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David Letterman Tells Extortion Plot Details On 'Late Show'

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David Letterman Tells Extortion Plot Details On 'Late Show'

Postby admin_pornrev » Mon Apr 12, 2010 10:46 am

Below, right at the very bottom of this article, is Dick’s angle, to all this anti-Dave Lettermen stuff. Female eunuchs whine on about Letterman 24/7.

They say he is ‘sexist” because he “objectifies women”, etc etc.

"Objectify" what a STUPID word, similar to "demeaning" and "degrading" and all these other STUPID words eunuchs come up with to describe anything to do with sex.

What a load of crap! Really! Think about it, true "abuse" is one thing, but calling breeding "abuse" is something only a eunuch could think up.

In Case You Missed It, David Letterman Tells Extortion Plot Details On 'Late Show'

FROM: http://www.deadline.com/2009/10/in-case ... ent-410341

By Nikki Finke | Category: Controversial, Late Night | Saturday October 3, 2009 @ 10:20am PDT

(Pornrev Editors note) A YouTube video came with this artificial but it has been deleted.

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Comments (29)

• Really. Really! bad idea to go up against a guy who is that good at laying shit out and making it look like wild berry jam.
Especially, when he has a nightly audience of several million people.
Dave is a master, in a world of muppets.

Comment by Tentoes — Saturday October 3, 2009 @ 10:44am PDT Reply to this post

• What a strange/interesting piece of television. It somehow brought to my mind the Rodney Dangerfield sitcom scene from “Natural Born Killers”, with the oddly placed, inappropriate laughter.
Strange way for Letterman to admit to mulitple affairs.

Comment by pdway — Saturday October 3, 2009 @ 10:58am PDT Reply to this post

• I can’t imagine any self-respecting woman who would willingly spread her legs for that stupid old buck-toothed fool in the first place. Says a lot about the tramp. Sarah Palin (who Letterman attacked mercilessly for
having an out-of-wedlock grandson even though Letterman for years had an out-of-wedlock bastard son) has got to be laughing her ass off over this. Oh yeah. And her book has already sold 1.5 million copies on pre-order.
Comment by Dorothy — Saturday October 3, 2009 @ 11:58am PDT Reply to this post

o Yes, conservative groups always buy up books to push the book up the NY Times bestseller’s list. It doesn’t take much … what? 75,000 is all? Get a clue, Dorothy.

Comment by Anita Busch — Saturday October 3, 2009 @ 3:39pm PDT Reply to this post

 ….so prove what your saying Anita Hill? I mean really, so now a conservative is a hit on the NYTimes best seller list and you liberal nuts say its a conspiracy without any proof?
…boy you people are really coming un-glued arent you? Go back to being supposed feminists and keep defending Letterman for abusing his position as Boss to get these female employees to spread their legs. So tell me, how does it feel to be a fan of a guy who now has exposed these women he slept with to all of this media scrutiny as well as black mail for the rest of their lives? huh? do you really find this such a great & good thing that Letterman has done to these women?
personally Palin has empowered women FAR MORE than Letterman or your supposed liberal feminist party will EVER DO.
You are all a bunch of perverted hypocrites who would allow women to be used & abused in order for your liberal “heros” to build & keep their power, then to call on these liberal perverted “heros” to RESIGN.
cheers Anita. enjoy your god-hero Dave Letterman. Now we have a new cult-fan base: THE LETTER-HEADS. hah….simply pitiful.

Comment by lu-ee — Saturday October 3, 2009 @ 4:34pm PDT Reply to this post

 So much hatred in you. Simply pitiful.

Comment by Anita Busch — Saturday October 3, 2009 @ 5:23pm PDT Reply to this post

 and by the way, Ms. mountain of anger “lu-lee,” both liberal groups and conservative groups engage in this.

Comment by Anita Busch — Saturday October 3, 2009 @ 5:35pm PDT Reply to this post

 The level of hatred and anger in you is ’simply pitiful.’ Both liberal groups and conservative groups push their members to buy up books and the members do it. The Conservative Book Club was founded in 1964, the Progressive Book Club only a coupla years ago.
Conservative organizations — the American Enterprise Institute and Heritage Foundation — regularly buy books by the case and rally around authors to push whatever book of the moment into the bestseller’s list.

Comment by Anita Busch — Saturday October 3, 2009 @ 5:54pm PDT Reply to this post

 Anita, most books sold by conservatives are by liberal booksellers, such as Amazon & B&R. Dont tell me they are part of a some BS “hateful conservative” secret society.
oh and why don’t you post some actual statistics to show these supposed “conservative” book clubs are gaming the system. I could real off liberal book clubs and it proves nothing without sales figures.
In fact, it is proven that a conservative personality such as Rush Limbaugh, has a very large amount of liberals who tune in, as well as BUY CONSERVATIVE BOOKS.
The only one acting hateful is you & Letterman by accepting his treatment of these women who were his employees, whose lives he has ruined.
That is your hateful acceptance not mine.
Would you accept this behavior if it was a republican governor or senator?
I hate immorality especially by a hypocritical jokester, such a Letterman, who feels he can go after a conservative successful woman & her family, such as Palin & her children, in a sexually sick manner, when Dave’s own closet skeletons are the ones that should be brought to public light & ridiculed.
I guarantee you will never see Letterman make those kinds of jokes about Palin or her children EVER again.

Comment by lu-ee — Monday October 5, 2009 @ 7:21am PDT

• Um, I think his shtick was not well done. Notice how he just glances over the part about having sex with his female staffers at the very end. He had to come out and do this as a preemptive strike to make him look good.
I fully expect there to be some very sordid details emerging within the next few days. And Dave ain’t gonna look so good. He’s always been self destructive.

Comment by Victoria — Saturday October 3, 2009 @ 11:58am PDT Reply to this post

o Re Victoria’s comment:
If any more shoes drop regarding Letterman’s affairs, then Dave can do some more damage control by taking a few weeks off to be treated for sex addiction–returning by sometime in the November sweeps.
Comment by Terry McCarty — Saturday October 3, 2009 @ 12:38pm PDT Reply to this post

• Gross unprofessionalism. As a society, we should say, ENOUGH. He’s making far too much money and leading far too nice of a life to burden the public with his issues. Get him off the air — plenty of great young comedians who are smart and sophisticated and could use the job. Letterman, you are disgusting and haven’t been funny or pertinent in a decade. And Paul, if that is not the most BORING human being to watch…does anybody really care anymore?

Comment by Sally — Saturday October 3, 2009 @ 12:25pm PDT Reply to this post

• I thought he handled that really well and I love that he didn’t apologize. It’s amazing watching his blackmailer get his ass handed to him like that. That took some balls.

Comment by flipflop — Saturday October 3, 2009 @ 1:18pm PDT Reply to this post

• Anyone who has been a victim of a crime can empathize. When he said it was terrifying, I’ve no doubt it was.
If any of you ever become a victim of crime, your perceptions on what this was for him to do would change tremendously.
It took tremendous courage to do what he did and will take even more courage to continue on during the criminal process and the subsequent public judgment as private details emerge about his life.
Letterman didn’t hire a private investigator thug to go terrorize the guy or otherwise break the law (as other celebrities, producers, executives, etc. have done out here). He did the right thing and went to law enforcement.
Please consider that as you all make further comments about this man’s character.

Comment by Anita Busch — Saturday October 3, 2009 @ 3:38pm PDT Reply to this post

• Our industry has always been out of touch with the rest of the country but now we are reaching new lows…This Extortionist Producer is horribly wrong. Letterman is disgusting to make light of having affairs with co-workers. His audience’s response was disturbing to say the least.
And all of this on the heels the outspoken defense and petitions circulating in support of Polanski??? What has taken over the minds of our friends and co-workers? It is one thing for ‘artists’ to think of themselves as libral free thinkers…but how can they no longer see right from wrong?
This just all makes my skin crawl. I need to go take a shower.

Comment by Brook — Saturday October 3, 2009 @ 5:13pm PDT Reply to this post

• Why do I think all the women who’ve posted minus Anita are the same person? “Spread their legs”? Really? Is that how you/you all describe it? I think you sell women short — it is possible that somebody, you know, like, wanted to do it.

Comment by Me — Saturday October 3, 2009 @ 5:26pm PDT Reply to this post

• Do not like the guy for what he has done however he handled this perfectly by the political PR hand book. Made himself appear human, element of self depreciated humor and got in first will mitigate the damage on the issue for him.

Comment by speckles — Saturday October 3, 2009 @ 6:40pm PDT Reply to this post

• I’m not a fan of Letterman’s sexual escapades… BUT…
He was not married, and the sex, unless otherwise stated, was consensual.
It might be “creepy”… (I wouldn’t have sex with that man!)
…but it should be none of our business…

Comment by HelenofPeel — Saturday October 3, 2009 @ 7:20pm PDT Reply to this post

• Holderman the extortionist is a fucking moron. He could have gone to the National Enquirer and gotten $200,000 easily. He could have then made a big fat book deal and gotten the two million. His stupidity is magnified by his notion that he could’ve sold a screenplay about this. No studio would ever buy such a script they love Dave and need him so their stars can go on his show to plug their movies. Therefore Mr. Holderman deserves to go to jail for utter imbecilic stupidity. Anyone as dumb as him is clearly not fit for normal society.
As for Letterman he’s always been a jerk he’s always treated his underlings like shit taking advantage of them. He should be hit with at least two sexual harassment suits. The time is now ladies. Lawyer up call Gloria Allred and take Dave to the cleaners. He’ll settle out of court the same way Bill O’Reilly did for a shitload of money.
Any woman who slept with Dave can now make a legitimate claim that she felt obligated to sleep with him for fear of losing her job. I hope Dave has to shell out at least 20 million in settlement money so if you’re a woman who slept with him you can look forward to getting at least five million from Dave and very possibly ten million each.

Comment by Samuel J. Glick — Saturday October 3, 2009 @ 7:39pm PDT Reply to this post

• It’s amazing the amount of opinions this revelation has generated given that we have so little knowledge of the relationships Letterman had and with whom. This is not a sexual harrassment lawsuit. I reserve my comment when there is more information from which to make one.
Until then I guess people will use this as a time to voice the feelings they have about Letterman, that were formed long before this incident.

Comment by jc — Saturday October 3, 2009 @ 9:37pm PDT Reply to this post

• It’s really disgusting. And Anita Busch, you’ve obviously never been sex harassed at work by a perv.
This is sex harassment, out-and-out sex harassment.

Comment by Ms. Information — Saturday October 3, 2009 @ 10:54pm PDT Reply to this post

o You got something to say to me, put your name on your comments. Don’t hide behind anonymity and speculate about what I have or haven’t experienced in life. You know nothing about my experience.

Comment by Anita Busch — Sunday October 4, 2009 @ 3:38pm PDT Reply to this post

• He was blackmailed by this creep. Extortion is against the law. Plenty of people have relationships within the workplace. He was not married at the time.
Sex with a subordinate in a workplace is very awkward. It always ends badly for women.
However, CBS must be a very romantic place to work. Ask Les Moonves and Julie Chen.

Comment by RK — Saturday October 3, 2009 @ 11:58pm PDT Reply to this post

• So let this be a lesson to all you would be blackmailers. It’s okay to screw David Letterman but DON’T SCREW WITH David Letterman.

Comment by mattw — Sunday October 4, 2009 @ 6:43am PDT Reply to this post

• Well said, mattw. What’s the skinny on Craig Ferguson? Is it okay to screw him too? I hope so. He’s the only late night guy actually worth screwing. I like Dave but I don’t like like him, ya know?
As for the “scandal”, CBS won’t lay a hand on Dave. Regina Lasko might, however.

Comment by Ethlyn — Sunday October 4, 2009 @ 8:54am PDT Reply to this post

• This is what famous people do – get blackmailed and (often) admit what it’s about. If Letterman slept with staffers, than in itself is it a crime? No. Is it morally lax? Perhaps… As Nikki pointed out, it stinks from the top (everyone knew at CBS about Moonves sleeping w. Chen before his wife did!) and people with power do things that we mere ordinaries cannot. I would look into CBS’s policies of office romances. That said, what women did sleep with Letterman? They should keep it to themselves – I mean, really? I guess Jessica Rabbit was right – “he makes me laugh.”

Comment by F. — Sunday October 4, 2009 @ 9:24am PDT Reply to this post

o F.,
So its the women’s fault that Letterman slept with, for all the trouble Letterman will get himself into?
nice reasoning there.
If any of the women he slept with were to sue for harassment I wouldnt be surprised. Not all consenual sex is necessarily without harassment. If this blackmailer’s girlfriend wanted payback for Letterman maipulating her and lets say years later she wanted to get even, oh fukin well for Dave.
You play with fire, then you can get burned. there is a known as jealously.
…and harassment is not the kind of thing a woman can admit to the following day or week after it happens. It can remain dormant for years until a woman realizes she was manipulated & harassed into “consenual” sex.

Comment by Anonymous — Monday October 5, 2009 @ 1:31pm PDT Reply to this post

o F.,
So its the women’s fault that Letterman slept with, for all the trouble Letterman will get himself into?
nice reasoning there.
If any of the women he slept with were to sue for harassment I wouldnt be surprised. Not all consenual sex is necessarily without harassment. If this blackmailer’s girlfriend wanted payback for Letterman maipulating her and lets say years later she wanted to get even, oh fukin well for Dave.
You play with fire, then you can get burned. there is a known as jealously.
…and harassment is not the kind of thing a woman can admit to the following day or week after it happens. It can remain dormant for years until a woman realizes she was manipulated & harassed into “consenual” sex.

Comment by lu-ee — Monday October 5, 2009 @ 1:32pm PDT Reply to this post

• re: helenpeel
Regardless of whether he’s married or not, the fact is, he IS these women’s boss. Yes, they’re all consenting adults. They all want better assignment, pay, etc. What kind of work environment when it depends on whether you sleep with the boss?

Comment by BigFire — Sunday October 4, 2009 @ 11:44am PDT Reply to this post

• Wow,

The world really is so mixed up and crazy because of “female Eunuchs”. This is the REAL issue here. Women who have taken Birth Control and destroyed there minds and body’s.

Now sterilised and infertile, sexless and money obsessed; thinking long and hard in their minds, trusting their conclusions, without considering they are NOT “normal” in the 1st place. At least male eunuchs throughout history knew they were eunuchs.

A few smart comments, hats off to you. But even an “apparent” man here, so confused, just saying “sue”. “write a book” “make million’s $”, make money money money, or your an imbecile etc. Like so many, I don’t blame you buddy, how can you figure out what reality is, when LOUD PUSHY ARROGANT IGNORANT SEXLESS FEMALE EUNUCHS have taken over the world, changed laws, turned sex (the most “normal” human endeavour on earth; but something that makes eunuchs PUKE)turned sex into a crime.

David Letterman totally ROCKS. I’m from Australia, so many of us are just sooo sick of USA TV where your just going blah blah blah all day long. The rest of the world is even MORE sick of it. Blah blah blah. Like a mindless crow, ark ark ark… Hey, don’t get us wrong, were your friends, unlike the rest of the world

Ever since all this terrorism hype, 24/7. The world STOPPED listening to you. I know people who yell at their TV, “SHUT UP”!!! But most just switch off, and go outside and live a life.

Parts of the world still have positive feelings you “cowboys and girls” because of people like Letterman. Intelligent, from thinking in their own heads, people who’s heads are not full of sh*t, not sucked in by mainstream hype, a man with the balls to speak out for men, a man’s viewpoint, in a world of weak men saying “yes dear, anything you say dear”. (REAL women like to hear a REAL man’s viewpoint too)

A healthy dose of humour in an insane world. A man with the guts to be a man and “try” to walk on the edge of what LOUD pushy eunuchs will let him say.

Your country is such a mess, I may be your friend, but, it’s the LAST place in the world I would ever want to visit. But if I did visit, I would go to see Letterman, live in the studio. I absolutely LOVE the man like a brother. And he helps me to overlook USA’s short comings.

Work it out for God’s sake listen to these “so-called” women, complaining, “hating” on the net, instead of looking after Husband and family; on and on and on and on they go, blah blah blah, ranting lunatics who think they know better.

Eunuchs are going to kill the world, we may even be at war because of angry eunuchs. Their reproductive organs don’t work, but they will never admit that, it’s their “food coupon”, their still wise enough to use sex as their road to power.

You could teach as sterilised dog, to climb a ladder with food rewards, but you could never teach it to “fake” sex.

Unlike human eunuchs who will “fake” sex for money and power only, and then later feel “violated” and have trouble living with themselves.

Two words to save the planet, to sort out all your problems. BAN ESTROGEN!!! Then in forty years the next generation of women will be able to love and nurture the way women should,the way women always did, since the dawn of time.

And the world will get sane again, men won’t be angry, have extra-martial affairs, watch porn, see hookers, abuse drugs, and drone bomb wedding party’s in 3rd world country’s, to numb the pain of a loveless life, as dictated to them by loveless women; anywhere “near” as much as they do now.

Cheers friends, hope we make it, hope we survive.

Comment by Dick — Friday April 9, 2010 @ 9:45am PDT Reply to this post
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