Yasser Arafat ‘poisoned with Polonium’ — Al Jazeera
FROM: http://mondoweiss.net/2012/07/yasser-ar ... doweiss%29
by Annie Robbins on July 4, 2012 51
Yasser Arafat
A 9 month investigation has revealed that Palestinian President Yasser Arafat was likely poisoned with a radioactive element in 2004, causing his death.
Levels of Polonium found on some of Arafat's personal effects registered "more than 20 times the dose to kill an average human being," Al Jazeera reports. The same element killed Russian dissident
Alexander Litvinenko in London in 2006.
Al Jazeera initiated the investigation. The tests were carried out at The Institute de Radiophysique in Lausanne, Switzerland.
Al Jazeera:
More importantly, tests reveal that Arafat’s final personal belongings – his clothes, his toothbrush, even his iconic kaffiyeh – contained abnormal levels of polonium, a rare, highly radioactive element.
Those personal effects, which were analyzed at the Institut de Radiophysique in Lausanne, Switzerland, were variously stained with Arafat’s blood, sweat, saliva and urine. The tests carried out on those samples suggested that there was a high level of polonium inside his body when he died.
“I can confirm to you that we measured an unexplained, elevated amount of unsupported polonium-210 in the belongings of Mr. Arafat that contained stains of biological fluids,” said Dr. Francois Bochud, the director of the institute.
[P]olonium’s most famous victim was Alexander Litvinenko, the Russian spy-turned-dissident who died in London in 2006 after a lingering illness.....Litvinenko suffered severe diarrhea, weight loss, and vomiting, all of which were symptoms Arafat exhibited in the days and weeks after he initially fell ill.
About Annie Robbins
Annie Robbins is Writer at Large for Mondoweiss, a mother, a human rights activist and a ceramic artist. She lives in the SF bay area.
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Posted in Israel/Palestine
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{ 51 comments... read them below or add one }
1. OlegR says:
July 4, 2012 at 10:40 am
The French hospital that treated Arafat has all the data about his illness and death
afai knew they refused to release the information on the grounds of respect to privacy
of his family (ie his wife Suha) that refused to release the information to the public.
So this is all very interesting.
I wonder why they are stirring this now.
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o Eva Smagacz says:
July 4, 2012 at 11:07 am
Is this what it is, in your mind? Stirring? annoying someone? Creating problem out of spite? If tomorrow it will come to light that according to impeccable sources it was found that Netanyahu’s brother in Entebbe was killed by Israeli gun, would you also think that releasing this info would be spiteful? Stirring?
Are you finding no news value in the implication? Is poisoning ok as long as it doesn’t inconvenience Israel?
Your flippant post shows complete inhumanity of your response to a death of human being. Is this the first reaction that comes to your mind when people question gas chambers of Auschwitz? Gassing people was, like, soooo long ago? Why stir it now?
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o Woody Tanaka says:
July 4, 2012 at 11:37 am
“I wonder why they are stirring this now.”
Yeah, it couldn’t be “hey, this is interesting news. It appears that Arafat was assassinated using nuclear material.” No, they must have some devious reason. You know those inscrutable Arabs, always up to something.
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o Dexter says:
July 4, 2012 at 12:01 pm
It’s no secret that your Eastern European brethren — aka Israelis — tried to kill the man; looks like they succeeded.
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o Roya says:
July 4, 2012 at 4:27 pm
I agree with all of the comments below, but you might also like to know that polonium is not a conventional poison and was not among one of the ones they tested for back in 2004.
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Annie Robbins says:
July 4, 2012 at 6:09 pm
roya, something tells me oleg was more interested in getting first comment than opening the links and reading the article, which explains that, and that his wife cooperated with the investigation. thanks.
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o AllenBee says:
July 4, 2012 at 11:16 pm
“I wonder why they are stirring this now.”
Feb 8 2012 Ronen Bergman, Israeli journalist & mouthpiece re assassination of Iranian nuclear scientist and possible Israeli use of MEK “from the day of its establishment Israel has used assassination more than any other country in the world . . .hoping that by taking out individuals they can change history. . . .I think it is morally justified . . .Once your archnemisis is labeled as ‘Hitler’ all means are justifiable to protect your people . . .”
June 30 2012 David Pollock of WINEP on C Span Washington Journal re Syria & efforts to remove Assad from power:
Caller: Wouldn’t it be a good idea to assassinate Assad?
Pollock: Yes. There are indications it’s been tried. One of Assad’s associates was poisoned; he was hospitalized but he did not die. It is very hard to assassinate someone.
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2. seafoid says:
July 4, 2012 at 11:20 am
The list of everyone murdered by the Ziobots is a very long one. Lord Moyne, Falke Bernadotte, Ghassan Kanafani, Arafat, Abu Jihad, countless Lebanese civilians, Sheikh Yassin, thousands of Egyptian soldiers and on and on.
The funny thing is that violence hasn’t worked for them . They could have had a stable state by now but they don’t. And soon they will lose it.
Zionism is vicious.
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o lobewyper says:
July 4, 2012 at 3:19 pm
Seafoid said:
“The funny thing is that violence hasn’t worked for them . They could have had a stable state by now but they don’t. And soon they will lose it.
Seafoid, I think you may find the article by Akiva Eldar linked below of interest.
link to nationalinterest.org
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seafoid says:
July 5, 2012 at 3:57 am
Thanks, lobewyper
That brings it all together. The growth of the Haredi population, the fact they are not educated, their position on the far right of the political spectrum- all of these mean the secular Israelis are in trouble.
Israel is like a car that is moving at speed that will fall apart if it stops.
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3. Les says:
July 4, 2012 at 11:24 am
It is just past 11:00 AM Eastern Daylight Time and NPR has yet to mention this in their hourly news, though they had a moment to mention what happens when Palestininian refugees in Syria attempt to enter Jordan. For a media so disproportionately Jewish, this is a tough story — Do they think it will dissappear?
From Uri Avnery:
On the way back from Arafat’s funeral in 2004, I ran into Jamal Zahalka, a member of the Israeli Knesset. I asked him if he believed that Arafat was murdered. Zahalka, a doctor of pharmacology, answered “Yes!” without hesitation. That was my feeling too. But a hunch is not proof. It is only a product of intuition, common sense and experience.
Recently we got a kind of confirmation. Just before he died last month, Uri Dan, Ariel Sharon’s loyal mouthpiece for almost 50 years, published a book in France. It includes a report of a conversation Sharon told him about, with President Bush. Sharon asked for permission to kill Arafat and Bush gave it to him, with the proviso that it must be done undetectably. When Dan asked Sharon whether it had been carried out, Sharon answered: “It’s better not to talk about that.” Dan took this as confirmation.
link to guardian.co.uk
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o Carowhat says:
July 4, 2012 at 5:28 pm
Given the power relationship that exists between the United States and Israel, I find it surprising that Sharon would ask Bush for permission to do anything. More likely he told Bush what he planned to do and named a date by which he expected the US to have provided any necessary assistance.
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4. Les says:
July 4, 2012 at 12:09 pm
Too hot for Huffington Post.
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o Ael says:
July 4, 2012 at 3:12 pm
Actually, it would be quite cold. Polonium 210 has a half life of about 138 days.
Since Arafat died 1n 2004, the amount has decreased considerably.
In fact, there would be less than 1 millionth of the original amount of Polonium 210 remaining.
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o ToivoS says:
July 4, 2012 at 4:14 pm
Maybe too hot for HufPo and NPR but wikipedia has the story.
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5. Ira Glunts says:
July 4, 2012 at 2:02 pm
A 50 minute documentary on the Al Jazeera investigation.
link to aje.me
Suha Arafat has requested that her husband’s body be exhumed and the PA has agreed. No date has been announced.
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o Annie Robbins says:
July 4, 2012 at 6:10 pm
wow, thanks Ira
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6. W.Jones says:
July 4, 2012 at 2:14 pm
I guess it’s understandable that Russians might kill Litvinenko, but why would they do in Arafat? I assume whoever it was didn’t want people to know they killed Arafat, but in using the same method, doesn’t one think that it could have been the same people. By the way, Litv. had converted to Islam before going down. Strange.
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o Sumud says:
July 4, 2012 at 2:33 pm
The Jazeera piece does’t infer Russians killed Arafat.
It does cover Israeli threats against Arafat’s life in the years before he was killed – Ira links above to the full AJ piece, well worth a watch.
Kudos to Clayton Swisher.
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RoHa says:
July 4, 2012 at 8:21 pm
“The Jazeera piece does’t infer Russians killed Arafat. ”
I think you mean “The Jazeera piece doesn’t imply Russians killed Arafat.”
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o mig says:
July 4, 2012 at 2:44 pm
Why point to Russia ? Any other hints ? :
According to the book The Bomb in the Basement, several death cases in Israel during 1957–1969 were caused by 210Po.[70] A leak was discovered at a Weizmann Institute laboratory in 1957. Traces of 210Po were found on the hands of professor Dror Sadeh, a physicist who researched radioactive materials. Medical tests indicated no harm, but the tests did not include bone marrow. Sadeh died from cancer. One of his students died of leukemia, and two colleagues died after a few years, both from cancer. The issue was investigated secretly, and there was never any formal admission that a connection between the leak and the deaths had existed.[71]
link to en.wikipedia.org
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o Diane Mason says:
July 4, 2012 at 3:33 pm
Did you read the linked report? There’s no reason it had to be the Russians.
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o Denis says:
July 4, 2012 at 4:11 pm
I don’t see that anyone here is implicating Russia . . .yet. They’re just pointing out the same effective modus was used by the Russians in a prior hit. But now that you ask. . .
Why would the Russians kill Arafat? 1) Russia was “reimbursing” Israel for the US secret documents Pollard stole. 2) Russia had access to Arafat.
If that story about Bush signing off on the hit is true, wouldn’t it be ironic if Israel pulled it off by calling in a favor from Putin for the US documents? Wouldn’t be the first time Israel played both sides of a fence. Nor Russia.
The interesting thing is that these isotopes have signatures. It might show up as the same batch that killed Litvinenko 2 years later. The half-life is fairly short, but it only takes micro-gram quantities to kill.
Another interesting thing is (and there’s lots of interesting things here): why in the world did they go public before the final results were in? Who will get to these Swiss scientists before Arafat’s decomposed body parts arrive, Mossad or the FSB? Or maybe the CIA, since Obama keeps his own hit list.
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o Roya says:
July 4, 2012 at 4:20 pm
Well, I think the “whodunnit” part is obvious. Who had means, motive, and opportunity?
Hint: Mossad.
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o Eva Smagacz says:
July 4, 2012 at 4:44 pm
According to Litvinenko’s father, there is a link between Litvinenko’s death and Alex Goldfarb, friend of dissident oligarch Berezovsky; who worked in Kurchatov institute of Atomic Energy in Moskow and later studied in Weizmann institute in Israel.
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o Ira Glunts says:
July 4, 2012 at 5:07 pm
@W. Jones
I think the most likely perpetrators are the Mossad or a rival faction among the Palestinians. Mossad has the history of similar crimes. i.e. Khalid Meshal. And there is a rumor. See Uri Avnery above.
Fahmi Shabana (Shabaneh), according to the Voice of Israel radio told some radio host over a year ago that Arafat was poisoned with polonium. He also said the culprits were Palestinian.
I read that polonium has a signature and that it is possible to trace it back to its source.
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lysias says:
July 4, 2012 at 10:01 pm
How would a rival faction of Palestinians have access to polonium? Surely only if somebody gave it to them. Who?
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Patrick says:
July 5, 2012 at 12:54 am
“I think the most likely perpetrators are the Mossad or a rival faction among the Palestinians.”
You need a nuclear program to produce polonium, and the Palestinians don’t have such a program. The polonium has to come, ultimately, from a nuclear power. Of course, it’s possible for Israel to have colluded with Palestinians rivals to poison Arafat.
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o Danaa says:
July 4, 2012 at 7:01 pm
I do find it strange that only now I suddenly hear that Litvinenko had converted to islam. I saw that also in the Justin Raymondo piece. But it’s funny that I can’t remember seeing anything to that effect at the time, and I read much about the Litvinenko poisoning.
Is it my memory or is the claim false or was there some reason that this was not an important piece of information to include in the many news accounts of the time?
I must admit – I never doubted it was Lugovoi (there, the name came back to me) and the Russians that did Litvinenko in. What was never convincing were the reasons why they’d want to go to the trouble and take such a risk.
I start smelling little fishies….
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RoHa says:
July 4, 2012 at 8:18 pm
“I never doubted it was … the Russians that did Litvinenko in”
That was the official story, so I never really believed it.
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Bumblebye says:
July 4, 2012 at 8:37 pm
I recall his father talking about it at the time of his death, so it must be somewhere online.
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7. Danaa says:
July 4, 2012 at 2:16 pm
What this does also is raise questions about Litvinenko’s murder. It might have been a complicated tale than just a Russian revenge plot. In fact, it would have to be very complicated because the Russian would-be culprit (forgot his name now) would have had to be contaminated as wll. Plus, who knows what the motive was? at the time the Mossad conspiracy did n0t make sense to me because I did not see the benefit. But it is possible that we were not aware of all the issues surrounding Litvinenko and/or the news and accounts may have been themselves “contaminated”. BTW, if that is what actually happened then hats off to the Mossad – it was a heck of a FFO.
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8. Klaus Bloemker says:
July 4, 2012 at 2:27 pm
I remember a very pro-Israel friend tell me during Arafat’s days: “Arafat got to go – then everything will work out all right.” Arafat is gone now since 2004 – nothing worked out all right.
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9. Stephen Shenfield says:
July 4, 2012 at 2:47 pm
On 9/18/1997 (then) Brigadier General Baruch Spiegel gave a talk at Brown University. According to my notes, one of the things he said was that “if anything should happen to Arafat” the results would be very bad because there was no Palestinian figure able to replace him in terms of readiness for leadership or breadth of support in Palestinian society. I interpreted this in light of press leaks at that time to the effect the option of having Arafat assassinated was being considered by ruling circles in Israel and the US. That is, I suspected that Spiegel was trying to issue a warning and oppose the idea. It was naturally assumed that decisions regarding who should represent the Palestinians and whether they should live or die are made by Israel and the US.
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10. lysias says:
July 4, 2012 at 3:17 pm
I wonder why they chose a means of poisoning him that could so easily be tied to a nuclear power.
Almost as if they wanted it to be obvious that they had done it.
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o Ira Glunts says:
July 4, 2012 at 6:24 pm
“Almost as if they wanted it to be obvious that they had done it.”
I do not know if you could say “they wanted it to be obvious.” After all, it took 8 years and then a 9 month investigation to get this far. Getting away with murdering someone as famous as Arafat is not so easy.
If it was Israel, they did a lot better this time than their attempt on Khalid Meshaal.
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o ColinWright says:
July 4, 2012 at 7:21 pm
Israel does like to make sure everybody knows what she did sometimes. Remember that Dubai assassination? They couldn’t have been that clumsy.
Note that such behavior does serve a couple of purposes. First, it obviously intimidates anyone who would oppose Israel. Secondly, every time it happens, and no one says anything, it serves to create a tacit right for Israel to kill whomever she likes, wherever she likes, however she likes.
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11. ToivoS says:
July 4, 2012 at 3:40 pm
The use of Po-210 to poison someone has to be one of the worst ways if the goal is to disguise the act. Remember the Litvenko poisening — he left a trail of radioactivity all over London and there was also a trail found leading up to the assassination scene.
It is hard to imagine that if Arafat had a lethal dose when admitted to the French hospital that the radioactivity would not have been detected. Strange story. I have always agreed with Avnery that Arafat was poisoned but would have thought a more subtle means would have been used. The Po-210 would have experienced 15 half-lives since Arafats death but there would likely still be traces today and the decay product, Pb-206 might also provide evidence. So it should be possible to prove that in fact Po-210 was indeed the toxin if they exhume his body.
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o Avi_G. says:
July 4, 2012 at 11:05 pm
It’s likely that the French government and by extension its security services knew that Arafat was poisoned — and by whom — but chose to feign ignorance lest they get themselves tangled in an international mess.
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12. munro says:
July 4, 2012 at 4:17 pm
Andrei Lugovoi, suspect in Litvinenko poisoning, was himself poisoned with radioactive polonium-210 link to bbc.co.uk
The Russian oligarchs behind scammers like Jack Abramoff, now back Romney who recently said the current anti-oligarch Russian govt is “enemy #1″.
link to rt.com
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13. DICKERSON3870 says:
July 4, 2012 at 5:41 pm
RE: “A 9 month investigation has revealed that Palestinian President Yasser Arafat was likely poisoned with a radioactive element in 2004, causing his death. Levels of Polonium found on some of Arafat’s personal effects registered ‘more than 20 times the dose to kill an average human being’, Al Jazeera reports.” ~ Annie Robbins
ALSO SEE: “Who Killed Yasser Arafat? Now we know he was poisoned – but by whom?”, by Jason Raimondo, Antiwar.com, 7/04/12
[EXCERPT] Yasser Arafat died on November 11, 2004, of a mysterious ailment. His enemies spread the rumor he had AIDS: David Frum, with typical classiness, claimed he had contracted AIDS as a consequence of having sex with his bodyguards. Now, however, it has been revealed Arafat was poisoned: the cause of his death was exposure to very high levels of polonium-210, a rare radioactive substance. An investigation conducted by Al Jazeera showed Arafat’s personal items, released to the media organization by his widow, contained several times the normal level of polonium that would normally be detected on such items. The Palestinian leader’s terminal symptoms were similar to those experienced by victims of polonium poisoning: the substance targets the gastrointestinal tract and the subject wastes away.
Arafat’s Ramallah compound had been bombed several times by the Israelis, and they had the place surrounded – yet still he persisted. They couldn’t get him out. Worse, his plight was becoming a metaphor for the condition of his people, who were – and still are – prisoners in their own land. A former adviser claimed he was poisoned by the Israelis, who detained the Palestinian ambulance used to deliver Arafat’s medications to the Ramallah compound. At the time, one tended to write this off as a purely polemical exercise: in light of the new evidence, however, the question has to be asked.
Simply by continuing to exist in the face of such a sustained assault, Arafat was defeating the Israelis every day. They had to get rid of him. Did they? We’ll never know for sure, but it is worth noting that Israeli threats to kill him preceded his untimely death by less than a year. As is well-known, Israeli intelligence has carried out numerous assassinations: it is simply another tool in their international operations, one they have never hesitated to utilize. . .
ENTIRE COMMENTARY – link to original.antiwar.com
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o DICKERSON3870 says:
July 4, 2012 at 5:45 pm
P.S. ALSO SEE: “If Arafat were still alive”, by Uri Avnery, Guardian.co.uk, 1/30/07
[EXCERPT] . . . Just before he died last month, Uri Dan, Ariel Sharon’s loyal mouthpiece for almost 50 years, published a book in France. It includes a report of a conversation Sharon told him about, with President Bush. Sharon asked for permission to kill Arafat and Bush gave it to him, with the proviso that it must be done undetectably. When Dan asked Sharon whether it had been carried out, Sharon answered: “It’s better not to talk about that.” Dan took this as confirmation.
The secret services of many countries have poisons that are all but undetectable. Ten years ago, Mossad tried to kill Khaled Mashal, the Hamas leader, in broad daylight on a thoroughfare in Amman. He was saved only when the Israeli government was compelled to provide the antidote to the poison it had used. Viktor Yushchenko, the president of Ukraine, was poisoned and saved only when the symptoms were identified by experts in time.
Is there proof Arafat was murdered by Israeli or other agents? No, there is none. This week I again ran into Zahalka, and both of us concluded that the suspicion is growing stronger . . .
ENTIRE COMMENTARY – link to guardian.co.uk
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DICKERSON3870 says:
July 4, 2012 at 7:16 pm
P.P.S. RE: “Uri Dan. . . published a book. . . It includes a report of a conversation Sharon told him about, with President Bush. Sharon asked for permission to kill Arafat and Bush gave it to him, with the proviso that it must be done undetectably.” ~ Uri Avnery (above)
ALSO SEE: “Sharon won’t rule out attack on Arafat”, by The Associated Press, 4/23/04
(excerpt) JERUSALEM (AP) — Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon said Friday he is no longer bound by a promise to President Bush not to harm Yasser Arafat — the strongest sign yet that Israel could target the jittery Palestinian leader.
In an interview with Israel TV’s Channel Two, Sharon said he told Bush about his change of position in a meeting in Washington last week.
Sharon did not elaborate or say how Bush responded. . .
ENTIRE ARTICLE – link to usatoday.com
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o DICKERSON3870 says:
July 4, 2012 at 5:58 pm
RE: “Who Killed Yasser Arafat? Now we know he was poisoned – but by whom?, by Jason Raimondo…” – me (above)
CORRECTION: I meant Justin Raimondo, of course. Take note, Annie “Roberts”!
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DICKERSON3870 says:
July 4, 2012 at 6:16 pm
P.S. RE – “CORRECTION: I meant Justin Raimondo…” – me
ADDENDUM: Apparently it’s one of “those” days ! ! ! I expect/suspect beaucoup dyslexic errors.
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14. Rusty Pipes says:
July 4, 2012 at 6:10 pm
There’s been a lot of unsecured nuclear material in the former Soviet Union. It wouldn’t be the first time that GOI was able to procure nuclear materials from out of the way sources.
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o DICKERSON3870 says:
July 4, 2012 at 6:32 pm
RE: “It wouldn’t be the first time that GOI was able to procure nuclear materials from out of the way sources.” ~ Rusty Pipes
FROM AL JAZEERA (by Gregg Carlstrom, Last Modified: 04 Jul 2012 15:05):
[EXCERPTS] . . .tests reveal that Arafat’s final personal belongings – his clothes, his toothbrush, even his iconic kaffiyeh – contained abnormal levels of polonium, a rare, highly radioactive element. Those personal effects, which were analyzed at the Institut de Radiophysique in Lausanne, Switzerland, were variously stained with Arafat’s blood, sweat, saliva and urine. The tests carried out on those samples suggested that there was a high level of polonium inside his body when he died. . .
. . . The institute studied Arafat’s personal effects, which his widow provided to Al Jazeera, the first time they had been examined by a laboratory. Doctors did not find any traces of common heavy metals or conventional poisons, so they turned their attention to more obscure elements, including polonium.
It is a highly radioactive element used, among other things, to power spacecraft. Marie Curie discovered it in 1898, and her daughter Irene was among the first people it killed: She died of leukemia several years after an accidental polonium exposure in her laboratory.
At least two people connected with Israel’s nuclear program also reportedly died after exposure to the element, according to the limited literature on the subject. . .
SOURCE – link to aljazeera.com
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DICKERSON3870 says:
July 4, 2012 at 6:42 pm
[EXCERPT] . . .Polonium-210 isn’t something you can buy off the shelf at your local Walmart. It isn’t even something a mad scientist might cook up in his home lab. About 100 grams are produced each year for specialized technical uses. The only entities with access to this sort of thing are state actors, or, at least, a private organization with very substantial resources at its disposal.
What’s interesting is that a diplomatic cable, dated Dec. 26, 2006 and published by WikiLeaks, details the conversation of a US diplomat with Russian spook Anatoly Safonov in which Safonov claims the Russians told the British about the importation of “nuclear materials” into London during the Litvinenko affair – and were told that the whole thing was “under control before the poisoning took place.” In the course of the same conversation, Safonov – Putin’s chief representative on terrorism-related matters – went on to describe a number of threats and their possible sources:
“Safonov noted the daunting number of countries that posed particular terrorism threats, mentioning North Korea, Pakistan, South Africa, Libya, Iran, India, and Israel (sic?). He described a range of dangers, stressing the more immediate threats posed by nuclear and biological terrorism, but also acknowledging the risks of chemical terrorism.”
While the use of “sic” is meant to indicate our diplomat’s incredulity at the inclusion of Israel in this list, what we now know about how Arafat died should tear away the blinders from several sets of eyes – yes, even at the US State Department.
SOURCE – link to original.antiwar.com
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15. Les says:
July 4, 2012 at 8:07 pm
[Why was it missed by hospital technicians?]
Ingesting Just one microgram is fatal – and becasue it only emits very shallow penetrating alpha particles, it is very hard to detect even as the person is dying from the alpha bombardment of their organ and marrow cells – the symptoms of such being very nonspecific and ambiguous. Thus, if handled with extreme care so that the poisoner does not himself become poisoned, it is the perfect tool of the cloak-and-dagger trade.
link to commondreams.org
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16. Les says:
July 4, 2012 at 8:51 pm
Lexis/Nexis says the NY Times mentioned polonium and Litvinenko in 97 articles
Lexis/Nexis says the NY Times mentioned polonium and Arafat in 1 article
Here it is complete with code words “might,” “contradicted,” “resurrected”, + “conspiracy,” “theories,” “Twitter,” — The Times missed the irony of its mention that Arafat died “mysteriously,” of “unnannounced causes,” from an infection that was “mysterious,” and that the Palestinian inquiry into his death was “inconclusive.”
July 4, 2012 Wednesday
Late Edition – Final
Al Jazeera Says Arafat Might Have Been Poisoned
SECTION: Section A; Column 0; Foreign Desk; WORLD BRIEFING MIDDLE EAST; Pg. 10
LENGTH: 176 words
The widow of Yasir Arafat, the father figure of Palestinian nationalism who mysteriously died more than seven years ago, said she would seek permission to exhume his remains for an inquest, after a report by Al Jazeera that said he might have been poisoned with polonium, a rare radioactive isotope. The report, which contradicted Mr. Arafat’s medical records, resurrected conspiracy theories on Twitter that he had been killed by agents of Israel or by Palestinian rivals. Al Jazeera said its report was based on traces of polonium found on his underwear and other belongings given by his widow, Suha, to the Institute of Radiation Physics at the University of Lausanne in Switzerland. Mr. Arafat, left, fell ill in October 2004 and died at a hospital in France on Nov. 11 of unannounced causes. He was 75. An inconclusive Palestinian inquiry in 2005 ruled out cancer, AIDS or poisoning. His medical records, obtained by The New York Times that year, showed that he had died of a stroke that resulted from a bleeding disorder caused by a mysterious infection.
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17. Shingo says:
July 4, 2012 at 9:56 pm
Let’s cut to the chase. Israel is implicated and as Meshal said, Arafat recognized Israel and look where it got him?
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Eleanor Kilroy: Annie, can we start a petition (with Code Pink?) in support of her outspokenness – Calling on...
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