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The Bio Titan: How to be a beast without eating one

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The Bio Titan: How to be a beast without eating one

Postby admin_pornrev » Sat Dec 11, 2010 4:17 am

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How To Be A Beast... Without Eating One.
Pre-Note: Methods discussed here are based on recommendations for healthy adult males. Testosterone and heavy lifting methods are not recommended for women unless they aspire to look like Chewbacca.

Many people in the health community try to use the gorilla as an example that a mammal eating only plants can create huge amounts of strength on just the protein of plants, and that's true they are herbivores.

However, I hate to be the bearer of debunker news, but large adult gorillas actually eat between 1,000 - 2,000 grams of protein a day, they have completely different hormonal make ups, and they have a distended gut which means, no six pack for monkey. It is like a keg sized reservoir for the over 55lbs of food they eat EACH DAY! So yes they are not meat eaters, but hey just plow down food nearly every minute they are awake and get almost 2,000g of protein a day, sometimes eating close to 60lbs of leaves, bark, and fruits in a single day. So they have a huge gut, are all less than 6' tall and weight almost 450lbs and eat by the fistful their entire waking lives... so I don't think you want that anyway. Yes we can make some comparisons and I get it, but we also have the power of advanced cognition so let's use some brain power here.

Plant based, superfoods, proteins can be a key source for us to get the growth we are looking for and let me give you just one single example.

Spirulina: 55-65% of its weight is protein, it is close to 100% bio-available protein because of how absorbable spirulina is, and you need roughly .25 - .5 grams of protein per pound of body weight to gain some decent muscle. Depends on how clean your cellular structure is. So basically a 200lb man would need roughly 140,000mg of spirulina to get about 80g of protein

17,500mg of spirulina = 10g of protein

Everyone touts meat as the end all, be all source for protein but nobody eats raw bloody meat which is when they give the protein estimates on the packaging. When you eat cooked meat you break roughly 50-60% of the proteins in beef just from the cooking process, so if you are thinking, "well how much protein can I get from 140,000mg of spirulina as compared to meat? It's roughly the equivalent of 26 OUNCES of cooked beef. You would have to eat a gut rotting 1lb 10oz. of beef every single day to get the same protein from a measly 140g of spirulina. About 5 ounces. So lets say you double it for breakdown purposes or "worst case scenario"... ok so you take about 10 oz. of spirulina in your system and only 30% breaks down before absorption (which it won't it's in highly soluble form), you end up with 96gs of pure, ocean plant based bio-available protein without throwing 26oz. of dead cells and raging hormones of another animal into your system for you to combat as it rots in your stomach and makes you smell like a donkey.

Now obviously I am not saying just jab spirulina in your face all day long, I am using it as an example that you can get some very highly absorbable plant based proteins and superfoods without using meat at all, AND without using protein powders which are generally loaded with a ton of random things that end up making them a chemical soup that is more toxic than even meat in most cases when doing damage to your cellular structure. Spirulina is nature's richest whole-food source of Complete High-Biological Value Protein so I was just using it as an example:

Spirulina - 55-65%
Soybeans - 30-35% (which 90% in the US are GMOs so I steer clear anyway)
Beef - 18-22% (that's if its raw)
Eggs - 12-16% (raw)
Tofu - 8%
Milk - 3%

This post isn't really about plant based proteins so I am moving along through it without writing a book.

Recommended Daily Value is 60gs of protein for the average (its 0.8g for every 2.2lbs of body weight) person in the USA... yet around the world the average RDAs are between 12g - 16g.... why is this? The RDA is based on the EAR (estimated average requirements) which is a standard set that...well... nobody has a good clarification as to how it is set with any real solid answers after I did some research on it, but it is basically done by analyzing medical journal papers and peer research studies... but more often than not they are based on what is considered a "sample poll" report of say 1,000 Americans just asking them how much they eat of each thing and then the averages are made for an EAR (estimated average requirement), then the RDA ends up being EAR X 1.2 equals the RDA. They use a multiple of 1.2 of EAR. so basically we are asking the country that has 1 out of 2 get heart disease, 1 out of 3 get cancer, how much protein the rest of us should eat? Interesting concept. Even the RDA scientists have admitted that 18g is probably sufficient but they say they don't want to "take any chances and tell people too little" since all of the EARs come back as saying 50-60g.

Again though, if this is going to be about growing some muscle you will need more than just "replacement value" of 15-20gs a day, so I went ahead and said in the first paragraph to go with .25 - .5 g per pound of body weight. The replacement value will keep you healthy, perfectly healthy, with replacing sloughed off skin, and other basic body functions of protein elimination. So I guess the RDA is fine for growing muscle as long as you are not getting it in meat form, and how many Americans are out there working out and living an active lifestyle enough to need 60g? Not many, in fact, we are probably the most sedentary country in the world and we have the highest RDA for protein.

Proteins are basically used in the generation and rebuilding of tissue, that is their main purpose. So let's think for a second by using common sense, when is the one time we are building the most tissue in our lives, the most rapidly? As a baby of course. OK so what did nature create that baby could consume as their food that has the perfect building blocks for this massive rapid growth to take effect, mothers milk! So wouldn't it make sense to analyze mothers’ milk and see what protein content it is to get an idea of what it requires to sustain such a rapid growth? So what level of protein is in mothers milk? 50% protein? 90%? 15%?... NO try 1.2% to 1.6% of that is protein... about the same protein content as Watermelon if you need a comparison. You are having that little protein when you are growing the most on earth so you have to realize it takes more than just protein to grow muscles.

Even Mr. Universe himself Arnold said back in the day that he was surprised how all of the American body builders were into this huge protein thing and that he usually only consumed about 1 gram per every two pounds of his body weight and he was a professional body builder who was massive and won competitions year after year! I know he had synthetic testosterone enhancers as well as was later found out, but if we are just harping on protein I can tell you he didn't care about it that much, while everyone else was using the gorilla method of 500-1000g a day in the bodybuilding world. He knew it took more than proteins, so don't get stuck in a mass protein trance.

Everyone grows differently and there are some genetics involved I do agree, but not as much as you'd think. More of it is connected to your lifestyle choices and the number of cells you can get working on your side. You have about seventy five TRILLION cells in your body, now do you think throwing the dead cells of animals into your system is going to make those 75 Trillion cells happy? Not at all because you just tossed in a mess of dead crap for them to scurry around and clean up! Even when you cook vegetables down it kills off the enzymes and creates "white cell activity" in your body to clean up the "toxins"... that's right, when you cook your food, even veggies, your body treats it the same way as if you were to pour a poison down your throat. White cell activity. Leukocytosis, where your white cells go into overdrive protecting your bodies immune system from toxins. (Read up on Dr. Paul Kuchakoff)

Another thing your body needs for massive cell growth is oxygen. Deep breathing is massively important as it creates up to an additional quart of blood in your system by volume. Pick up a quart of oil at your local auto parts store to get an idea.. that is the amount of additional blood you can have in your system through proper breathing and aerobic, target heart rate workouts alone. Increased blood means increased oxygen, means lower nitrogen, means easier toxin elimination, means cleaner blood, means free moving blood, which increases the speed nutrients are taken to the tissues, means health and fitness enhancement... all from DEEP BREATHING!

Obviously there is also a little thing in males that helps with the synthesis of protein too, and that is testosterone. I will flat out tell you this that bar none ALL synthetic testosterone replacement drugs out there will damage your cells because instead of increasing natural production, they use synthetic, lab created chemicals to just shut off other receptors so your current production is more pronounced and pushed into solidarity. Kind of like when you kink up a water hose you are blocking a lot of what is really in there but the part that is coming out is coming on strong with no diffusion. So what is a great way for natural Testosterone production? Well exercising and deep breathing actually helps a lot, but there is something even better. Herbs are amazing, and let's talk about one of my all-time favorites.

Tribulus Terrestris

You have probably stepped on the fruit or nut of a Tribulus before if you are anywhere in a dry hot climate with poor soil, many people call them "goat head" or "bullhead" thorns and they can puncture bike tires and give your foot a real nasty jab. Tribulus Terrestris is commonly known as 'Puncture Vine' or Caltrop fruit, grown in various parts of the world and used medicinally for it virilizing effects. Studies have shown a better than 50% increase in testosterone levels when taking the Tribulus herb. Greeks used to use it as a mood enhancer, even when they didn't know why it made people happy. We now know that testosterone itself is a mood enhancer. The people of ancient India used it as a diuretic, antiseptic, and anti-inflammatory. The Chinese used it for a variety of liver, kidney, and cardiovascular diseases. The people of Eastern Europe used Tribulus terrestris as a sex enhancer and to treat infertility and in their athletes. All of these cultures and ancient civilizations only knew the great effects without the science behind it, but we now know the cause was increased testosterone which can be shown to have all of the above mentioned effects.

Tribulus terrestris is a testosterone enhancer instead of being a synthetic testosterone precursor like steroids, it leads to the production of the luteinizing hormone (LH). When LH levels are increased, the natural production of testosterone also increases. When scientists began studying the remarkable curative power of Tribulus, they discovered that it significantly elevates the level of several hormones: Testosterone; Luteinizing Hormone (LH), Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH) and Estradiol. A significant benefit of Tribulus is the stimulation of hormone production to a BALANCED LEVEL, without over stimulating the secretion of hormones or flat out shutting off other receptors like synthetics and this is very important to keeping your overall health.

Tribulus' role as a liver tonic is very important - breaking down the cholesterol and fats that would normally inhibit healthy liver function. The cholesterol and fats are converted to hormones and energy resulting in increased performance and stamina. This role of improving liver function, stamina and endurance is particularly beneficial when you are out there trying to gain some muscle and put in heavy workouts. The increase in testosterone levels by Tribulus also promotes protein synthesis, positive nitrogen balance so you don't get "meat sleepy", as well as faster recuperation and recovery from muscular stress, which you will see is very important to the kind of workout I am about to tell you about.

There has been no adverse effects noted in any of the clinical studies; no toxicity and no deviations in blood count occurred. No known negative effects presently exist when Tribulus. Tribulus is, however, a mild diuretic so you want to keep up on your fluids. About 1 out of 10 people get a little upset stomach when using Tribulus on an empty stomach so you will want to use it when eating some food as well.

So now your body has the vegetable based proteins, the extra blood from deep breathing, the increases in testosterone production synthesizing those proteins into your system with almost zero biological loss before absorption and helping the body drop fat, cholesterol and waste. Now what can you do at the gym for massive growth?

First let me break something down to you that most people don't realize: When it comes to your muscles, its an "all or nothing" game. They either contract 100% or they don't at all, there is no "ooooh they are half way contracted", not scientifically possible. The way your muscles work are that your body will recruit a specific NUMBER of fibers to contract at 100% value to lift a specific weight. So let's say you want to bench 135lbs but your max is somewhere around 300lbs. Your body will recruit just enough muscle fibers, contracting at 100%, to move the weight up and down and it's probably only the superficial layer 25% of your total muscle fibers. OK common sense timeout: your circulatory system runs on the outsides of your muscle system for the most part, and I just stated that when lifting light weights your body will only recruit a small amount of fiber to do 100% of the work. As blood and nutrients and hormones and all the other pushing power is pumped into those recruited fibers your body picks the ones that are closest to the nutrient source hoses (veins etc) to do the work... the superficial surface muscles, that is why these get worked the most in doing light weight workouts. Hence the old adage light weight and high reps get you ripped. Yes, very true, because the superficial surface muscles are worked over and over again creating a cosmetically pleasing muscle with no underlying strength or mass.

Now to get growth let's reverse engineer that thinking. You already know that you can't "half work" a muscle fiber. They are all or nothing meat heads. you know that going light just works the top fibers over and over because it's easy and won't give you plump, underlying growth. So you need to lift heavy, and I mean VERY heavy weights only ONCE. This freaks out your body, it recruits all of the surface, and deep muscle fibers and they all contract at 100% (as usual) and they engorge with blood, proteins, nutrients, testosterone.... everything they can get to hold that scary amount of weight up. This is why we have supporting "lock out" joints as well. So in bench press as an example again we get to a lock out point and having that weight rest partially on the joints allows the deeper fibers to release their contraction for a resting period when we need it. We are very intelligently crafted vessels here because having joints allows us to focus what muscles should be used and here's a good example. Let's say you want to push a car. Do you stand really close to the back of it and try to bench press it forward? No, of course not, you lock out your arms taking away the use of the smaller muscles and your joints transfer that resistance all the way to your legs and core system, the largest muscles, to force the car forward. We don't want that intelligent joint transfer to happen during our workouts though.

Let's take it further, so if your muscles contract either 0% or 100% and the only thing that your body actually decides is how MANY fibers are recruited for a lift it makes sense that for growth you want to do single reps as heavy as possible with no lock out because we don't want the focus to transfer elsewhere, basically do not use a full range of motion. Why do I say not a full range of motion? Because whether it is 1 inch off your chest or 1 inch from lock out you have the same 100% contraction. So don't waste your time moving a bar through a range of motion when you know you feel the most contraction and muscle intensity about 1 or 2 inches from lockout. That IS when you feel your chest get the tightest right? So all you do it take that very heavy weight, hopefully heavy enough that your body has recruited about 95% of the available fibers in the area, all contracted at 100% and you hold that weight in that exact position for 5-8 seconds. The muscle will engorge and flood with the building blocks it needs. After that move to the next exercise and do the same. Do about 12 exercises that way, it takes about 10-15 minutes max, once a week.

I know once a week sounds like very little but when you recruit all of those fibers and that high of a stress level you actually do need that much rest between to get the gains you are looking for. I have actually adapted this workout from a method called Static Contraction Training. You can look online for tons of information on this method and the results are pretty amazing. Here are some that are out there you can read:

"In just 10 weeks of Static Contraction, trainees (who were hardcore bodybuilders who had been lifting "heavy" for a long time and averaged about 38 years of age) achieved the following average gains: (If you are younger or have been training less than these hardcore lifters, you'll likely do better.)

* a 51.3% increase static strength
* a 27.6% increase in one-rep max in full range of motion. (without doing full range lifts for 10 weeks!)
* a 34.3% increase in ten-rep max in full range of motion.
* gained 9.0 pounds of new muscle (one subject gained 29 pounds of muscle in 10 weeks!)
* lost 4.9 pounds of fat
* lost 0.4 inches on waist
* gained 1/2 inch on each biceps
* gained 1.1 inches on chest
* gained 1.2 inches on shoulders

All of this was done with workouts containing less than 2 ½ minutes of exercise once a week."

I usually only do this 10 week cycle method twice a year though, and use lighter, more traditional methods as well as stretching and sports the rest of the year to maintain and overall look without getting too bulky. Again you have to monitor and do what's right for YOUR body. I don't know how much test you produce. I don't know how clean you are on a cellular level or how well you utilize breathing, you have to monitor yourself. The worlds best trainer and nutritionist you can hire is YOU!

I started to incorporate a lot more stretching and also the target heart rate cardio on my non-lifting days too. Do a 10 minute warm up to get the blood flowing, then 20 minutes of aerobic exercise, then 10 minutes of a cool down. The warm up and cool downs are extremely important to decrease the retention of lactic acid. Now what is aerobic exercise exactly? Basically you want 20 minutes doing an exercise within your target heart rate which is generally 180bpm minus your age. So for me at age 30, I would take 180bpm minus 30 and my target heart rate is 150bpm. This creates an environment of maximum oxygen intake with minimal negative anaerobic effect.

So there you have it. Don't get kooky on fake protein powders or fleshy protein filled with the dead cells of animals, breathe deeply to increase your blood volume to carry all of the cash n' prizes around your body, get some herbs in your system to get everything stimulated and cranking at a high level, and recruit all of the muscle fibers in the arsenal for a shorter amount of time and you can be a Sasquatch like me!

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