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Dicks reply to a jerk: Desalinated water can save the planet

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Dicks reply to a jerk: Desalinated water can save the planet

Postby admin_pornrev » Fri Sep 18, 2009 4:09 am

Eds note: We moved Dicks reply to the top of this page because the article below that inspired him to make this comment is unextraordinary to say the very least.

Dick Amateur says:
September 17, 2009 at 6:09 pm

Hi San Dan Yi,

DESAL, this is where I cannot say enough,(but I have stoped lately cos I think I’m boring people).

Alternative Powered Desalination Technology!

Ok It has some flaws at the moment but I believe if we lobby the desal gang we can eventually fix it up.

I talk about this subject more in-depth in the forum of my site, but I could ‘go on” forever.

Westeren Australia already has an alternative powered desalination plant.

Desalination technology can save the world and reverse global warming by greening up the 90% of the planets land mass, that is currently barren wasteland, then we can turn this land into small scale organic farms, giving us room for massive population growth until we perfect space travel, and learn how to colonise other planets.

If someone can think of it eventually we can do it, once mankind scoffed at science fiction authors talking about robots and “space rockets”. Who would have believed 40 years ago we would ever build a computer smaller than a house, and have a permanent space station circling the planet?. Who would have believed we would have broken the sound barrier?

Look at what science fiction writer’s are thinking up now… Travelling the speed of light, travelling though “worm holes”, “bending” space and time, travelling through time.

Yes SIR we have to get rid of our me me me, self serving mentality, only then will the human race not destroy itself like every other advanced civilisation that has ever existed (quite probably) on Earth before…. WE CAN DO IT SIR, we are on the brink of becoming something fantastic, or destroying ourselves.

Australia is a place were we can start getting serious about desal, its a HUGE land mass of superheated desert… Between 1 and 2 thirds of this land mass was once an inland sea.

"IF" what All Gore says is correct and the oceans rise between 3 to 9 meters worst case scenario in the next 20 years, well THE WORLD, THE MILITARY, and MORE should be preparing this land mass that will soon be a sea again. Digging the shipping channels no less, but much more if we can, the deeper we make it the better… Then an INCREDIBLE mass, “column” of superheated air will cool.

Then with the small farm experts in the Mekong and Bangladesh delters now providing something like 85% of the worlds rice about to go underwater, well Oz has to do the honourable thing and bring them over, and set them up, around this sea and then with desal; and thats ALL these people need, water, land and sunshine, they can grow tree food crops. and reforest the rest of this country.

These people live in harmony with the Earth… and can teach the rest of us how to live…… 20 years ago forward thinking scientist's were saying if we plant out half of Australia, we will halt the Global Warming crisis, if we plant it all out we will reverse it.

Australia should be appealing to the world to assist and in return we will settle the worlds displaced…… Show this to Australia’s GREAT PM…@KevinRuddPM on Twitter (now @KRuddMP) show this to @richardbranson of virgin on Twitter, show this to @algore.

I’m doing all I can but I cant even fill out Virgins ridiculously overcomplicated application forms……..I’m dyslexic, my brain works “back to front”, its so bloody hard just to write…….. I’ve been thinking about this for 25 years and I have answers, were everyone else says “yea but”... show everyone…….. The “yea buts” say too much power from desal, well power it alternatively, the yea buts say too much salt discharge, well the oceans are getting too fresh from the ice caps melting. and SALT differences, as well as temps are what drives the ocean currents around, and the greatest threat facing the planet is if the currents stop, WHICH, according to many forward thinking scientists could happen OVERNIGHT, at any moment!…. Throwing the world into another Ice Age….. What will happen to the precious marine organisms that opponents of desal say will die from desal tech then? When the oceans freeze over?…. Anyway now that termites are eating concrete, salt discharge can be made into building products……. Every problem has a solution, just as you say Sir, we as a civilisation have got to rise above our greed/stupidity consciousness. This is why I am prostituting myself, because how the bloody hell else am I going to get people to listen! All the best my fine friend…. sincerely yours Dick….(I feel like an impostor saying Dick, that's not my real name…one day you might know it, Cheers :-)
Dick Amateur says:
September 17, 2009 at 6:22 pm

My friend, yes if the A’holes get their way, water will be more precious than Gold….But if WE get our way, thing’s will be different…There will be HOPE :-)

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Update from Dick 14th February 2014: Extract from an article by a jerk who I once thought was a friend and just misguided when he wrote this.

Sure, quite a few of his passages below are inspiring but the main theme of his article is no different to the mainstream media propaganda. (Like all of his articles). He claims fresh water is scarce on Earth and we have to severely ration it's use and also be prepared to pay MUCH more for it. (Nice huh? Seeing as the company's killing the Earth are claiming ownership of our God given H2O and even charging us for our use of tank water collected from our own roofs (see the full length documentary "World Water Wars" here => http://www.pornrevolution.net/view.php?id=446 <= It's FREE to view and if it gets taken down it will be found again.)

The following is a post by SanDanYi from his website, I did provide a link to this article but the site is now defunct. I also had a link to his Twitter and a recommendation but he's proven himself an asshole so I removed it. In the future I may have to give you the facts as to why this "zionist, self- appointed spiritual master", New World Order literary prostitute and imposter / conman is an asshole. In short: he's a coward who promotes cia mind control spirituality and non action regarding Governments and Corporations responsible for the very serious problems facing the world.

Ed's note 18th September 2009: At the bottom of this page is Dick's reply to SanDanYi. Dicks greatest challenge is to write about very controversial topics without upsetting people. But in this article, it just flowed out of him, in a matter of minutes.

And it's "not to shabby" either Dick. Great work Mate!!!

Dick's note 14th February 2014: SanDanYi did not like it either Ed. It kinda shot down his entire mainstream media whoo haaa in flames, but it took almost five years before he complained about it, and then he was very bitchy, nasty, dishonest and slanderous about the whole issue. Again, something I may get into more one day. I don't like to bitch about people but it's probably important and necessary to write about this more.... we'll see.

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Water Soon to Become as Valuable as Gold

Written By: San Dan Yi | September 13, 2009

Water will soon become as valuable as Gold and I believe it is important to understand some cold hard facts, about this emerging planetary crisis. As a positive life change facilitator I like to inspire people to become the very best they can be as a person in order for each individual to fulfill their potential and to have command over their dreams and visions. However, we really can’t reach our potential as sentient beings until our consciousness shifts and we start living by example. Often such abrupt action will make us stand out from the crowd and others may think of us as different, but that is OK by me.

Water and Money: The wealthy are now buying up the world...The question is why?'s water reserves.

Think Like a Light Worker…

Human beings tend to think in a broader scope or on a planetary scale when they become conscious beings without self serving desires. Many light workers and people of environmental organizations already think on a larger, more panoramic scale. However, these people do not comprise the mass consciousness and it is often the reason they are initially mocked by the main stream. Let’s remember, it’s been a long tradition of the human race for only a very small percentage of people to think outside the box of their own wants, needs and desires!

Live by Example and Let your Actions Speak for Themselves…

Living by example starts when your actions, words and deeds become an extension of your belief system and your daily habits. We can’t say we are spiritual or conscious beings when our actions remain self serving and we continuously put our needs before the needs of our brethren and our planet. The very earth that we inhabit supplies us with many life sustaining commodities such as water, oxygen, food, shelter and of course unbelievable and inspiring beauty. With that said, I would like to bring to your attention the water crisis that is plaguing the world in which we live.

Cherish Every Drop of Water!

It’s a simple fact…humans can’t live without water. Knowing this truism, let’s take a look at some statistical information which demonstrates how our mindless use of consumer goods, which we feel are needed to be comfortable, adds to the impending water crisis. These pleasures are often taken for granted and consumed in large quantities without thought, yet they have a very real effect upon our quality of life and standard of living.

Most of us own at least one pair of blue jeans. Blue jeans are made of cotton which is a farm crop. Now did you know it takes 1,800 gallons of water to produce enough cotton to make just one pair of jeans! Take this fact and imagine all of the individuals around the world who own not just one pair of jeans but maybe two, four or even six pair of denims. The amount of water used to support the world wide jean industry becomes enormous.

Now let’s take a quick look at another popular consumer item…Beer! I love beer with my Italian food and I am guilty as charged of drinking my fair share of brew. However, my drinking was largely due to uninformed ignorance! I never knew it takes 1,500 gallons of water to make just one barrel (32 gallons) of beer. Now think of all the beer consumed in Germany not to mention all over the world. I am not calling for an end to Oktoberfest or a ban on beer kegs at frat parties, but I would like to bring attention to the way certain behaviors we take for granted really do put a stress on the planet and its resources.

My other guilty pleasure used to be coffee. I stopped drinking coffee several years ago for health reasons due largely to the help of a very skilled hypnotist. However, during my heavy coffee drinking days I never knew that it takes 53 gallons of water to grow the crop needed to make a single Latte. Over the years I have downed quite a few lattes and now that I know the impact a few coffee drinks have on the world’s water supply I feel blessed that I no longer have a desire to visit my local Starbucks.

I do believe in drinking lots and lots of water, but did you know it takes over 1.5 gallons of water to make the plastic in used in a single water bottle? This fact is both funny and sad at the same time. Think of how much water we could save if we just used reusable water containers!

Your Morning Latte just might put you Behind Bars…

This is where things get really crazy… Imagine a world, where a Latte is against the law, owning a pair of Blue Jeans can get you a misdemeanor charge against humanity or beer consumption is rationed. Don’t be afraid, but this is where the world is heading. At current consumption levels we will be forced to make these choices in order to maintain food crops, provide for the production of building material not to mention general hygiene requirements!

In the near future (20 years), many scientists are predicting water will be more valuable than the gold. If this is the case Fiji may have more wealth than the oil rich sheiks possess right now. So now is the time to wake up and to become informed spiritual and sentient beings. Join the elephants and camels who have survived for centuries on their reverence for water and understanding of how a balanced environment benefits everyone.

Remember ignorance may be bliss but knowledge is power. Continue the elevation of your spiritual and conscious growth by taking the time to visit the following links…

From Lettuce to Beef, What’s the Water Footprint of Your Food?


San Dan Yi
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Posted in Planet Ecology
Tags:Beer Consumption, Blue Jeans, Coffee Drinking, Denim, Environment, Green Living, Water Consumption

3 Responses to “Water Soon to Become as Valuable as Gold”

Elizabeth Condelli says:
September 15, 2009 at 2:01 pm

Thanks for giving me a different way of thinking about the use of water. So many of us think that water is for drinking, bathing, cooking and washing the car.
I will now go change all my shower heads and wash full loads of clothing. In addition, I will install a drip system for my roof top vegetable garden. As president of a homeowner association, I will encourage drought tolerant plants and drip systems throughout.
Dick Amateur says:
September 17, 2009 at 6:09 pm

Hi San Dan Yi,

DESAL, this is where I cannot say enough,(but I have stoped lately cos I think I’m boring people).

Alternative Powered Desalination Technology!

Ok It has some flaws at the moment but I believe if we lobby the desal gang we can eventually fix it up.

I talk about this subject more in-depth in the forum of my site, but I could ‘go on” forever.

Westeren Australia already has an alternative powered desalination plant.

Desalination technology can save the world and reverse global warming by greening up the 90% of the planets land mass, that is currently barren wasteland, then we can turn this land into small scale organic farms, giving us room for massive population growth until we perfect space travel, and learn how to colonise other planets.

If someone can think of it eventually we can do it, once mankind scoffed at science fiction authors talking about robots and “space rockets”. Who would have believed 40 years ago we would ever build a computer smaller than a house, and have a permanent space station circling the planet?. Who would have believed we would have broken the sound barrier?

Look at what science fiction writer’s are thinking up now… Travelling the speed of light, travelling though “worm holes”, “bending” space and time, travelling through time.

Yes SIR we have to get rid of our me me me, self serving mentality, only then will the human race not destroy itself like every other advanced civilisation that has ever existed (quite probably) on Earth before…. WE CAN DO IT SIR, we are on the brink of becoming something fantastic, or destroying ourselves.

Australia is a place were we can start getting serious about desal, its a HUGE land mass of superheated desert… Between 1 and 2 thirds of this land mass was once an inland sea.

"IF" what All Gore says is correct and the oceans rise between 3 to 9 meters worst case scenario in the next 20 years, well THE WORLD, THE MILITARY, and MORE should be preparing this land mass that will soon be a sea again. Digging the shipping channels no less, but much more if we can, the deeper we make it the better… Then an INCREDIBLE mass, “column” of superheated air will cool.

Then with the small farm experts in the Mekong and Bangladesh delters now providing something like 85% of the worlds rice about to go underwater, well Oz has to do the honourable thing and bring them over, and set them up, around this sea and then with desal; and thats ALL these people need, water, land and sunshine, they can grow tree food crops. and reforest the rest of this country.

These people live in harmony with the Earth… and can teach the rest of us how to live…… 20 years ago forward thinking scientist's were saying if we plant out half of Australia, we will halt the Global Warming crisis, if we plant it all out we will reverse it.

Australia should be appealing to the world to assist and in return we will settle the worlds displaced…… Show this to Australia’s GREAT PM…@KevinRuddPM now on Twitter ( now https://twitter.com/MrKRudd ) show this to @richardbranson https://twitter.com/richardbranson of virgin on Twitter, show this to @algore https://twitter.com/algore .

I’m doing all I can but I cant even fill out Virgins ridiculously overcomplicated application forms……..I’m dyslexic, my brain works “back to front”, its so bloody hard just to write…….. I’ve been thinking about this for 25 years and I have answers, were everyone else says “yea but”... show everyone…….. The “yea buts” say too much power from desal, well power it alternatively, the yea buts say too much salt discharge, well the oceans are getting too fresh from the ice caps melting. and SALT differences, as well as temps are what drives the ocean currents around, and the greatest threat facing the planet is if the currents stop, WHICH, according to many forward thinking scientists could happen OVERNIGHT, at any moment!…. Throwing the world into another Ice Age….. What will happen to the precious marine organisms that opponents of desal say will die from desal tech then? When the oceans freeze over?…. Anyway now that termites are eating concrete, salt discharge can be made into building products……. Every problem has a solution, just as you say Sir, we as a civilisation have got to rise above our greed/stupidity consciousness. This is why I am prostituting myself, because how the bloody hell else am I going to get people to listen! All the best my fine friend…. sincerely yours Dick….(I feel like an impostor saying Dick, that's not my real name…one day you might know it, Cheers :-)
Dick Amateur says:
September 17, 2009 at 6:22 pm

My friend, yes if the A’holes get their way, water will be more precious than Gold….But if WE get our way, thing’s will be different…There will be HOPE :-)

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San Dan Yi

My interest in esoteric studies has led me to my path as an energy healer. I specialize in emotional issues that are creating physical dis-ease in the body. Most negative thought forms, physical habits and ailments are the direct result of unresolved and or unrecognized emotional issues that are wreaking havoc on our body systems.

Healing processes can take place for all of us by creating open channels, so energy can move freely through the body and eliminate negative issues. My results are fast, concise and to the point! I also believe that if I cannot serve you then the best candidates in the holistic and alternative health fields will be recommended for you consideration.

In addition to working on your mental, physical, emotional and spiritual systems, I also utilize various principles of Feng Shui to create balanced and harmonious environments that are conducive to this healing process.


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+ doing my follow friday early because I will not be here this friday!!!! Thanks
+ @DickAmateur that was a great response to the article i wrote on http://twurl.nl/mwszhz T.Y for it. Why dont u write and article and help!
+ RT @PatrickDriessen: "Nothing is so fatiguing as the eternal hanging on of an uncompleted task!" - William James #quote
+ @nursemom90 despite the attack of the #mormons or is that morons I am doing fine how r u ?
+ @orgilljoe i was following you but then i realized ur not realized so i am unfollowing you ...#mormons
+ @orgilljoe u have been blocked work on ur unresolved mommy and daddy issues what a jerk!!!!
+ @orgilljoet he article on my site is about feng shui not history and politics #geturownsoapboxplease!!!
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