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Inner-Body Cleansing Protocol

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Inner-Body Cleansing Protocol

Postby admin_pornrev » Thu May 20, 2010 3:20 pm

Inner-Body Cleansing Protocol

Detox Protocol


"The significant problems we face cannot be solved
at the same level of thinking we were at when we created them."
Albert Einstein

Full Inner-Body Cleansing Protocol:

1. Step 1 (Must)

o Improved Diet

o Parasites cleanse

o Bowel cleanse

2. Step 2 (optional or must)

o Dental cleanup

o Kidney cleanse

3. Step3 (must)

o Liver Cleanse and Gallbladder Cleanse - Liver flush!

o Improved Diet

In which order am I suppose to do cleansing?

First you do Step1 for a few days or weeks, then, if you need a Step 2, you do that, or if not, you jump immediately to step 3: Liver flush. Some people prefer to start with liver flush first, and for many average healthy people that could be just fine. But, people who have serious or chronic health problems often achieve better results when doing things Step by Step, 1 -2 - 3.

• Step 1: Improved Diet & Parasites cleanse & Bowel cleanse are to start with ... almost always! as that is you insurance that cleansing will go without possible problems/reactions ... all 3 things (#1) can be done at the same time or separate, while always making sure your diet is free from foods that kill! Some people prefer to start with Liver flush, and for about 50 - 60 % of people, that seems to be OK. But, some people do need to cleanse parasites and bowel first.

• Step 2: Dental cleanup is something that you are suppose to do if you are sensitive to amalgam and you still have amalgam fillings inside your mouth, or if you have root canals, or if you have cavitations as a source of infection. Read more about toxic teeth / tooth infections. And, there is one more important factor: you will need money ($$$) ... dental cleanup can be costly. If you have never been at dentist, you are unlikely to need any treatment. Cost is proportional to the number of fillings that you are suppose to replace!

If you suffer any of the symptoms of mercury poisoning or symptoms of toxic root canal or toxic cavitations, then this step could be very important on your way to better health.

Kidney cleanse is something that you do in order to dissolve kidney crystals - kidney stones. Not all people have kidney stones ... and in most people fasting & dietary changes and the water cure that will be implemented since step 1 will take care of kidneys too. But if you do suffer lower back pain or kidney pain ... even if you have never been diagnosed with kidney stones, you should consider this step as a very important step! There are many herbs that may help melt kidney stones.

• Step 3: Liver Cleanse and Gallbladder Cleanse, achieved by doing consecutive liver flushes is absolute must, something you are suppose to repeat at least 3-6 times (if you are perfectly healthy) ... and at least 6 - 10 times if you have any health problems, and more then 10-20 times if you are suffering from Allergies, CFS, MS, MCS, FMS, Eczema, Psoriasis, Acne, Cancer, Arthritis, Acne, Body Odor, Ulcerative Colitis .. or any other chronic illness.

And, Improved Diet is not to be forgotten all the time during this cleansing protocol!
Good diet is diet that is adjusted for your personal needs, and your personal tolerances.
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Take a look at our Image Gallery - Cleansing Photos

1. Liver Cleanse Stones - Gallbladder Cleanse Stones

2. Bowel Cleanse Ropes Images - Mucoid Plaque

3. Psoriasis - Skin Healing

4. Intrahepatic Stones

5. Removed Gallbladder

6. Gallbladder Surgery

7. Laugh Cure - Have Fun and Cure Yourself

Liver Cleanse Stones

Liver Cleanse Stones

Bowel Cleanse Ropes

Bowel Cleanse Ropes

Intrahepatic Stones

Intrahepatic Stones

30 Liver Cleanse FAQ

30 Most Frequently Asked Questions about Liver Flush!

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