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WAR ON SYRIA; 95 Percent Of ‘Syrian Rebels’ Are Foreigners

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WAR ON SYRIA; 95 Percent Of ‘Syrian Rebels’ Are Foreigners

Postby admin_pornrev » Mon Nov 10, 2014 8:19 am

WAR ON SYRIA; 95 Percent Of ‘Syrian Rebels’ (FSA) Are Foreigners; German Intelligence Report

FROM: http://deadlinelive.info/2012/10/05/war ... ce-report/

October 5, 2012 by Joel

Filed under Americas, Featured, Media, World

Yet more confirmation that the Syrian conflict is an external invasion of the country and not a civil war.

It’s been widely reported that some of the countries supplying funding, weapons, and apparently troops, are Jordan, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, and Turkey. Note, all these countries have British controlled governments.

Syrian Support Group Inc. (SSG) Director Of Government Relations (ie, terrorism lobbyist) Brian Sayers admitted in his BBC interview that their group is supplying NATO’s Free Syrian Army (FSA) terrorists with money and weapons, and that they would like to be the “single source” conduit for all support (ie, so they can direct arms elsewhere to spread the conflict, and take some money off the top for themselves). Sayers even mentions Qatar and Saudi Arabia as funding the rebels, so this is no secret.
I would second the notion given by Daoud Khairallah in the video below… this is economic warfare.

Watch the YouTube video => http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XbmczLdvZVY

2012.10.2 95% Of Syrian Rebels Not Syrians, Report (RT, youtube.com):
The Syrian crisis is a result of a coherent collective effort by a gang of foreign
states – that’s the message Syria’s foreign minister laid out for the UN General

International law professor Daoud Khairallah says that Syrians would never
inflict such vicious destruction on their homeland and the fact that foreign
fighters are involved in the war runs against the UN charter.
Tags: Brian Sayers, Daoud Khairallah, Economic Warfare, Free Syrian Army (FSA), German Intelligence (BND), Jordan, money, NATO, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Syrian Support Group (SSG), terrorism, Terrorism License, Turkey, UN, war

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1. Banoosh » FSA Rebels Massacre an Entire Christian Village in Syria » Banoosh says:
June 10, 2013 at 7:40 pm
[...] since day one of the Syrian war that began two years ago. According to German intelligence, 95 percent of the rebels aren’t even [...]

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