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Postby admin_pornrev » Tue Dec 24, 2013 11:48 pm

Water Fueled Engine Instructions
Possibility of normal internal combustion engine becoming 230% - 300% efficient


FROM: https://sites.google.com/site/iusewaterasfuel/

donation page
Stanley Allen Meyer
Water Fueled Engine Instructions


water ignition test The Forum
Where the magic happens! Water Fueled Engine Instructions
Possibility of normal internal combustion engine becoming 230% - 300% efficient from 20% – 30%
Donation / Business Plan and Investment
Inventing a new future, together!
Stanley A. Meyer

Since before time been people have been working with water. Water is the reason we have been given life and with out it all life as we know it would no longer survive. Monks resonate water through deep reverberations from their throat to give it energy. Scientists have been baffled at its greatness and unusual properties. Most people drink it every day and think "it's just plain boring water". Well it's not. It is in fact the most unique substance that exists on our planet.

This unique substance contains its own perfect fuel hydrogen oxygen gases and when ignited it goes right back to water. So I have designed the most basic easiest way to achieve running an engine on water. I have designed 6 different ways of doing this by slightly modifying the internal combustion engine. So I want to teach you all each way in an open sourced build to achieve each and every way of doing so and when we are finished with the first engine we will have increased the engines efficiency over 100%.

In order to do this we need your help. We need some more technical people on the team. We would also like to ask the public to donate anything they can spare. We do not want to patent it which will prevent the people from having it like everyone else before me has discovered. We don't want to have it controlled by corporations. We want to just be able to do this as our jobs and teach the world how we can prevent the next oil spill or nuclear catastrophe.

So please help us. Help us help and change the world. We are looking for donations or investors and volunteers. We need web and graphic and CAD designers. We will also be looking for electronic engineer help once we have the first part of the kit released. More information can be found here

Here is all the information you need to know. It would be nice to find an animating expert to help us show in an animated for how the engine will operate.

http://water.x10.mx/phpbb/viewforum.php ... 6b34297c7d

Water Fueled Engine Introduction

This product(s) will be presented in 100 percent open source and there is no room for negotiations on how the inventor wishes to release this information to the public. The reasoning for the lack of control of the inventor’s intellectual property is due to the great impact and change his inventions will cause on the planet.

There are seven billion people on our planet and much profit can be made by all. If this intellectual property is patented it will take up to twenty years to implement. If the inventions are free to market by anyone then the transition to a cleaner better world can happen as quickly as five years.

The inventor feels that a technology such as this and the benefit to the world should not be held by one individual. Accordingly, individuals who have the resources to create one can do so which will create millions of jobs worldwide, boosting the economy and saving people a great deal of money, not to mention prevent and in some cases reverse pollution.
Contact Us

If you have any questions and/or comments regarding this business plan please feel free to contact the inventor at h2oplasmaplug@gmail.com.

==============================================================> WATER FUELED ENGINE INSTRUCTIONS <====================================================================

FROM: https://sites.google.com/site/iusewater ... structions

Water Fueled Engine Instructions
How to run a engine on water
By inventor Matt McMahon

((The management systems for power and fuel))
This is describing functions for a 1983 450cc Honda nighthawk for a power generating unit. Mostly all these functions will apply for a 1 liter engine.

(Battery/power storage management)
The Battery is connected to the water fuel cell and the generator.
Battery has its own management system that monitors between the water fuel cell and the incoming power from generator.

(Water fuel cell (WFC) description)
The WFC has its own management system.

Plate dimensions 15" x 15" x 1/16" thick.
Plate spacing 1/16"
There will be 100 cells.
Each cell will have 4 to 6 plates.

(Water Fuel Cell functions)
Monitors flow rate of hho and maintained by current adjustment on each cell.
Minimum and maximum pressures will be set.
Once pressure decreases more cells turn on.
Once max pressure is reached cells consecutively turn off.
The cells will alternate to ones not being used.
Monitors fuel quality and mixture
Monitors flow rate of water
Monitors altitude and adjusts resistance accordingly.
(Monitors hot and cold temperatures)
The cell will empty if the water is becoming to cold, in to a heated container. This way it will protect the cell from water to ice expansion damage and warping.
If the cell starts to become too hot, a circulating pump turns on to cool it down.
The temperature of the water effects the current draw so if the cell is kept at an optimal temperature less electrolyte will be required.
Magnets on the cell also draw more current again requiring less electrolyte.
A separating membrane would be good for hydrogen backup storage. This would leave the option of having less batteries for start up. The hydrogen fuel will be your energy storage.

(Recharging battery/power storage and hydrogen tanks for energy storage and start up)
After start up battery or water fuel cell H and O separator charges back up for the next start.
Pressure sensor for tank storage On and OFF.
Fuel quality and fuel ratio sensor will be a great safety feature this way if the membrane on the separator is broken then the cell will turn off preventing a flash back in a pressurized hydrogen tank. If the fuel has a catalyst or oxygen source it will compromise safety. So it will be mandatory for commercial sales.
(Intake fuel management system)
The fuel goes to an electronic valve that is controlled in the same way a vacuum advance works. The more fuel the engine needs the more hydrogen oxygen fuel is provided.
In the future it would be best to apply gas according to the rpm. If you know the volume of gas required in every piston stroke then you can completely apply exactly the amount of fuel needed.
This will also lead us into future direct fuel injected system.
Intake air will be restricted by a valve or motorized stopper as to not allow the 2:1 hydrogen /oxygen injected mixture to dilute past its optimal dilution mixture.
Hydrogen oxygen fuel natural 2:1 ratio from water actually implodes prior to explosion. So it is best to add ambient air and 10 percent nitrogen recirculated from the exhaust to dilute the mixture just right after the implosion ratio air to mixed fuel.
(Engine power generation from I.C.E. mechanical energy)
The internal combustion engine is connected to a transmission.
The transmission is connected to a power generating electric motor. "This in the future may be better off without it."
An electric motor or hydraulic arm controls the clutch for what gear the transmission is required to supply the proper rpm.
If gear shifts down and engine revs up the WFC will automatically turn on extra cells to compensate for pressure loss in the system while maintaining the constant pressure.
The generator is connected to a circuit that powers the WFC and charges the batteries or hydrogen fuel back up after startup. It also supplies all power required for the monitoring and management systems.
Fuel output will vary based on additional load to the generator. If more power is required then more fuel is fed to the engine to handle the horsepower draw from the power generating motor.

There will be an issue of water forming inside of the oil. So see version 2 below to rectify that issue.
After the basic SYSTEM (V1) is completed we will know the exact amount of excess energy left over or if the calculations I have made are wrong we will know how much additional energy we need to recapture from the engines wasted energy that isn't conventionally used.

V1. Uses mechanical energy from the internal combustion engine to self run the engine on water fuel. This version uses the basic form of electrolysis with a very large water fuel cell.
After version 1 is complete we will get in to completely self tuning of water resistant using high voltage high frequency electrolysis for V 2. We will also begin experiments to see if a separating membrane would be as effective for both of these forms of electrolysis to use just the hydrogen as it is a much safer process for the future consumers.
V2. Uses the wasted heat from the exhaust to generate energy in 2 ways. One being to transfer the heat with a heat exchanger. The heat exchanger will be using water as the heat absorbing medium. The water will boil within a few minutes to create steam that will spin a 10 kw + generator. The power generation will vary based on engine as will the size of the heat exchangers themselves. The second will be to cover the heat exchanger and the turbine with Peltiers to generate additional energy.
At this point we will begin experimenting with steam electrolysis as the water is already in an excited state once it's come out of the steam turbine. Which by theory should require even less energy to break the water molecule bonds.
Water will form inside the oil so one of the heat exchangers will have a direct line with antifreeze in it going to the bottom of the oil pan to bring the oil temperature above 100 degrees celcius. This will allow the oil to always boil off the water.
V3. Will generate power using exhaust pressures to spin a turbine after it comes out of the engine exhaust heat exchanger. Energy output will vary based on engine size.
At this point we will conduct experiments to test whether the exhaust itself will require less energy to split the water molecule bonds. The exhaust itself will be in a steam state which is already excited but the water molecules themselves are in an ionized state. This is due to a release in electrical energy once the molecules recombined during the explosion process.
Possibly a combination of exhaust and steam from the heat exchanger will prove to be optimal.
Also it will be best to line the outer exhaust with Peltiers to generate even more energy from the wasted heat. We will conduct an experiment to see how much energy can be generated through heat exchangers and Peltiers till the exhaust is cool. This will make it much better for condensing the exhaust to water rather than having to use an external energy source to cool the exhaust.
V4. Will generate energy using the vacuum pressure from the intake manifold. The vacuum pressure will spin a power generating turbine.
We will also encase the Peltiers on the heat exchanger and the turbine in a box. Before encasing both units we will create an aluminum heat exchanger on the cool side of the Peltiers. Then we will vent the incoming air from the outside to pass through the encased unit with the Peltiers to create a higher temperature difference to allow for a greater energy production from the Peltiers. The air inside the Peltiers then go to the vacuum turbine.
Eventually V2 V3 and V4 will be combined into one unit. The V234 will be geared accordingly based on the different rpms of each energy extracted unit to generate a lot of torque to generate more than enough energy to run on water. The engine can more then provide the energy to separate the water molecules into hydrogen and oxygen even with a conventional method. This will allow the generator to be removed from the engine and transmission. But if we were to design an adapter to have the transmission still attached to the generator you could park your automobile within your home and then plug in to the grid or your house to create the power you need.
V5. Will generate energy from placing a small set of plates inside the exhaust system it self to extract the electrical energy released from the explosion of the hydrogen and oxygen within the piston of the internal combustion engine. This system will be placed between the exhaust heat exchanger and the exhaust manifold. If this method proves to provide a usable amount of energy then everything within the engine must be electrically insulated. This can be achieved by porcelain coating all parts that are exposed to the exhaust up to the energy extracting unit as well as its inner walls. This will also assist in thermally insulating the engine and manifold to restrict heat from transferring into the engine thus allowing more of the thermal energy to transfer into the heat exchangers.
At this point we will begin experimenting with photon laser injection directly between the water fuel cell plates or tubes. This should make the steam separate into its elements with even less energy.
At any point during or after any of the versions the exhaust steam can be condensed back to water, then filtered then reprocessed back into the water fuel cell or the heat exchangers. This will allow for minimal fill ups. The water retains memory from its processes so this may also increase the H and O production with even less energy input for splitting the bonds.
We could also put an on board atmospheric water generator or something as simple as a dehumidifier to extract water from the air making it so you never have to fill the tank for the life of the automobile.
V6. Will be to have a custom built engine to better suit the hydrogen fuel and to recapture wasted heat energy. The engine will also be lined with Peltiers to capture more heat energy. Once we are at this stage we will be able to build rolling chassis with everything built right in. This will allow us to go into full automobile manufacturing. This will also allow us to manufacture home and commercial power units as well as power generating plants.
I have also designed a system that will take the air moving behind the vehicle to spin a vertical wind power generator. This may or may not prove to be efficient as it may create additional drag on the automobile. But I believe if it's put behind the vehicle it will not create drag.
The body of the vehicle may also be lined with solar panels to create additional energy but will most likely not be needed as the other energy extraction units will more then provide the on demand energy required to separate the water molecule bonds in any conventional and non-conventional version.
As a conclusion to all the versions and experiments to be conducted I believe that we will be able to recapture so much additional energy that we will greatly exceed what an internal combustion engine was previously assumed to be generated. The hydrogen / oxygen fuel will make the engine itself generate 2.5 to 3 times more energy due to the fact it's more explosive than gasoline.

Matthew McMahon
Ottawa Ontario Canada
November 12 2012

How to run an engine on water
By inventor Matt McMahon

((How a stationary engine will run on water ))
I have included some aspects for the automotive industry but much more description will be required as the automobile system is even more complex.
(Suzuki G engine specs - Wikipedia)

(Specifications for a 1986 suzuki swift 1 L engine.)

Max output: 48 hp 36 kw per second at
.(5.100 Rpm). = 85 Rpm’s

Peak output: @ 3.200 rpm = 53.3333333333 Rpm’s

(Calculation for max power at 3200 rpm)

5,100 rpm divided by 48 hp
48÷5,100 = 0.0094117647 hp per rpm
0.0070588235 × 3,200 rpm
=22.5882352 hp for 3,200 rpm
Divide 22.5882352 hp by 60 second = 0.3764705867 hp/ps

5,100 rpm divided by 36 kw
36÷5,100 = 0.0070588235 kw per rpm.
0.0094117647 ×3,200 rpm
=53.3333333333 kw per rpm
Divide 53.3333333333 kw by 60 seconds = 888.8888889 watts per rpms

Peak curve power output at 3200 rpm
30.12 kwm
888.89 watts
22.59 hpm
. 38 hp/ps

(Hydrogen Oxygen fuel from water engine consumption)
On average it takes between 150 to 200 watts to create 1 liter of hydrogen oxygen gas from water.
The 1 liter engine requires 13 Liters per minute to idle around 900 rpm.
This is an energy requirement of a minimum 1950 watts to 2600 watts
So that is only 2.61499307 to 3.48665743 hp consumed to idle a 48 hp engine.
Now to bring the engine up to the fuel consumption to run at peak output 900 rpm will need to be increased 4 times.
So 4 times 1950 watts to 2600 watts = 7,800 watts to 10,400 watts to run the engine at peek curve rpm that is 10.4599723 to 13.9466297 hp consumed.
Now an engine running on fuel from water actually has more torque and performance due to the fact the fuel is is 2.3 times more powerful when made on demand. This will mean that an engine that once produced 48 hp can now in fact produce 110.4 hp. This complicates calculations due to the need to tweak timing and other parts of the engine. So We won't even consider this until after all calculations have been made at the end of this article.

(Why the system completely consumes less)
It is the below modifications that are listed that really make this full system special and very efficient. All systems are secondary systems that provide energy without consuming horsepower from the engine. This will mean that the engine will have more than enough additional energy to provide all accessories with the mechanical energy they require.
For instance the alternator will no longer be needed to consume mechanical energy from the engine as the listed energy sources below will provide more than enough energy to power all the accessories.
The steering pump for automobiles will no longer be need to consume mechanical energy from the engine as the energy sources below can mechanically or electrically provide the energy requirement.
The cooling system pump will no longer be need to consume mechanical energy from the engine as the energy sources below can mechanically or electrically provide the energy requirement. The design of the coolant conduits can also be changed within the engine to operate on a more of a gravity feed cooling system which will also lessen the amount of energy needed to keep the system at operating temperature.
The air conditioning compressor pump for automobiles will no longer be need to consume mechanical energy from the engine as the energy sources below can mechanically or electrically provide the energy requirement.
Reference below states that 2% percent of the mechanical energy from the engine is required for accessories. I believe it is more than 2% percent and I feel it is a very rough estimate.
In the link below they state because of the inefficiency within the vehicle's system there is great room for improvement I am offering just that.
http://www.consumerenergycenter.org/tra ... osses.html
(Automotive induction braking system)
I have designed a way of generate energy directly from braking system. This system can directly be added to the the present braking system to lessen the need or completely remove the need to replace brake pads for the life of the automobile. There is a lot of weight force being stopped when braking an automobile that cause a huge potential to create and store a lot of additional energy.

(Fuel consumption and fuel mixture)
The intake manifold requires a new design to properly mix 3 gas evenly. Very little ambient air is required. The engine will require a minimum of 10 percent of the recycled exhaust for nitrogen to slow down the burn rate to equal fossil fuels.
The experiment didn't have any modifications besides a propane carburetor.
This 1 L engine requires 1300 ml of gaseous fuel from water every 60 seconds to idle.
1,300 ml ÷ 60 seconds
=21.6666666667 ml of H2 O2 fuel from water every second.

(Engine modifications required)

(Intake manifold)
(((picture insertion)))
The three gases will be mixed into a chamber that has one bullet shape into another to create a type of valve that will be electronically controlled. The reason for the geometry is to force the three gasses into a small area yet as the same time causing a vortex effect. The adapter has a double bullet shape so this way the gas is pushed out then once more forced back together to go into the combustion chamber.
(Intake vacuum energy recovery)
The gases going into the intake would create a flow. This is a source of energy. This source of energy could help mix the fuel illuminating the need for a 4 port three part mixing chamber. Almost 10 percent of the engines wasted energy can be recaptured here and for free. This process can also be multiplied a few times as long as the engine is pulling a vacuum and not being choked out.

(Valves and seats)
The material of the valve and seat need to be changed to a special stainless steel to prevent hydrogen embrittlement. (**need to find grade again**) it would be even best to porcelain coat the parts places on them that don't actually come in contact with each other. It would be useful to eventually develop a composite made of some type of high impact porcelain or resin.

(Combustion chamber and pistons)
The combustion chamber and pistons must be porcelain coated the same way they do for race engines. Coating it will electrically and thermally insulate them from the hydrogen and the heat.
In the future conductive alloys will be mixed with parts of the of the porcelain. This will allow for some of the electrical energy released during explosion to be transferred into electrical conduits to then be used back in the hydrogen extraction process.

(Exhaust manifold)
The exhaust manifold will be internally ceramic coated to protect electrically and thermally from the hydrogen embrittlement.

(Combustion reaction creating electrical energy) ~changing hydrogens energy in physics~
Burning hydrogen and because of a non tested source of exothermic energy of the bonds being recombined as well as ionized from the light released during explosion the energy would have normally be wasted. The medium will create a physical electrical energy charge in the steam/exhaust that can be absorbed with electrically insulated conductive plates. This energy will be measured and calculated to transfer this energy back into the hydrogen production. This will only be able to be formulated and calculations created after measuring the output. Doing this will most likely change the electrical energy of hydrogen itself as this is missing from physics or I have yet to find it in my extensive searches. This means 287 mol/j is not a correct calculation as not all energy released from hydrogen during ignition is not measured. There will also be photons ejecting from the engine that could be electromagnetically reabsorbed.

(Exhaust pressure energy recovery)
This is also a source of energy that is not really used. The pressure of the exhaust could spin a turbine that would then generate electricity. Up to a 10 percent energy recovery can be utilized this way.

(Exhaust system)
The exhaust system will be ceramic coated inside and out to electrically and thermally insulated
Exhaust vents in to cooling liquid to bring it back to under 100 c
Cooled exhaust will go to a valve to be injected into the engine.
The medium to cool the exhaust would best be water.

(Heat exchanger exhaust energy recovery system)
Using a series of heat exchangers will produce at least 40 percent of additional energy that can be converted to electrical energy with a turbine or steam engine.

(Steam from steam engine or turbine)
The steam can be passed through a heat exchanger to preheat the water going to the heat exchanger that creates power from the steam. The remainder of the steam that has gone through the turbine or steam engine that has passed through the cooling heat exchanger can then be passed through a high voltage high frequency electrolysis cell to create a very efficient form of electrolysis. This will be implemented on the second or 3rd prototype.

(Water recycling)
The remainder of the exhaust steam will be put in a series of heat exchangers to cool down the exhaust so it can be condensed back to a liquid water then filtered then reprocessed. Also using the intake airs first entry point here will provide some wasted heat back to the engine to be reused.

With this much energy recovery the engine can be brought up to at least 80 percent efficiency at minimum. When the type of electrolysis is changed to a very efficient way the engine has the potential to exceed unity. At this point with the changing of fuel type there is already a great chance of exceeding unity. I believe with this full system in place that unity will be far surpassed and the engine will run cool.

(Coolant system energy recovery)
The coolant should not need to be externally cooled with a fan. The coolant should transfer into a heat exchanger to create steam. The steam will then be added to the steam that goes into the turbine.

(Exterior engine heat exchanger)
The engine should have additional small conduits that carry water to transfer the remainder of the engines heat to boil water.

There is a possibility of a almost completely closed loop system.

(Remainder of heat energy collection peltier)
Any single part of the system that has any type of heat being produced can be covered with Peltiers. This could boost the engines efficiency another 10 percent which will make the engine run at 100 percent efficiency. The Peltiers will be transfer the remainder of the wasted heat to energy. The cool side of the Peltiers will have conduits on them to pass the intake air by them which will cause more of an apposite thermal temperature. This will allow for more heat energy to be transferred back to the engine. The heat collected will be transferred to a heat exchanger holding water prior to entering the engine.

(Automotive electric hydrogen combustion and fuel cell)
In the future it will be best to have a small engine on board an electric vehicle that keeps the energy storage topped up at all times and the electric automobile will just directly run off the hydrogen combustion engine. There will also eventually be the need to have a on board hydrogen fuel cell this way the additional energy provided during coasting will be able to be stored and assist on acceleration to lessen the spike load on the power storage a units.
(Cold climate temperature freezing concerns for automotive application)
The water storage tanks will be heavily insulated as well it will contain a thermal heat storage medium that absorbs heat then slowly releases it over time. The tanks will have a very efficient induction heater that will operate off battery storage but if the veihicle is plugged in to an outlet it will maintain the operating temperature. As a back up there will be a pump to circulate the water as water can not freeze if it's moving. There also can be a back up engine start to restart the engine to recharge the system and bring it back up to proper temperature. As a last final safety measure the vehicle can have a series of rubber holding tanks. With a small element and heat exchanger with in it. An engine requires less then a cup of water. So a last final battery could be used to heat the water and flow it through the water fuel cell to warm it up. If you go to turn your ignition and a red warning light would come on saying heating system. The consumer will have the option at this point to push a auto start button. Once the system is heated the automobile will have a green light indicating for the operator to either turn the ignition On or the ignition will turn on automatically if the consumer has pushed the button.

I believe if I am given the opportunity I can prove I can show the world a new generation of power production as well as in my advancements a new world of automotive transportation that will have no limits or bounds to its applications. Home heating, transportation, shipping, aviation, and space travel.

Thank you for your time.
Inventor Matthew McMahon
Ottawa Ontario Canada
February 21 / 2013
Site Admin
Posts: 832
Joined: Mon Jul 06, 2009 4:35 pm

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