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Former CIA director: ‘We kill people based on metadata’

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Former CIA director: ‘We kill people based on metadata’

Postby admin_pornrev » Sun Apr 26, 2015 11:29 am

Former CIA director: ‘We kill people based on metadata’

FROM: ... ll-people/

Published time: May 12, 2014 18:27
Edited time: May 12, 2014 19:27

Former CIA Director Michael Hayden.png
Former CIA Director Michael Hayden.png (407.8 KiB) Viewed 7689 times

Former National Security Agency (NSA) and Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) Director Michael Hayden (Reuters/Larry Downing)

Al-Qaeda, Arms, CIA, Conflict, Drones, Hacking, Human rights, Information Technology, Intelligence, Internet, Law, Politics, Scandal, SciTech, Security, Terrorism, USA

At a recent debate concerning the National Security Agency’s bulk surveillance programs, former CIA and NSA director Michael Hayden admitted that metadata is used as the basis for killing people.

The comments were made during a debate at Johns Hopkins University, after Georgetown University Law Center professor David Cole detailed the kind of information the government can obtain simply by collecting metadata – who you call, when you call them, how long the call lasts, and how often calls between the two parties are made.

Although NSA supporters often claim such metadata collection is permissible considering the content of the call is not collected, Cole argued that is not the case, since the former general counsel of the NSA, Stewart Baker, has already stated metadata alone is more than enough to reveal vast amounts of an individual’s personal information

Writing in the New York Review of Books, Cole elaborated (you can also watch his explanation around the 14 minute mark of the embedded video):

“Of course knowing the content of a call can be crucial to establishing a particular threat. But metadata alone can provide an extremely detailed picture of a person’s most intimate associations and interests, and it’s actually much easier as a technological matter to search huge amounts of metadata than to listen to millions of phone calls. As NSA General Counsel Stewart Baker has said, 'metadata absolutely tells you everything about somebody’s life. If you have enough metadata, you don’t really need content.'

“When I quoted Baker at a recent debate at Johns Hopkins University, my opponent, General Michael Hayden, former director of the NSA and the CIA, called Baker’s comment 'absolutely correct,' and raised him one, asserting, ‘We kill people based on metadata.’”

Hayden paused after making this statement – around the 18 minute mark of the video – and then qualified it by adding, “but that’s not what we do with this metadata.”

Presumably, when Hayden emphasizes “this metadata,” he is referring to the information collected from American citizens. As RT reported in February, the US is already using metadata to select targets for drone strikes around the world. In a report for the Intercept, an unnamed drone operator – backed up by documents leaked by Edward Snowden – said the agency analyzes metadata as well as mobile-tracking technology to determine targets, without employing human intelligence to confirm a suspect’s identity.

Screenshot from YouTube user Johns Hopkins

“People get hung up that there’s a targeted list of people,” the operator said. “It’s really like we’re targeting a cell phone. We’re not going after people – we’re going after their phones, in the hopes that the person on the other end of that missile is the bad guy.”

According to Cole, the realization that the NSA is collecting such vast amounts of information has prompted action from both Democrats and Republicans in Washington. Last week, two committees in the House of Representatives recently voted unanimously to support the USA Freedom Act, which would bar the NSA from collecting metadata in bulk. The data would remain in the possession of telecommunications companies, only to be accessed by the government if it can prove reasonable suspicion to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court.

As noted by Cole, however, the bill doesn’t address all the facets of the NSA’s surveillance program. As its currently written, the Freedom Act only applies to American citizens, not foreigners who are also under surveillance, nor does it address what he termed the NSA’s “guerilla-like tactics of inserting vulnerabilities into computer software and drivers, to be exploited later to surreptitiously intercept private communications.”

As RT reported previously, the NSA designed at least two encryption tools offered by the security firm RSA – one of which was made the default option, and which allowed the NSA to easily infiltrate computer security systems.

Comments (112)

Nemo Impune 13.05.2014 06:02
No surprise at all, all expected. Everybody who watches Hollywood products, knows that it works this way. And Hollywood is so proud of the "good guys" that it doesn't even question the legitimacy of those killings. The "license to kill" is already given when you are US.

Slow Magic 13.05.2014 05:35
If cmos setting get reset computers cannot access correct meta data until the time setting have been set properly back.

Open your PC up, there is a small circle battery inside... REMOVE IT, that is how they get into your PC.

lennchma 13.05.2014 05:32
Whaaat? This is war crime! CIA should be closed immediately.

Slow Magic 13.05.2014 05:28
Well to be fair what these people are doing is totally illegal it's just a matter of people giving a hoot and stopping them.
It's only a matter of time before they all die from old age...
gotta to understand it's just that older generation they are the crazies. They have used the younger generations to develop AMAZING computer technology then they took them and made these programs.
They deserve to be locked away for what they have stolen from American youth. F them, I might just design anti meta data bots that infest the web and target meta data and delete it.

FilthyRatBastard 13.05.2014 05:24
God my English is so wouldn't believe I was born in America. God my onstar doesn't even understand my Boston accent, wish there was a spell check.

FilthyRatBastard 13.05.2014 05:20
Democracy was gone long ago...America. Just look up the The Homestead Strike when Andrew Carnegie hired the Pinkertons to fight striking workers. Or the truth behind Billy the Kid and many American "Outlaws". ..people worship many of these so called outlaws for trying to fight corparate greed. In todays we just have a bunch of loosers talking on their I-phones complaining about corparate greed right before an election and then vanish into thin air while the Government does away with campain finance laws...nothing has changed and American corparations have killed more people than anyone can imagine!

JJ 13.05.2014 04:51
"democracy" ; is at work in US here ..........
Ameri ca is gone ......

Ballance 13.05.2014 04:14
Slowly but steadily, year by year the democracy is losing its basis and hypocrisy is sneaking and eroding its founding principles. Paradoxically but fact: style and methods typical to the former communist "nomeklature&qu ot; has settle in the heads of the democratic governments. What is today's meaning of Democracy then? - Does someone know the answer?

Šibanje Napuš 13.05.2014 04:12
Perhaps someone should kill that piece of mental garbage that promotes murder -- but making sure to do it slowly, cutting its limbs and other body parts during at least a week -- as a part of metajustice?

N.B.: Just wondering. Thinking aloud about what's right and wrong. Not suggesting that anyone in particular should commit any individual and particular crime.

But not denying them that right either!

jea se 13.05.2014 04:10
quote name='Зефир' time='12.05.2014 23:50'
"I can just see This guy and Hillory and obama huddled around:
Double, double toil and trouble;
Fire burn and cauldron bubble."

Hillarious ;-)

jea se 13.05.2014 04:00
"we kill people based on metadata. hahahaha" -- disgusting snivelling SOB. He laughs showing the great pleasure he takes in killing. When he burns in he11, it will be real funny too -- hahahaha.

robert heartland 13.05.2014 03:56
Why do these creepy generals run the CIA? And in uniform as well! No separation of the government branches there! How transparent it has become America. Where the gorillas and knuckle draggers in planet of the apes run the government. Right out in the open in front of all Americans this is done! And they make these inflammatory bowel statements on camera and then say sheepishly "Oh but we don't do that here in the US! BS.

Jeff 13.05.2014 03:52
So we could get droned someday for reading this! The people running the show are twisted and people don't understand twisted. It's just a sick game with no aim at peace for our fellows. We are evolving fast, we are strong, our hearts are good, they tell us we are week and have no power, but we make this world go round! Let's be like the Mexicans and take care of it cuz our rulers will not. We are all brothers and sisters and much stronger and content this way...

Ally Hauptmann-Gurski 13.05.2014 03:47
Angela Merkel is pretty lucky then that she's still alive. Mistakes do happen but they probably have explanations on file should a mistake occur.

RichardD 13.05.2014 03:24
A death sentence without even knowing what was said, a massive injustice.

SMERSH 13.05.2014 03:22
Former CIA director: ‘We kill people based on metadata’

Yes, but now the goat herders are all throwing their sim cards into a hat to be redistributed randomly.

IllyaK 13.05.2014 03:18
I kill people based on their involvement with NSA.

JJ 13.05.2014 03:13
Not just a war monger US but also a serial killer ..... 13.05.2014 02:41
"we kill people based on meta-data" is an over reaction. The real issue is that privet industry has more power than our government. That is not good. As an American I am concerned of the power pull that some American industry has. Any one entity either government or industry with too much power must be kept in check. I am fortunate to live in a country that has the capability. However, with a brainwash populace we have defaulted to handing over power.

snidelaw 13.05.2014 02:40
It's strange how my admonishment of rt got through there. Makes you think someone other than rt has a little more power over this site than you might expect. What a shame.

snidelaw 13.05.2014 02:34
Why the censorship rt? Something smells dirty and rotten here. I' feel let down with this re capture sol message I'm treated to so much. To fight in a few words is all us debtors can do. What's the story then?

Sean 13.05.2014 02:24
This is really just vigilantism by a state who falsely claims to respect international and domestic laws...

Montana Tony Vargas 13.05.2014 02:15
There killing everyone with gases oil microwaves , laser beams, frequencyS, and chips , pay more attention Americans.....chemtr ails.....

Robert Elliot 13.05.2014 01:19
They are killing people who may have just said something against the US gov - probably milder than most Americans say almost every day. And they have a thousand more reasons to feel that way. So outrageous.

Kevin Hutchinson 13.05.2014 01:13
How is the US assassination program (via drones) not itself terrorism? It seems entirely hypocritical to claim to be a free and civil society based on the rule of law (e.g. Habeas corpus) yet to prosecute a targeted killing program around the world (Yemen, Pakistan, etc).

Mark Bradley 13.05.2014 00:51
So here we have it -straight from the horses a$$es mouth " we kill based on metadata "...So all the " its only meta data " excuses are the insidious lies observant persons have always claimed.

wilson 13.05.2014 00:16
Nirbijan Lastone 13.05.2014 00:11

It IS absolutely psychotic.But who dare to change that with Patriot Act in action ?

Y eah, Even Secretary of United States of America Mr. John Kerry has to be prepared to face the "wrath of God." ;)

Dan Faster 13.05.2014 00:13
Yur sure look like a NAZI to me

RichardD 13.05.2014 00:12
[quote name='Juanita' time='12.05.2014 23:00']
search for : 'Complete 911 Timeline' on historycommons. Org

[/quote ]

See Dr. Judy Wood's work on the directed energy weaponry used to take down the WTC:

Where did the towers go?

Nirbijan Lastone 13.05.2014 00:11
Dan Faster 12.05.2014 23:48
To the public
Do you understand how pyschotic this statement is. Do you and can you recognise it?
Former CIA director: ‘We kill people based on metadata’

It IS absolutely psychotic.But who dare to change that with Patriot Act in action ?

Зефир 13.05.2014 00:11
paul Floody 13.05.2014 00:02
Do they ever tire of endless killing. From drone operator to C.I.A director ,I don't know how they will look back on their lives as their grandchildren are being scrutinised by a computer and killed by a Chinese drone that sees them as a threat.

No Death is profit to them, until the dollar dies. do your part to make that happen.

SCOTT WILLIAMS 13.05.2014 00:10
WOW! He told the truth, an American politico! A true miracle straight out of Heaven Thank You God...AMEN!

wilson 13.05.2014 00:10
Зефир 12.05.2014 23:59

No excuse me, they're done , and so are you!

I am not associated with them. I wish. ;)

Richard 13.05.2014 00:04
Megadeth 12.05.2014 23:39

App arently my government hasn't been doing a good job because it's apparent you need a Hellfire shot through your front door. Hopefully via a drone

P.S. Megadeth is so 1970's perhaps you might opt for another irrelevant band name........ say the B52's or something. Nah, your definitely a violent fems kind of guy....... ; )

killer frames 13.05.2014 00:03
Puts new meaning behind AT&Ts old tagline 'reach out, reach out and touch someone....'

paul Floody 13.05.2014 00:02
Do they ever tire of endless killing. From drone operator to C.I.A director ,I don't know how they will look back on their lives as their grandchildren are being scrutinised by a computer and killed by a Chinese drone that sees them as a threat.

Зефир 12.05.2014 23:59
wilson 12.05.2014 23:57

Ye ah, CIA & Federal Reserve is above the law. If you question that, you are done. ;)

No excuse me, they're done , and so are you!

Richard 12.05.2014 23:57
Megadeth 12.05.2014 23:39

App arently my government hasn't been doing a good job because it's apparent you need a Hellfire shot through your front door. Hopefully via a drone

My,My,My, Mr. Bomb Iran is at it again. Let me guess moomy put you up for adoption when you were just a retarded child............ : )

wilson 12.05.2014 23:57
Nirbijan Lastone 12.05.2014 23:52

Ya p. There is just one small problem. Americans are allowed to talk as much as they want, but not allowed to change anyhing or make their ow decisions about theeir country. Like hidden dictatorship of NSA/CIA
Even president is no allowed to know the whole truth about their operations and budget

Ye ah, CIA & Federal Reserve is above the law. If you question that, you are done. ;)

Nirbijan Lastone 12.05.2014 23:52
Kenneth Vest 12.05.2014 23:43
Both distinguished panelist asserted that we must give up privacy for security....that's all I needed to know. I guess neither respected the advice of Thomas Paine, nor care to. An

Ya p. There is just one small problem. Americans are allowed to talk as much as they want, but not allowed to change anyhing or make their ow decisions about theeir country. Like hidden dictatorship of NSA/CIA
Even president is no allowed to know the whole truth about their operations and budget

Зефир 12.05.2014 23:50
I can just see This guy and Hillory and obama huddled around:
Double, double toil and trouble;
Fire burn and cauldron bubble.

Dan Faster 12.05.2014 23:48
To the public
Do you understand how pyschotic this statement is. Do you and can you recognise it?
Former CIA director: ‘We kill people based on metadata’

Dan Faster 12.05.2014 23:46
Megadeth 12.05.2014 23:39
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Former CIA director ‘We kill people based on metadata’ Conti

Postby admin_pornrev » Sun Apr 26, 2015 11:30 am

Apparently my government hasn't been doing a good job because it's apparent you need a Hellfire shot through your front door. Hopefully via a drone

I’m pretty confident our short recorded history of religion takes the prize of massive killings torture rape murder and genocides.
I am serious!

Kenneth Vest 12.05.2014 23:43
Both distinguished panelist asserted that we must give up privacy for security....that's all I needed to know. I guess neither respected the advice of Thomas Paine, nor care to. An American should under no circumstances have to give up their rights or privacy in the name of ANYTHING ! As long as they use this lame excuse there will be more Eric's and Bradley's... Guaranteed !

Nirbijan Lastone 12.05.2014 23:43
So you call 2 times to Russia from NY o the third call you shot to head by unknown invisible man..
Nice nazi state US tutned into. Hitler nd Josef Stalin are applauding a good student

Nirbijan Lastone 12.05.2014 23:39
Nice picture. Dr Evil in flesh

Megadeth 12.05.2014 23:39
RockyRacoon 12.05.2014 23:01
What Millions did Stalin kill after ww2 tell us about it you scumbag. Where is your evidence? NO one has killed more people on this planet than the American government PERIOD! And soon they will be pointing their drones at you and killing you. America Come to Jesus and Clean YOUR HOUSE. It has been corrupted by EVIL duplicity and hypocrisy what Jesus hated most in the world was YOUR GOV CAN KILL !

A pparently my government hasn't been doing a good job because it's apparent you need a Hellfire shot through your front door. Hopefully via a drone

pedropt 12.05.2014 23:32
this debate is funny , the CIA director saying that 95% of the information that snowden revealed was targeting foreign countries .
So , if is that way , then why NSA is intercepting packages to implant their backdoors on the networks .
Packages = computer motherboards , network cards , network , switches , firewalls , hubs , etc .....
He his giving a excuse to say : " We are protecting you and not looking directly to your hard drive"
NSA have people dedicated in exploitation of the common software you use online in order to get in your system without you notice it .

Emmett 12.05.2014 23:14
Björn Holm 12.05.2014 21:58

US military is dangerous, always eager on sacrifice lives on pointless conflicts.

It's corrupt US politicians who are most dangerous. They have been bought and paid for by the shadow government (federal reserve banks) and enact laws to carry out their orders and use US military to do so when needed.

US gov't has always been in the business of killing, they just did it secretly. Now they're openly kill and admit it. I don't know if this shows how far Americans have fallen in terms of morality or how successfully they've been brainwashed.

Chris S 12.05.2014 23:07
This guy gives Mr. Egghead a bad name… .hot idea, lets see if his metadata checks out, no… .you loose eggy!

RockyRacoon 12.05.2014 23:01
What Millions did Stalin kill after ww2 tell us about it you scumbag. Where is your evidence? NO one has killed more people on this planet than the American government PERIOD! And soon they will be pointing their drones at you and killing you. America Come to Jesus and Clean YOUR HOUSE. It has been corrupted by EVIL duplicity and hypocrisy what Jesus hated most in the world was HYPOCRISY! Jail the BANKSTERS JAIL THE WAR CRIMINALS DO IT NOW BEFORE IT IS TO LATE. YOUR GOV CAN KILL YOU WITHOUT A TRIAL AND YOU WONT BE ANY GOOD THEN EVEN IF YOU AREN"T MUCH GOOD NOW!

Juanita 12.05.2014 23:00
RichardD 12.05.2014 22:39
The whole war on terror, the 911 false flag attacks, to Afghanistan, Iraq, the Arab spring, and everything else .

search for : 'Complete 911 Timeline' on historycommons. Org

Arthur 12.05.2014 23:00
Seems like they kill people based on their ideologies and stop people before they would protest.

RockyRacoon 12.05.2014 22:54
This has to stay in the news and go viral. The drones kill maybe 2% terrorists they are so wrong this is murder advanced technological murder it is as bad as Hitlers industrial murder WORSE as we have been here before and the world say NO. American people you MUST STOP YOUR GOVERNMENT NOW THEY ARE COLD BLOODED MURDERERS and American people are not IMMUNE. Obama has power to kill American's without a TRIAL this is happening in America NO ONE WOULD IMAGINE IT POSSIBLE BUT IT HAS ALREADY HAPPENED. Hayden blew it. Maybe on purpose subconsciously GUILTY AS CHARGED YOU MURDERER!

wilson 12.05.2014 22:50
LisaAgnes 12.05.2014 19:53
You don't seem able or willing to fight this evil in an active way. You are way too in bed with it because it gives you so many tasty goodies. Putin does seem able to fight and seems like he (and his people) can do without the tasty goodies if they need to. This is one reason why I like him so much.

Yeah, he is the only leader with a 100% sorvreigh country behind him.

DrazaM 12.05.2014 22:50
Bohdan Chmielnicki 12.05.2014 22:24
How about milions lost lives after ww2 during Stalin era?

Yeah Iosif Vissarionovich Stalin kill more than ( one seal is killed ) entire population of Rudolf Island which is estimated ( acc to Western experts ) at 300 Bn.
Columbo is first discovered America. Wait a minute, that was Chinese empire and they use that discovery for trade. What was after Columbo....

Deyanira Alcaraz Guerra 12.05.2014 22:50
And Tell me... Where do the Children Play? ... And Where have All the Young Man gone? Right Right Now?....

wilson 12.05.2014 22:43
Taras Bulba 12.05.2014 22:28
I am metadata.

Yo u are metadata.

Denis19 12.05.2014 22:42
So if someone does not use Internet service, or any social media, email communications and cell phones. When that person passes through US customs and nothing shows up on his profile. He will be in danger because they no nothing of that person.

Doe s it make sense. if they know your profile then they can assets you, if they no nothing about you then you become a suspect.

Juanita 12.05.2014 22:42
Bohdan Chmielnicki 12.05.2014 22:24
How about milions lost lives after ww2 during Stalin era?

Similar as about hundreds of milions lost lives during imperialist's colonialism era. More about Stalin at one-evil. Org

RichardD 12.05.2014 22:39
The whole war on terror, the 911 false flag attacks, to Afghanistan, Iraq, the Arab spring, and everything else is a total scam created by the NATO neocons to justify their perpetual war, military industrial global hegemony project. It's completely criminal, a violation of both domestic and international law. These people are responsible for not only mass murder, but much of the poverty and deprivation on this planet. There needs to be a purge of these fanatical extremists from NATO and the member governments, and they need to be replaced with people who will do their jobs properly in a moral responsible manner.

Trakr 12.05.2014 22:32
That is why homo sapiens (too much hope in the name) will go extinct soon: too smart for our own good and too stupid to see that. I think even the blind can see we're at the final stege though.
Did you know:
Arround 75 or 70 million years ago a dinosaur appeared on Earth (this is not a joke, you can find out..) - walking on two feet, about 1.80m, arround 65 kg, big cranial capacity (if you see a pic of it, it looks actually a lot like one of these popular alien photos..), meat eater/hunter. Then arround 65 million years ago.. big Boom and no dinosaurs. ..Could that be the past they'll be studing in 65 million years?..

Taras Bulba 12.05.2014 22:28
I am metadata.

Bohdan Chmielnicki 12.05.2014 22:24
How about milions lost lives after ww2 during Stalin era?

Hitlery Clinton 12.05.2014 22:23
When my little girl is born, I will call her Metadata. If it's a boy, he will be Drone. I would certainly refrain from calling my child Adolf, for historical reasons.
War Is Peace Freedom is Slavery Ignorance is Strength

Comrade23 12.05.2014 22:17
LisaAgnes 12.05.2014 22:00
Hence the interest in Russia: are things different in other parts of the world? Is 'that which has been after me', something that is particular to the USA and some of its allies? It is starting to seem to me that this is the case. Hence my interest in Russia.

LisaAgnes i read your latest posts and it's very interesting what you write.

Plea se keep an open mind as you do now and i don't mean being pro Russian or something, that's your choice if it is.

If there's more people like you there's still hope for the US.

Kind and warm regards.

Hitlery Clinton 12.05.2014 22:16
Every time I read or watch about America, I cannot shake off the feeling that I am revisiting George Orwell's immortal masterpiece "1984." I mean things like "Big Brother Is Watching You," "Four Legs Good -- Two Legs Bad," "Ministry of Peace," "Ministry of Love, to name but a few. Creepy, isn't it? This does not bode well for the formely great country.
By the way, America's problems are not terrorists. It is rather dramatic climate change, the dollar decline, crumbling infrastructure, obesity, anti-White Protestant demographics, the loss of soft power, etc.
War is Peace Freedom is Slavery Ignorance is Strength 12.05.2014 22:02
Templar Knight 12.05.2014 20:03

Rus sia does not kill people allover the world in the name of "democracy" ; ;. The fact that you are allowed to talk about it does not make it right. The USA has a very bad record when it comes to human rights, international law and war crimes. It amazes me that nobody has the guts to prosecute them.

Russia paid a huge price - 27 million people died fighting fascists during WW2 - not to appreciate the value of the human life.

LisaAgnes 12.05.2014 22:00
Hence the interest in Russia: are things different in other parts of the world? Is 'that which has been after me', something that is particular to the USA and some of its allies? It is starting to seem to me that this is the case. Hence my interest in Russia.

LisaAgnes 12.05.2014 21:58

I don't have to be pro-Russian, but I am. In the past twenty years I have come to the conclusion that for me as a person, there are things within American society that will treat me only with contempt. I don't see these things in Russian society. Russia seems to have a deep well of spirituality that I am beginning to feel and to sense; this is missing in America. Russia isn't all about money. America is, above everything else, all about money. After coming to the conclusion that I don't belong in America and that it is not a friendly land for me, I am wondering where I do belong.

Björn Holm 12.05.2014 21:58
Will the US ever learn anything from Russia?????
Puti n is a good leader, He don`t behave like a restless kid.

US military is dangerous, always eager on sacrifice lives on pointless conflicts.

LisaAgnes 12.05.2014 21:54
@Max Del Chantha

I don't think Putin is a puppeteer. I think he is fighting against the puppeteers. He grew up in completely different culture than did I, one that did not emphasize money above all else. I have read his speeches and other stuff he has written. I have watched him. He is consistent and does what he says he will do; despite the spin the American press puts on things, he doesn't lie. There are many things that attest to him being real; I like this. I guess I yearn for the good king, and he is the closest thing the world has to that at this point in time. I like and admire the man.

far far 12.05.2014 21:42
LisaAgnes 12.05.2014 19:46

Th e damage is real. I realize this more than you know.

I am not claiming that RT deleted my posts, just that someone did. I have never believed RT guilty of this, but I do believe that someone is deleting posts - probably someone on the American side.

they are too advanced and spooky.
all tech companies operate under them.
so yes everything is possible.

t here is no law or constitution or bill of rights or declaration of independence for them.

josmarten 12.05.2014 21:14
In my opinion, the key issue is that the NSA Private Contractors doing the actual hacking control all databases, as was confirmed in House Hearings in 2013, and these Private Contractors are owned by large Hedge Funds, so someone must Investigate potential insider trading, because it's all about the money ! This private information is very, very valuable, it's the trades !

Jeff Jones 12.05.2014 21:12
Talk about an evil looking dude

Jeff Jackson 12.05.2014 20:37
hayden seems very nervous ........ why is that?

Durandus von Meissen 12.05.2014 20:35
This is the American Political Culture, staffed by elite power brokers and other nihilists, admitting that America now resorts to Political Assassination as a tool in its arsenal of the "war of terror" itself inspired and promoted across the Globe.

Firs t you enrage your Enemy. Then you use your enemies rage to demonize them as monsters. Then you justify murdering them, assassinating them, precisely because they are 'monsters'.

"Chao s to Control. Come in, Control." ~Get Smart

Max Del Chantha 12.05.2014 20:07
LisaAgnes 12.05.2014 19:53
You don't seem able or willing to fight this evil in an active way. You are way too in bed with it because it gives you so many tasty goodies. Putin does seem able to fight and seems like he (and his people) can do without the tasty goodies if they need to. This is one reason why I like him so much.

if you genuinely think any puppeteer figurehead like Putin, Obama, or any of the rest give a f---k about you or any of their people besides the ones that pay/fight to maintain their lifestyle and interests then i recommend you open your eyes. no gods, no masters

pj 12.05.2014 20:07
This is the Satanists slowly and in a controlled manner self-exposing themselfs.

Carroll Quigley, a Satanist and Bill Clinton mentor, spoke and wrote about this. They can no longer maintain the illusion of freedom so it is best to start being honest about it.

Ness 12.05.2014 20:04
Lisa, you do not have to be pro-Russian to be anti war and senseless murder. You do not have to defend Putin to defend what is right. Russia as a country is behaving in a very adult, careful, intelligent and wise way. let us hope it does not lose its patience with the morons in the West.

Dave Kim 12.05.2014 20:04
The whole world woke up in Golf Land's Freaking Stupid Fourth Reich. There is no gravity, there is no electric charge, it's all light/spin/structure /magnetism/wholeness . The apple falling on Newton's head, Franklin's kite capturing electricity, Einstein's "gravity" are all fairy tales engineered to raise a robot slave race. Get Homo Capensis. Homo Capensis, Homo Capensis, Homo Capensis.

Templar Knight 12.05.2014 20:03
tony 12.05.2014 18:56
I would like to see a similar debate held at Moscow State University with the head of the FSB and Russian dissidents and even the girl's group! It will never happen

Russia does not kill people allover the world in the name of "democracy" ;. The fact that you are allowed to talk about it does not make it right. The USA has a very bad record when it comes to human rights, international law and war crimes. It amazes me that nobody has the guts to prosecute them.

george smith 12.05.2014 19:58
The FACE OF EVIL. The face of the DEVIL.
They slaughter Women- Children-Men-Animals willy nilly for "INTERESTS.
THAT MEANS they will take whatever they want or else.

Martin Rupp 12.05.2014 19:56
Eight-legs CIA freaks

LisaAgnes 12.05.2014 19:53
You don't seem able or willing to fight this evil in an active way. You are way too in bed with it because it gives you so many tasty goodies. Putin does seem able to fight and seems like he (and his people) can do without the tasty goodies if they need to. This is one reason why I like him so much.

LisaAgnes 12.05.2014 19:52
It means not letting the evil run wild, cutting into pieces anything that gets in its way, or making huge monstrosities of lies in which innocent people get entangled and have their lives ruined.

LisaAgnes 12.05.2014 19:50
You accuse Vladimir Putin of doing something like this - but the reality is as I see it, that he is concerned with *protecting* those passion centers, not destroying them. This is the difference between him and you. Protection takes some positive actions. It takes rules, and it takes enforcement of those rules.

LisaAgnes 12.05.2014 19:46
Ness 12.05.2014 19:42
"I am beginning to think that America is all about nothing but nonsense. "

Murd erous instincts are nonsense? What they TOLD you all your life was nonsense, Lisa, but the damage USA does is very real.

Btw, RT does not delete posts unless they are in a language other than English or if you have posted a link.

Th e damage is real. I realize this more than you know.

I am not claiming that RT deleted my posts, just that someone did. I have never believed RT guilty of this, but I do believe that someone is deleting posts - probably someone on the American side.

LisaAgnes 12.05.2014 19:44
By the way, whatever it is that you are in bed with will kill all discussion, freedom of the press, and intellectual activity in this nation of America. It has already been working on mutilating the passion centers for these things for quite a while... what happened to me was a part of that. This is evident these days due to the complete and utter lack of any kind of dissent or questioning of what is going on in Ukraine by the American press these days. Is this what you want, a country that has been castrated and made like cows without anyone even realizing it was happening? It is what you are getting.

Ness 12.05.2014 19:42
"I am beginning to think that America is all about nothing but nonsense. "

Murd erous instincts are nonsense? What they TOLD you all your life was nonsense, Lisa, but the damage USA does is very real.

Btw, RT does not delete posts unless they are in a language other than English or if you have posted a link.

No 12.05.2014 19:41
That photo--does he resemble Mr. clean? Or Callou?

Tessa 12.05.2014 19:39
As they can not give a legitimate reason for why they need this meta data. And as they in the documents have referred to citizens as adversaries. Does anyone still believe that this is about "terrorists&quo t; and not about going against citizens at some point? maybe the information will be used to track down the people that do not allow themselves to be herded into those FEMA camps. You know camp FEMA that is there to help us but just happens to have barbed wire all around it.

LisaAgnes 12.05.2014 19:39
I know that you read these pages and my comments here will reach you much more quickly than if I tried (in vain) to get through to you through 'appropriate' channels. I would just be dismissed as 'crazy'. Again.

LisaAgnes 12.05.2014 19:38
I am beginning to think that America is all about nothing but nonsense. This did not just happen yesterday; it took 20 years of being beaten up to make it happen. Did you think I was some sort of 'deep Russian plant', CIA, like someone on Forbes insinuated today? Is this the reason for the abuse and the lies? Or did you know I was innocent, you just 'wanted to make sure I was neutralized before I could become a problem'? Sick stuff.

Dennis M. Barker Jr. 12.05.2014 19:36
The government of the United States is a government that is going to fall and I will bring it down by any means that I have.

LisaAgnes 12.05.2014 19:32
My comments here seem to have disappeared.

far far 12.05.2014 19:28
We cannot expect that everyone, to use the phrase of a decade ago, will “talk sense to the American people.” But we can hope that fewer people will listen to nonsense. And the notion that this Nation is headed for defeat through deficit, or that strength is but a matter of slogans, is nothing but just plain nonsense.


Wilbert Haas 12.05.2014 19:20
Watch the documentary "Dirty Wars: The World Is a Battlefield", it will give you an inportant insight.

Victor Daryl Tatum 12.05.2014 19:20
[quote name='Delete This Comment' time='12.05.2014 19:13']

Usu ally, if they're Black, Mexican, Puerto Rican, or a towel head; that's a good starting criteria.

[ /quote]

[qu ote name='Delete This Comment' time='12.05.2014 19:13']

Usu ally, if they're Black, Mexican, Puerto Rican, or a towel head; that's a good starting criteria.

[ /quote]

LisaAgnes 12.05.2014 19:15
The thing with all of your expensive, contractor- supplied software is that it cannot pick out intentional rigging of its system of making connections. And you don't think this kind of thing will happen, or don't care that it can happen, CIA... because you have such an extremely high tolerance for 'collateral damage'.

Groovy Bob 12.05.2014 19:14
Hayden looks just like The Mekon from the old Dan Dare comics

Delete This Comment 12.05.2014 19:13
Wilson Boozer 12.05.2014 19:01
What are the criteria for killing their neighbors?

Usually, if they're Black, Mexican, Puerto Rican, or a towel head; that's a good starting criteria.

LisaAgnes 12.05.2014 19:12
Or rather it takes the attitude of 'kill them all and let God sort them out'. Well, I lived. God is sorting it all out with me still alive.

LisaAgnes 12.05.2014 19:11
I wonder what it takes for them to decide to subject someone to lifelong harassment - a couple of dozen phone calls from various places, calling a 'wrong number' repeatedly? I had people giving out my telephone number, apparently - I would get calls from an auto shop telling me 'my Mercedes was ready' - I don't have, never have had, and most likely never will have, a Mercedes - too expensive... my 'phone was ready to pick up', etc. These numbers had just been left with these organizations a few hours before... can't things like this 'rig' the metadata, or does the CIA not consider things like this?

Wilson Boozer 12.05.2014 19:01
What are the criteria for killing their neighbors?

tony 12.05.2014 18:56
I would like to see a similar debate held at Moscow State University with the head of the FSB and Russian dissidents and even the girl's group! It will never happen

Davood 12.05.2014 18:52
Boy, if that is not the face that only his mother could love, I don't know what is!

He looks like a psychopath. Perfect for his last job.

Now, on a world wide tour to peddle his ghost-written book, no doubt.

Mike B 12.05.2014 18:52
"Paulie HATED telephones, and he wouldn't have one in his house"
-Ray Loilita "Henry Hill" Goodfellas

"I never use phones or email."
-Ri chard Cheney, Forner Vice-President

Good advice.

Davood 12.05.2014 18:49
"And we kill people sin metadata" the former CIA director forgot to say.

Mr Vision 12.05.2014 18:43

At least half of our planet consists of complete lunatics so i wish them all the best with their business.

& quot;What comes around, goes around."

basho 12.05.2014 18:42
really proud of yourselves aren't you. you paranoid, psychopathic, overweight, intellectually challenged, god-playing, neo-con morons

Konrad3 12.05.2014 18:38
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