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Dating Someone Younger

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Dating Someone Younger

Postby admin_pornrev » Sat Jan 17, 2015 10:30 am

Dicks comment: Even the I Ching says "An older man takes a younger women - Great success!" ... and the I Ching also says "An older woman takes a younger man - No blame no praise". .... Food for thought huh? Just not as good is it? When men allow an older woman to take them for a permanent relationship, it's not terrible or anything, it's still ok, but just not Great success is it?



Dating Someone Younger

Can you have a relationship with someone significantly younger than yourself? The answer is yes! I know from firsthand experience: I married a woman much younger than myself - about fifteen years - and it has been one of the most delightful experiences of my life. Going out and establishing a relationship with someone younger is not for everyone, of course, but I would argue that it actually makes a lot of sense.

In fact, I think the “One Half Plus Nine” formula is actually better for most male/female relationships. This formula calculates the ideal age of a woman: you simply take half your age and add nine. So, for example, if you were 46, you would take half of your age (23) and add nine to get the ideal age of your prospective partner: 32. Of course, there is no formula for love, but generally speaking an older male will match up much better with a younger female for many, many reasons.

But there is one problem for many of us males that are starting our lives over: we have let ourselves go. Many of you are physiologically older than your biological age. In other words, you look, act and feel older than you actually are. Well, this is not fair to you or to the woman that you will meet. The bottom line is this: if you want to hang out with a younger woman, it's much easier and much more fair for both parties if you just make yourself younger!

Do you know the foods and drinks that increase erection-boosting Nitric Oxide? Check out the Peak Erectile Strength Diet where I show you how to dramatically and naturally improve your erectile strength.

If you have read my web site at all, you know that it is packed with ways to do just that. Science has shown us many ways to reverse erectile dysfunction, raise testosterone, boost energy levels, shave decade(s) off your appearance and so on. Think about it: if you'll follow what I have laid out, you can for all practical purposes, literally make yourself younger.

Imagine being able to turn back the clock, for those willing to put in a little effort, a decade or two. That is possible in every key area of your life using science and that brings about some interesting possibilites: the chance to begin a relationship with someone younger, even significantly younger, than yourself. Again, I am speaking from experience here: I started my life over with a wonderful and much younger woman and it has been just wonderful. I hope that some of you will find the same peace and happiness.

Again, I married a younger woman, in middle age mind you, and it has been the most delightful experience of my life. I never think of the age difference and I’m enjoying married life tremendously. As the years of my marriage go by, I see more and more the advantages of a significant age difference between (a healthy, fit) male and a younger female. Before we go on, I think it’s important to point out that it’s not just guys that want to go out with a younger woman; more often than not it’s the other way around as well. To understand why, let’s look at one recent survey [1] of women’s desired characteristics in a male:

1. Treating you well (98%)
2. Sense of humor (84%)
3. Smarts (72%)
4. Fantastic Lover (46%)
5. Handsome Face (45%)
6. Fit Body (22%)
7. Wealth (11%)

There items and the general order are nothing new: other surveys echo similar results. Consider the top four items on the list. (We’ll talk about the bottom three in a minute.) Those top four items are almost universally desired by women around the globe and older guys tend to excel at most or all of them. In fact, younger guys, I would argue, are almost over-tuned hormonally – they can hardly think straight. It is no secret that guys in their 20’s and early 30’s tend to be more selfish, less committed and generally relationship-ignorant. It doesn’t take the average woman long to figure this out and suddenly an older guy, with his greater maturity, mental development and often sexual experience, starts looking very attractive. Basically, an older guy can deliver just what most females are longing for.

That’s just what the statistics show by the way. For example, the above survey found that only 13% of females were “looking for a younger guy”. In other words, less than one out of every seven females wants someone younger! Another example is a recent AskMen survey [2] that found that 52% of women said that a man could be “older than me but not significantly so” contrasted with only 26% who said “he can be younger than me but not significantly so”. That’s nearly double the amount of women willing to consider an older male over a younger.
And that means that you, assuming you’ve learned a few things over the years, have a lot to offer a younger woman. Now we just need to get your biological age less than your chronological age.

By the way, there is another very practical reason to consider dating a younger woman: menopause. The average age (in a western society) for menopause is 51. But, of course, occurrence of menopause anywhere between ages 45 and 55 is quite common. Furthermore, between 20-45% of females with menopause experience a severe reduction in libido. Of course, this can create quite a dilemma as most males retain a strong libido into their 40’s, 50’s and even beyond. Many menopausal females experience mood swings, vaginal dryness and depression on top of the libido-lowering drops in estrogen, progesterone and testosterone. One can hardly blame them for a major loss of interest in sex, but, by the same token, one could hardly blame the typical male for being, well, quite frustrated.

Further complicating the issue is the fact that estrogen therapy for women is still controversial: it seems to decrease the risk of heart attack while simultaneously increasing the risk of breast cancer. So some women elect to avoid hormone replacement therapy and feel unable to improve their loss of interest in sex. (Conversely, hormone replacement therapy in men, on the other hand, has NOT been shown to increase the risk of prostate cancer.)

Of course, romance, sex and intimacy are incredibly important in a relationship, but the most important aspect is really intellectual and psychological when it gets right down to it. Communication is the most important aspects of a relationship and so what really matters is that you are intellectually and emotionally compatible. As the months go by, it is your ability to talk and laugh and share life together that will make or break the relationship. TThat is why there are experts who say that age is really one of the least important aspects of a relationship assuming that genuine communication is really occurring.

Perhaps this is one reason behind the well-known “One Half Plus Nine” formula that I mentioned above. Well, we all know that there is no formula for love, eh? Or is there? Interestingly enough, though, there is some research backing a formula like the above.

For example, one study [3] on Swedish women found that the number of offspring was maximized if the male was 6 years older than the woman. In other words, there may be “forces of nature” behind all of this as well. In fact, the researcher concluded: “Preferences for certain age characteristics of partners are reported across cultures: men prefer mates who are younger and women prefer mates older than themselves...We further find that after separation, on average, both men and women shift to a partner younger than the first.” In other words, it may actually be in our genes to seek out a younger partner, especially if it is our second or more time around.

For those of you in your late 30’s and 40’s, this is one of the questions that you must answer if you want a long term relationship with a younger woman: do you want to have children? I loved being a dad and so for me the answer is easy. But you will find that most younger women in their 20’s and 30’s want kids and so that will be a definitie issue. My own personal opinion is that kids keep you young, not the other way around. Many guys think the stress of having children is just too hard physically. Well, I think the activity and many enjoyments of having kids around is well worth it and actually improves your mind and body. Regardless, it is something you may very well have to consider.

Another very important consideration besides children is energy levels. Remember when you were younger and the night was just starting at 10:00 pm? Well, that is very common with someone younger. This is yet another reason it is so critical to implement the ideas on Peak Testosterone: you need to have as much or more energy than your partner or it will lead to many frustrations. But good clean eating, exercising and living can do wonders for you. You will be shocked at how much energy you gain as you get yourself back in shape.

I also want to show you how to knock a decade off of your appearance. This is important, because one of the big considerations in going out with a younger women is hanging out with her friends and family. They will not object to the age difference if you have a younger-than-your-age body, face and energy. (And we’ll also work on any erectile difficulties at the same time as well.)

In fact, you should probably keep in mind the 20/25 Dating Rule. This rule states that society will not approve of you going out with anyone less than 20% below or 25% above your age.

Consider my example above of a 46 year old male. 20% of 46 is 9.2 and so, according to the 20/25 Dating Rule, you’re going to get some raised eyebrows if she is under 46 – 9.2 or about 37 years of age.

But I don’t want you to worry about this, because if you’re 46, we’re going to make you look like you’re 40 or even younger. So then if you take 20% of 40, you get 8 years and 40 – 8 is 32, the very age that we calculated above with the One Half Plus Nine formula. In other words, you can date almost anyone you want if you are willing to pay the price. But you have to be willing to pay the price to gain something this valuable.&

It’s time to put yourself in Younger Woman Boot Camp! It’s time to de-age yourself. If you follow what is on Peak Testosterone, you can in three to six months achieve the following goals that will help you in dating someone younger:

1. Taken ~20 years in appearance off of your body.
2. Taken ~10 years in appearance off of your face.
3. Increased your energy levels to that of a much younger person.
4. Improved your memory and mental abilities.
5. Improved your hormone output to much more youthful levels.
6. Eliminate any erectile difficulties.

Notice that these six goals drastically help with the bottom goals on the original survey I cited: Fantastic Lover, Handsome Face and Fit Body. So the top three goals you should automatically excel at due to life experience and these three you should excel at once we put you through Peak Testosterone Boot Camp. The only thing left is wealth and hopefully you’ve picked up some of that along the way as well.

Remember: most women, especially younger women, want to be treated like queens. Younger guys usually don’t know how to do it, refuse to do it or in some cases are incapable of doing it. That’s where you come in: yyou appreciate the fact that a beautiful younger woman is a real treasure and you can actually show it.

One issue that guys can face when going out with someone younger: insecurity. You must absolutely guard against this day and night every day. This is terribly dysfunctional and will destroy what might have been a fantastic relationship. I recommend going over every day what you, as an older male bring to the table, that most younger guys cannot: commitment, experience, wisdom, financial security and even skills and endurance in the bedroom. You must never let anyone feel that you have taken advantage of anything. It’s actually quite the opposite. In fact, think of what you were like as a male ten or twenty years ago – kind of scary, eh? Now imagine what a woman has to gain by going out with a male that has his head screwed on straight for once!

The truth is that if you are not thinking of the age difference, then neither will she. And if you do not act insecure, then she will feel secure with the relationship. In fact, when you are first going out, don’t be overanxious to out with her. Don’t be slow to respond to messages but don’t be replying instantly. You have to value yourself as a “good catch” and not be desperate. If you have your act together, a younger woman will pick up on that and it will definitely be attractive. So don’t worry and let things play out the way they should.

Most of you live in industrialized societies where the population is aging. Look, for example, at these age-banded results from the 2000 census:
20s 13.6%
30s 15.4%
40s 15.1%
50s 10.9%
Others 45.0%

Notice that the 30’s and 40’s age brackets are the largest and are growing every years. Furthermore, this difference would be even more exaggerated if you subtracted out the effects of immigration. TThe point here is that a younger woman instinctually knows that she has to look for someone older because that is where the numbers lie.

So are you ready? Before you answer, keep in mind the prize: a chance to start your life over again with a beautiful and younger woman. Isn’t that worth the effort? Can’t you give up all the burgers and fries and laziness to re-gain your youth? II hope your answer is “yes, yes, yes, yes!”

By the way, I know that some people do not want to eat well. Then, all I can say is: look at it as medicine. You take medicine that you don’t like right? For example, every day I choke down pomegranate juice. I don’t like pomegranate juice, but I drink it anyway. I literally pretend as if I’m taking cough medicine or something similar. How can I do it? Because I want the results so badly: clean, smooth running arteries and veins that supply blood to my brain, my muscles and my penis.

You must consider yourself an athlete or a soldier. Normal males sit around on the couch and eat donuts and die of heart disease along with diabetes, dementia and erectile dysfunction. You, my friend, need to get to your Peak. We need you in Peak mental and physical condition. And then you’re ready!

All the best...


1) Lifetime Television Pulse Polls, Ideal Man Category, ... s-poll.asp
2) Askmen 2008 Great Male Survey, ... le_survey/
3) Biol Letter, Dec. 22, 2007, 3(6):689-691

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