Dicks reply to an Americanised Vietnamese usa Govt TROLL Pornrevolution.net • View topic - Dicks reply to an Americanised Vietnamese usa Govt TROLL

Dicks reply to an Americanised Vietnamese usa Govt TROLL

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Dicks reply to an Americanised Vietnamese usa Govt TROLL

Postby admin_pornrev » Sun Nov 09, 2014 12:02 pm

Dicks reply to a YouTube attack from an Americanised Vietnamese man working as a paid usa Government TROLL

(Eds Note) Poor old Dick, he's had to put up with 6 years of shit from those fucken assholes!

"You dogs will never stop will you? Not until you finish reducing yourselves to a 3rd world country with a fast downward spiralling population. It really is for the best, it's your Karma, look how crazy and dangerous you are.

You eat yankee meat, you drink yankee beer, you breath yankee smog, what are you?

Quit ya job dog, tell your work partners I wish you and them a happy sane life, not the life you're all living now.

I hope one day you all have the guts to quit your jobs and stop supporting such ruthless global tyranny, with it's busybody "higher than thou" mindset, but ever keen eye to steal money from whoever you declare the enemy. Sticking ya noses in everyone's business and making ignorant assessments.

Whenever there is a problem in the world, there you are, hiding in the shadows. Pulling your sly dirty tricks on innocent unsuspecting victims.

Your genuine legends, in your own minds...... while in fact the entire world despises you. Giving orders and causing pain, suffering and death to millions of innocent people.

Go back to your homeland, reconnect with your roots, if you really are what you claim to be. Go home, your children will thank you for it one day. Spend some time thinking about what is truly right and wrong instead of repeating dribble like a parrot. You think like that because you live in a land full of sick toxic capitalist scum-bags.

Your women are not women they are bossy eunuchs, and your turning into a wimpy gay man because of the xeno-estrogens all though your food chain. That's some of the real poison you greedy ignorant scum are spreading all over the world.

You just say what the eunuchs want to hear. Think about it, doesn't matter what you say or how many times you mow their lawn, they will never ever give you a half decent fuck, because they are sick and sterilised.

Hope you re-evaluate that warped sad reality you live in, one day. Go back to your homeland, free your genetic line from the inevitable suffering, doesn't matter how much money you make it will never make up for the suffering from the bad Karma of working for greedy murderous tyrants... Your life is meaningless as a yank, you’re just living for you.

Now, as always, I'm gonna block ya's."
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