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Why Men Fake the Big "O" (Orgasims)

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Why Men Fake the Big "O" (Orgasims)

Postby admin_pornrev » Tue Jan 05, 2010 10:12 am

Why Men Fake the Big "O"

From http://jotterofarotter.blogspot.com


Sorry, ladies, but you aren't the only one's who fake orgasms. That's right, men do it, too. It's true.

The exact percentage of men who fake orgasms varies depending on the source. The ABC News Primetime Live Poll: The American Sex Survey (2004) reported that eleven percent of men surveyed said they had faked orgasms. A study by Muehlenhard and Shippee of students at the University of Kansas (2009) found that as many as twenty-five percent of men surveyed reported that they faked orgasms on occasion. And when Elizabeth Black of AlterNet recently asked men in an online sex forum how many had faked orgasms, she received some very "fascinating" and "distressing" responses.

It turns out that men fake orgasms for many of the same reasons women do. The most common reasons for faking orgasms cited by men in Black's internet sex forum were (1) not particularly aroused or into their partner, (2) boring sex, (3) difficulties holding an erection or coming, (4) not wanting to disappoint their partner, (5) performance anxiety, and (6) fatigue.

So, it appears that plenty of men fake their way out of the sack. But how on earth can a guy even fake an orgasm? Well, I'll tell you.

Once, I was so hammered that even after 3 hours of hardcore humping I was unable to unleash my load. The sex was rough and my rod was starting to chafe, so I made an executive decision — I began moaning, pulled out, and then spit on the bitch's back. Done and done. And she was none the wiser.

So much for that double standard!

(Joke from Dick... How to you get a Rotweiler to stop humping your leg?..... Fake an Orgasim....Bah ha ha :lol: )

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Posted by DAN BERRY on 1/03/2010
LABELS: Faking Orgasms, Funny, Humor, News, Relationships, Sex
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