Soy Milk is Unhealthy
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December 14, 2006 | 28,072 views |
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I urge you to read this interesting piece from Dr. Kaayla Daniel, which describes how soybeans are "milked" to make soy milk, and transmogrified into health-harming products nobody needs.
After presoaking beans in an alkaline solution, the resulting paste is cooked in a pressure cooker, eliminating key nutrients and producing low levels of the toxin lysinoalanine.
After that, the production process becomes a matter of cleaning up the undesirable, beany taste of soy milk, either by presoaking beans beforehand with baking soda or "deodorizing" them using a process similar to refining oil. Sweeteners (raw cane crystals, barley malt or brown rice syrup) and flavorings mask any remaining "beaniness."
Sales of soy milk came to $1 billion in 2005. But soy milk drinkers might be surprised to learn that soy milk was originally considered nothing more than a step in the process of making tofu. Soy milk consumption didn't pick up until the late 1970s, when advertisers began promoting it as an energy drink.
The soy industry has long concentrated on taste rather than health, however. And since soy milk doesn't exist naturally in nature, it is, and always has been, a processed food.
Dr. Mercola's Comments:
Still on the fence about the value of soy products, even after health claims have been hugely debunked? If there's any lingering doubt in your mind, you should read this piece, written by the author of The Whole Soy Story: The Dark Side of America's Favorite Health Food Revealed.
Modern soy protein foods in no way resemble the traditional Asian soy foods, and may contain carcinogens like nitrates and lysinoalanine. Non-fermented soy products like tofu, soy milk and meatless foods made from textured vegetable protein also contain phytic acid, one of many anti-nutrients it's wise to avoid at all costs. And all of the purported "health benefits" of these products are simply untrue:
• Soy isoflavones don't prevent various forms of cancer (prostate, breast or uterine).
• Neither soy protein nor soy isoflavones are useful in limiting menopause-related symptoms.
• The jury remains out on any soy-related benefits in treating osteoporosis.
Vital Votes reader Roseann from Califon, New Jersey, says:
"Wow! And to think, I've stopped drinking cow's milk because of my inability to obtain it RAW here in New Jersey, so I've switched to SILK Organic Unsweetened Soy Milk thinking it was healthier. Having had both thyroid and breast cancer, I thought I'd be getting the Isoflavones that are supposed to prevent cancer in hopes of preventing the cancer from returning.
"I figured since it's organic and doesn't contain any GMO's, and it wasn't sweetened with any high fructose corn syrup or cane juice, that it was safe and healthier to drink. Oh well, guess I was wrong about that one. Thank you for providing this very interesting and informative article. It seems the FDA is out to kill us all eventually. They want to make us sick with the food they promote so that we will have to buy the drugs they promote.
"I am now in the process of obtaining a permit to have a barn built on my 5.5 acre property so that I can house the two Jersey cows I plan to purchase. My neighbors have already expressed concern about us having livestock here. One neighbor said she finds the deer fence that surrounds my organic vegetable garden unsightly. Ask me if I care! Once I have my own cows, I can have raw milk and cream and can make my own cheese."
Another reader, Pamela from Wilbraham, Massachusetts, comments:
"I have read Dr. Daniel's book and have found it to be an excellent resource. When I realized that soy that has been force-fed to cattle for years will not only cause them to gain large amounts of weight, but cut their life-span in half, I made an effort to give up all forms of soy. Not easy, as it is in nearly everything at the conventional supermarket.
"Out of curiosity I asked my friends who consumed tofu and soy milk and was surprised to find that they all had some form of thyroid disease, including Graves Disease, Hashimoto's Disease, and some were taking large amounts of thyroid medication. Soy also causes a big problem with flatulence, which makes me wonder why so many people think it is such a good thing.
"It is my belief that the problem with soy is only going to worsen with the new ... soybean oil, 'Vistive' produced by Monsanto. Most restaurants wanting to lower their trans fats will be found to be using this. It is genetically modified and in my opinion will cause great harm to the consumer."
And reader, Pat, weighs in from Fujinomiya, Japan:
"This is one of the ways Dr. Mercola's site has benefited me. In Japan, soy has been promoted intensively for the past ten years, far beyond its traditional levels. To avoid osteoporosis, the TV said to eat a full serving of soy three times a day, so I was doing that. (By the way, there is a myth that Japanese women don't suffer from osteoporosis. I've never seen a place with so many old women bent over nearly double with it. So, naturally, I was terrified of suffering the same fate.)
"Well, the more soy I ate, the more symptoms of menopause I had, so then I ate even more soy. I mentioned my 'early menopause' to about five doctors before one of them tested my hormones and found a severe imbalance. He told me it was stress (meaning a hard time at work).
"After reading the information on Dr. Mercola's site, I came to a different conclusion, and told the doctor. He huffed and denied that soy could be the cause. Well, a lot of problems disappeared when I stopped eating soy. Menopause is nowhere in sight.
"Recently I've heard rumors of Japan's government warning about excessive soy consumption, but the TV still promotes it. These days, I'll have some natto on occasion, but I avoid all other soy. I think GMO soy is particularly dangerous. After eating a large amount of it three years ago, I felt sick and developed water retention, which has not gone away."
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