgrace brought to us by our public servants.

Frank Blangeard 14.01.2014 14:23
Along with information was the DEA and the justice department also getting a share of the profits? Protection money?

Joshua 14.01.2014 14:23
Drug Cartel seems to have been created by America.
So was Al queda... In fact, I would think most of the modern day problems the world is having all links back to America and UK due to the banking systems.

Ho nestly, im just sick of the whole Government system all over the world controlling people. We dont need them.

Junior 14.01.2014 13:39
I always wondered if there were legal drug dealers.

Nero 14.01.2014 13:38
Why does America believe it can win a Global War On Terror, when it cannot even sort out the issues within its own backyard and doorstep with the War on Drugs?

Diez Sanchez 14.01.2014 13:28
Every policy relating to so called security ( war on drugs & war on terror) are being gamed by their own so called authority agents from the inside out! In other words your paying for a amplified crisis your own athortive bad guys fabricate! How is this happening? Its cuz ya have no outside oversight of so called undercover work! Dea, cia, doj, etc The big question, now that u know that your government was in cahoots with bad guys is, where is d money? & should we still have all these minority in a cage costing ya tax money 4 a crisis they created?The stats show only minority got a cage yet d ones w the moneyR free!

Chanlokie Selassie 14.01.2014 13:03
Chanlokie Selassie 14.01.2014 13:01
There's no war on drugs just elite dealers & handler's. No good guys just plenty of blow. Where's Boston George 2 narrate dis storyline

when Da movie coming out on dis one.....

Chanlokie Selassie 14.01.2014 13:01
There's no war on drugs just elite dealers & handler's. No good guys just plenty of blow. Where's Boston George 2 narrate dis storyline

NSA 14.01.2014 12:57
A similar deal was made between the former Panama dictator Manuel Noriega and President Ronald Reagan. Noriega could traffic drugs into the US in return US controlled the Panama canal.

Konrad3 14.01.2014 12:45
USA, The greatest country in the world!
There war on drugs consists of making deals with Mexican terrorists where they're allowed to smuggle in harmful drugs. God bless America! Land of the free and the American dream.

Tessa 14.01.2014 11:52
We know Eric Holder was in charge of Fast and Furious, so this goes all the way to the top. And yes sounds like treason to me. Hang them all.

MindCrazedBanjo 14.01.2014 11:32
This kind of thing was happening under Clinton as well, there all at it! this is what America is, basically a Mafia.

Christopher 14.01.2014 10:59
The US GovernMent, while helping to boost opium production in Afghanistan, running the drugs, then Fast & Furious to run guns to arm drug cartels in Mexico; Cartels that chop of arms, legs, heads and throw the body parts in the streets to terrorize society. The US GovernMent attacking the 2nd Amendment while aiming for a North American Union as law enforcement murders civilians. The US GovernMent that has children groped at airports under the guise of national security. The US GovernMent protection Monsanto and GMOs, fluoridated drinking water, vaccines with mercury vapour.
Masonic Presidents of darkness, who is next?

Regula 14.01.2014 09:31
The US fights its wars that way: it accuses everybody else of not doing enough to stop - the war on drugs, the war on terrorists, the war on the Mafia - to conceal that it either masterminded the problem itself or gets an advantage from the villain and therefore prevents any results in these wars on something.

IGuess ImOnly Edward 14.01.2014 08:40
And people wonder why Mexico sent soldiers to murder freedom fighters in Michoacan that were fighting against cartels and corruption smh #WakeUp

Gary Malachowski 14.01.2014 08:33
Gee Wolf...How about reporting this ..Oh wait....Can't...Obam a will say..."he didn't know anything about it"...???????

PK 14.01.2014 08:20
And you thought things couldn`t get any worse...
It`s corruption on EVERY level!

Alex Ramsey 14.01.2014 08:09
Good thinking America LOL ....How stupid it gets?? any brain in you lot .....LOL??

Gary Snyder 14.01.2014 05:25
If someone was able to source and verify the veracity of this report it would really blend nicely with the current Snowden/NSA reports. How about seeing this report on MSNBC in the evening!

Rak on 14.01.2014 04:36
The War on Drugs should be renamed to War for Drugs.
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