Where can I buy the mesh for a fog collector? FogQuest: Sustainable Water Solutions. Extracting water from the air. Pornrevolution.net • View topic - Where can I buy the mesh for a fog collector? FogQuest: Sustainable Water Solutions. Extracting water from the air.

Where can I buy the mesh for a fog collector? FogQuest: Sustainable Water Solutions. Extracting water from the air.

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Where can I buy the mesh for a fog collector? FogQuest: Sustainable Water Solutions. Extracting water from the air.

Postby admin_pornrev » Sun Jun 07, 2015 12:49 pm

Where can I buy the mesh for a fog collector?

FROM: http://www.fogquest.org/?page_id=9

Fog Collection Mesh. Havesting water from fog.png
Fog Collection Mesh. Havesting water from fog.png (748.77 KiB) Viewed 11343 times

FogQuest purchases the mesh that we use in Chile from a company called Marienberg. We do this because the price is reasonable, the company produces the mesh in 8 meter widths and very long lengths, and many of our applications are in Latin America. The contact information to order 35% shade coefficient Raschel mesh is:

Jorge Kleiman
Export Director
Cia. de Mallas y Plasticos
Industrial y Comercial Marienberg Ltda.
Email: jkg@marienberg.cl
Telephone: (56-2) 689 8031

We do not know of a suitable supplier in the United States or Canada. However, if you know of one that produces 35% shade coefficient, Raschel weave, u.v. protected polypropylene or polyethylene mesh, in large sizes, please let us know at info@fogquest.org. Tildenet in the United Kingdom used to make the mesh but we do not believe it is available from them now. Other sources of the mesh have had some problems of quality and durability.

Note: we use the 35% Raschel mesh in a double layer. This is important to maximize the fog collection efficiency. The particular fiber width (about 1 mm) and the specific Raschel weave are both also important in order for the collection process to be efficient. It is not possible to put up any type of plastic mesh, metal screen, imaginative three-dimensional structure, or whatever, and expect to collect large amounts of fog water. You can see pictures of the double layer of mesh on our homepage. For copies of scientific publications discussing these issues, please write to info@fogquest.org.

Will a fog collector collect rain?
Yes, a fog collector is a very good rain and drizzle collector. This is because wind-blown rain falls at an angle. A 40 m2 fog collector will collect much more rain or drizzle than falls on a 40 m2 area on the ground.

How should the fog collector array be designed?
The most experienced people in the layout of fog collectors are in FogQuest. We have gained our knowledge from both field tests and looking at the wide range of literature published over the years. This includes some older wind tunnel work looking at different arrays of fog collectors. Some of the general principles are covered in publications and in our manual. Because of the many issues involved, FogQuest always sends one of our experienced team to locate both the small Standard Fog Collectors (SFCs) and the Large Fog Collectors (LFCs) in new projects.
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