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UK Nuclear Secrets

Postby admin_pornrev » Sun Dec 28, 2014 3:08 pm

UK Nuclear Secrets

Crusade for Justice
Posted: August 2, 2011 in Uncategorized

S17 secrets pic 1.png
S17 secrets pic 1.png (345.06 KiB) Viewed 5422 times

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S17 secrets pic 2.... page 2 of letter from AEI power group.png (151.88 KiB) Viewed 5422 times

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S17 secrets pic 3.png (219.94 KiB) Viewed 5422 times

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S17 secrets pic 4.png (640.87 KiB) Viewed 5422 times

First tribute to my late Dad.
Posted: August 2, 2011 in Dad
Tags: crusade for justice, family, Ian Sparticus Hardy, nuclear, poem, radiation poisoning, UKNuclearSecrets
Men of ANZAC, bold and true, We shall keep your memory bright,
Conquering all you had to do, Torchbearers of freedoms light.
Through the long eventful years, Still your victories fan the flames,
Which ever burn, amid the tears, Immortalizing all your names.
In the tempering heat of war, Youth was forged into the sword,
So bravely used, until men saw that all could live,
Within GODS word. Ever in the years to be,
We do vow to keep your aim, Peace on earth,eternally,
JUSTICE will be for all the same.
by my Dad,
D-E-C-E-A-S-E-D. Dad wrote this when he was blind from Radiation exposures.

Posted: July 30, 2011 in Uncategorized
1. The reason I say the man who never existed is because my Dads medical and hospital records from his multiple exposures to harmful radiation & highly toxic Beryllium at 2 secret research labs in the UK were expunged by the Official Secrets Act, after he went blind from Radiation exposure that he was daily exposed to at the Top secret research labs S.17 & S.15 a part of the Nuclear Research arm of the A.E.I Power Group at Trafford Park UK. This happened after we left the United Kingdom bound for our new life in far off Sydney Australia & after Dads job at the 2 secret research Nuclear labs ended when the laboratories were decommissioned as they had become a serious radiation hazard & posed a serious environmental hazard that resulted in the decontamination of the labs by dismantling them into small enough pieces that were then placed into steel drums then cast into concrete blocks that were later dumped into the Irish sea under cover of darkness, I only know this because my Dad was there when it all took place .

S17 secrets pic 5.png
S17 secrets pic 5.png (746.63 KiB) Viewed 5422 times

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S17 secrets pic 6.png (589.05 KiB) Viewed 5422 times

This is the true story about my Dad, our family & our extraordinary journey that has taken place over 52 years and is still unfolding to this day. My family story begins for me when I am born at 23 Rothmay drive Middleton in the United Kingdom on the 14th of February 1958 my mum always said that I was a love child and being the first son and born on Valentine’s day has always made it feel like I was one. I am one of 5 children 3 elder sisters & a younger brother. This book I purposely called Crusade for Justice because of the injustice that had become my Dad’s painful journey in life after his exposures to radiation caused his slow painful & eventual death, also it is not only a book but also an internet Crusade for Justice using @Justmelbourne @twitter @twitpic/sparticusian@hootsuite @facebook @linkedin & @scribd in an attempt to shame the United Kingdom @NUMBER10GOV into accepting most of the blame for what befell my family. It all centres around the Official Secrets Act of the United Kingdom, that was unwittingly signed by my Dad without the benefit of hindsight and if he had realized just how this single event would later affect us all then I am sure he would have declined to sign it and would never have taken on the job at the AEI POWER GROUP’s Nuclear research arm and Top secret laboratory’s S.17 & S.15, a partner of METROPOLITAN VICKERS UK that has caused us such grief ever since that day. The Official Secrets Act is a stock short title used in the United Kingdom, the Republic of Ireland, India and Malaysia and formerly in New Zealand for legislation that provides for the protection of state secrets and official information, mainly related to People working with sensitive information who are required to sign a statement to the effect that they agree to abide by the restrictions of the Official Secrets Act. This is popularly called “signing the Official Secrets Act.” Signing this has no effect on which actions are legal, as the act is a law, not a contract, and individuals are bound by it whether or not they have signed it. Signing it is intended more as a reminder to the person that they are under such obligations. To this end, it is common to sign this statement both before and after a period of employment that involves access to secrets, my Dad did sign it twice sadly due to the cutting edge research work on Nuclear reactors also the Uranium fuel elements used in the reactors & components made from Beryllium used in Nuclear bombs and other secret work he performed for the UK that was at that time 1953/1966 Top Secret.

S17 secrets pic 7.png
S17 secrets pic 7.png (561.47 KiB) Viewed 5422 times

Posted: July 30, 2011 in Uncategorized YouTube link =>
Posted: July 30, 2011 in Uncategorized
These are sketches my Dad made for his lawyers and Doctors in a failed attempt at getting compensation from the Top Secret Nuclear Research laboratories known only as S.17 a Uranium alloys research lab and S.15 Beryllium alloys research lab both integral pieces of the AEI POWERGROUP, a USA company working under the protection of the UNITED KINGDOM’S Official Secrets Act that in the end stopped my Dad from receiving any form of assistance or compensation from the UK for radiation cataracts caused from multiple radioactive exposures over a prolonged period of employment with the com pany.
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