The Pirate Party: how to bypass the great Australian firewal • View topic - The Pirate Party: how to bypass the great Australian firewal

The Pirate Party: how to bypass the great Australian firewal

We are building a large collection of sex-related stuff. Anyone can have us publish their stuff, for free

The Pirate Party: how to bypass the great Australian firewal

Postby admin_pornrev » Mon Jun 07, 2010 5:21 am

EDs Note: Get it while you can folks. I have seen this site "down" before but they got up again. So keep an eye on this link if you can't find anything.... Just the same I suspect this article won't last.

Click on the link for the full story. Cheers

The Pirate Party: how to bypass the great Australian firewall By Darren Pauli

FROM: ... =18&fpid=0

» Slideshow » The Pirate Party: how to bypass the great Australian firewall

The Pirate Party: how to bypass the great Australian firewall By Darren Pauli
If an army of 70-year olds can get around the government's net filter, so can you. Here's how.
» Slideshow info

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When Exit International wanted to ensure its members could access its pro-euthanasia material, set to be blocked under the government's proposed Internet content filter, it turned to the Pirate Party of Australia.
The Pirate Party hates the Internet filter and readily put Exit International in contact with member David Campbell, from Newcastle IT shop ClearComputers.
The brief? To teach 70-year olds to bypass the Internet filter. Campbell accepted the challenge, and proved breaking the filter is not just child's play. Your grandma can do it too.
He was kind enough to supply Computerworld with his powerpoint presentation, so the rest of us can always receive unfiltered Internet.
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