Short note from Dick re. The overpopulation hype/myth • View topic - Short note from Dick re. The overpopulation hype/myth

Short note from Dick re. The overpopulation hype/myth

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Short note from Dick re. The overpopulation hype/myth

Postby admin_pornrev » Wed Apr 14, 2010 3:48 pm

Short note from Dick re. The overpopulation hype/myth

Umm sorry...overpopulation???... HA!!!... HYPE!!!... MYTH!!!... GREED!!!


Governments, PLEASE stop wasting our money, killing people with your WARS, and other more "subversive" methods.

And START building Alternative energy powered Mega-Desalinated water plants (as we already have in Western Australia).

Also spend money on research to try to improve on the Desalination technology.

The salt discharge? Make termite proof buildings out of it, drop large blocks of it into the sea at places like the mouths of rivers in Greenland, were excessive fresh water run off from Global Warming threatens to stop the ocean currents and throw the world into an Ice Age.

Overpopulation? HAH!!!

Example: We have, minus the rainforests, that we have to leave alone;

Deserts, which we can now put to use with desalinated water technology;

Ice caps soon to melt away, and Antarctica is ABSOLUTELY HUGE;

Without counting those areas, we have roughly 23 billion acres of “usable” land on earth, ok, so a family of 10 on 10 acres, that’s an acre per person. Planet can sustain roughly 20 billion people.

Greed is the problem not overpopulation.

Also we have people stacked into High-rise buildings, we already have enough technology to live on and below the Oceans, and of course there is the possibility of ‘star treckin”, settlement of other planets etc...... But ok ok, you POOR brainwashed westerners, I can see your trying... so continue... BUT please consider... LOL :lol:

All the best folks,


P.S your welcome to copy my work, just as long as you give me credit and provide a link to the original article on this site. Cheers :D
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