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RESPECT PORN by Dick Amateur

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RESPECT PORN by Dick Amateur

Postby admin_pornrev » Wed Aug 05, 2009 5:54 am

RESPECT PORN, it can be a glass of fine wine once a week or a flagon of cheap plonk every night

Like it or not PORN is taking over, there seems to be a lot of division about this issue.

It seems more and more people are realising its ok every day, BUT, in the same breath some people are “viciously” opposed to it.

It’s hard for me to be sure where the “heads are at”, amongst those who hacked my porn site and dropped me again and again, just as I get on top of everything, crash, sabotaged again.

It’s so wrong really, Freedom of speech is so important to a fair and just society.

If what I’m trying to say is “codswallop”, “a crock of shit”, well, leave that for the people to decide. Clearly, various extremists don’t want me to be heard, clearly they fear my words have some amount of, power, and make a “degree” of sense to thinking people, and feel threatened by me.

I seem to stir up a lot of groups, INADVERTENLY; the anti-porn extremists, the anti-hippy extremists, the anti-vegetarian extremists, the “legal” drug companies, various Government agencies, even other porn site competitor’s. And, just ignorant people, in general.

I don’t mean anyone any wrong, I’m trying to love you all like brothers and sisters. It’s not easy sometimes, but I won’t stop trying.

I just want to see the problems of this world sorted out, I think most of us want to see that, some have resigned themselves to the belief we will always be a messed up society, but even those people, if offered a choice, if it WAS possible to have a sane and sensible world, well that is the choice they would pick.

Of course I’m very annoyed about how difficult the hackers and various other secret enemies’ have made my life. They have made my life, very difficult. But in many ways they just spur me onward, they make it clearer to me of how, I must break though the dogma and the hype. For, the good of the earth, planet and people.

Now on with why this post caught your eye in the 1st place, PORNOGRAPHY.

Like it or hate it porn is probably here to stay, I believe we will be living in a very dark a dangerous, world if it is banned.

BUT, I do believe porn must be respected.

Oprah Winfree, has now done 1 of her shows, condoning porn, she was saying on one of her shows, quote...“a few years ago, I condemned porn, but now I’m saying a little bit of porn can really improve relationships between couples”. unquote

I agree entirely, THE WORLD NEEDS PORN!

BUT respect it. It is powerful, RESPECT powerful things, they can make you or break you!

PORN can be like glass of fine wine, one glass of fine wine, 1 maybe even 3 times a week. Can be something that can really improve quality of life, OR it can, like so many things, become a harmful addiction, become no different in a sense to a flagon of “cheap” plonk every night, in which case, your life will start to seriously SUCK., and fall apart.

Porn CAN be as dangerous as a hard drug. That’s why it should NEVER be given to under 18’s.

It is too powerful. It can and does mess people up. And a perfectly pure, innocent young mind is not ready for this potentially highly addictive “brain stimulant”.

Allowing under 18’s access to porn is no different to giving minors straight spirits, handing them a bottle of Jim Beam Whiskey, and saying “now don’t get too plastered ok”...Yes Porn too can be very dangerous to minors, and of course adults also, who can’t use “restraint” in their lives

Sex addictions, can cause people to “make their mind try cash cheques their body can’t deliver”, its well documented amongst doctors, how people can “thrash themselves”, completely destroy their body, completely exhaust their reproductive organs from excessive amounts of sex.

It is good to give the sex organs a good work out, it really is. Sex is good, don’t let anyone convince you otherwise.

It can be very bad to not have sex at all, not having sex can warp the mind also, that is why some Catholic priests “go strange”.

But too much sex can be harmful, if your mind keeps forcing yourself to do a “25 kilometre marathon” of sex every day.

If you are a man, too much sex will have you ending up doing the “weirdo shuffle”. Look around enough and you will see people doing this shuffle, don’t be too quick to judge, some could be suffering from other health conditions.

When I was young, a lot of men who did the “weirdo shuffle”, used to hang around toilets at night. They “shuffle”, they can’t walk properly, their legs are fucked, from too much sex.
Professional boxers know all about this, seriously good boxers often refrain from sex because it can be bad for leg strength, and strong legs are very important in boxing.

Muhammad Ali would often refrain from sex for up to a year before a big title fight, these stints of celibacy would give him incredible strength.

Now I’m sure a lot of teens just can’t see my angle, when I say porn is not for under 18’s because they are not ready for it. They really feel they have already grown up, and they are ready to experience all life has to offer .

Young people, this is where you just have to trust us and try to consider what us old “farts” are trying to say. You HAVE to trust us on this issue. We DO have much more experience than you.

While our life’s are DEEPLY enriched by your enthusiasm, your purity, you innocence, your fun loving attitude. While YOU help to keep as young in mind and spirit. PLEASE consider this, when you were 15 years old, think back 5 years to when you were 10 years old.

Now at 10 years of age you were “just a kid” then right?

And how did you feel at ten about how you were at 5 years of age, man oh man, you were “just a baby” then right?

We go through this ALL OUR LIVES! When you are 20 years old you will look back at when you were 15 and say you were just a kid, when you are 25 you will look back to when you were 20 and say you were immature, when you are 30 you will look back at when you were 25 and say you were inexperienced and young.

It will happen to you when you are 55, looking back to when you were 50. Because life is FUL of EXPERENCES that, shape us, that make us grow. We NEVER stop growing up and getting wiser and more capable of dealing with the circumstances that confront us.

Almost “every” addiction is an ENIMEY, and sooo many things are addictive..... Get addicted to being happy, that is a positive addiction; learn to be happy, deep inside, no matter what external situations affect you.

When you can be happy no matter how difficult life is treating you, then you will be invincible, and your life will become RICH in positive experience, sure bad things will still happen to you but you will be more open to the good, and more good will flow into your life.

And even when things are bad, you will always be able to look on the bright side of the situation and find things to smile about. Inner BLISS. Try to stay focused on Inner Bliss.

If you are under 18, what are you doing on these pages? I have a porn site, you shouldn’t be here!

Finnish reading this and GET OFF MY SITE!

But I know some of you are clever enough to find your way in here anyway, and won’t listen to me. You think your grown up enough also, and us silly old buggers don’t know what we’re talking about anyway.

Please consider, some things are very addictive, and MOST addictions are really bad for mind body and soul.

But hey, I will go further than most “oldies”, you can get addicted to McDonalds, you can get addicted to “hate death and war” shows on TV, as a matter of fact, you probably are and so are your parents, your parents didn’t realise this is extremely harmfull, to your mind body and soul.

The Government just allowed this soul destroying crap to “slip by” and everyone grew up on it and think nothing of it, and it has shaped our society for the worst.

That is why we NEED porn, that is; “non violent erotica”, to counteract all this violence stuff
Now we watch on T.V. how millions of people are dying in wars and we think very little of it, we think it is a “necessary” evil.

We HAVE to wage war to get the “bad guys”, we need heavy handed police to “get the bad guys”.

Truth is their is very few “genuinely” bad guys, most people act on the reality in their head, from the “information” they receive.

There is a saying, “ In order to get good men to do evil, one must 1st convince them that they are really doing good” ... The soldiers, killing people, “fighting for the freedom of our country”, it’s crap, it’s totally unacceptable, murder is murder, the most horrendous crime on earth.

Unfortunately we DO have to defend ourselves from attacks from imbalanced people, but great minds, possibly even YOUR GREAT MIND, 1day, MUST, think of different ways for society to act.

Positive non violent ways. For the good of all life on earth, for the advancement of our civilisation. So that we don’t crash and burn like almost every GREAT civilisation that ever existed before us on this ancient planet.

So that this time we “make it”, this time we become “star trekkers” this time we make it to the year 2323, and can do things beyond our wildest dreams, and colonise other planets.

You know if someone can think of it, eventually someone can do it.

Once people dreamt of robots and flying to the moon and permanent space stations, now we are doing it.

Just look at what else people are now thinking about, travelling though “worm holes”, “bending” space and time. Travelling 3 times the speed of light. “Freezing” ourselves, travelling though time, building domes and establishing city’s on other planets.

If we can think of it, we can do it, one day, we just have to last, not blow ourselves up with our squabbles between each other and other nations.

Good luck friends,

I sincerely hope you have a happy joyous healthy life,

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