Music Video clip and Lyrics to the hit song "FUCK THE USA" • View topic - Music Video clip and Lyrics to the hit song "FUCK THE USA"

Music Video clip and Lyrics to the hit song "FUCK THE USA"

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Music Video clip and Lyrics to the hit song "FUCK THE USA"

Postby admin_pornrev » Sun Mar 15, 2015 8:44 am

Music Video clip and Lyrics to the hit song "FUCK THE USA"

By the Punk Rock hero's => "The Exploited"

There really is nothing nice about USA
You go to the hospital you have to pay
The dollar is the language that they all speak
they don't really bother about the radiation leak


They keep their secrets undercover
the rich don't bother about those that suffer
this ain't the land of milk and honey
cause all they want is money money money


Nuclear bombs are fuck all new
you'd better start running when they drop on you
run into a shelter, play hide and seek
cause when you die your body reeks


There really is nothing nice about USA
You go to the hospital you have to pay
The dollar is the language that they all speak
they don't really bother about the radiation leak
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